David told me that he wishes to complete the BID's street scape and trees project and also have something finally done in the way of restoration of the Coconut Grove Playhouse.
He handed in his resignation to Comm. Marc Sarnoff a couple of days ago. I have this long diatribe I am publishing next week on all that is wrong with the BID, but David was not on my list.
According to sources, there will be a nationwide search for a replacement, but between you and me, that is just going through the motions and they will probably hire someone from within Sarnoff's inner circle after the charade of an RFP goes forward. Let's see what happens. But I am also told by other sources that David isn't going anywhere. They will not accept his resignation. Let's see how this plays out. As the Grove Turns . . .
The ineptness of the BID is more than the BID director. As stores fall like dominoes up and down the streets, the BID goes on as if nothing is wrong. They were literally counting bricks the other day at a BID meeting, preparing for their street scape project. It's more important for them to replace the sidewalks (and trees) than to deal with the non-stop departure of longtime tenants. Rumor is that Johnny Rockets is next to go, next month.
David and I have our disagreements, which are almost daily, but we are friends and get along fine. I do hold back stories so as not to hurt his feelings at times. I write about everyone else in town, but they seem to brush it off, David doesn't. But he is friendly enough with me to come up and tell me to my face. So I always respect that. And his door is always open to me, but I do creep around his office when I write something I know he might not care for.
Al Crespo broke the story, as he does with most of this type stuff, so I'll hand over the story from here to Al, where you can read David's resignation letter and more at the Crespo-Gram Report.
Photo courtesy Al Crespo
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