Moving forward on the tree removal protest
Coconut Grove TreeWatch and a group of neighbors are meeting tomorrow night to discuss the BID's plan to remove 11 trees on Florida Avenue, they have a petition against it, and in short say, "The City needs to recognize that tearing down trees as the first and only option cannot continue to be business as usual. There are other mitigation efforts to fix deficient sidewalks and save these trees that are being completely ignored. Thus, we're hopeful that we can get at least 100 residents to meet up for a drink and ultimately sign a petition to Commissioner Sarnoff and the Capital Improvement department expressing our frustration with the tree removal projects."
If you click the image above, it will open much larger and you can see the plan for the trees.
Miami's Historical and Environmental Preservation Board recently denied an appeal by TreeWatch, which hoped to stop the removal of the trees.
The meeting is being held tomorrow, Thursday, January 5 at 8:00 pm. at Peacock Garden Cafe (2889 McFarlane Road).
The neighbors have asked for various materials regarding the issue, but to this date only received the arborist report, which they call "a naked eye assessment."That assessment is attached here as a PDF file.
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