That's Bruce Siegel, GM of the Mayfair Hotel & Spa, welcoming me to the Coconut Grove Arts Festival Sponsors Breakast, which was held Friday morning at the Mayfair. The Grapevine is one of the sponsors, but I would have been there anyway to cover the event.
The yearly breakfast is quite popular and the board of directors meets with the sponsors and they discuss logistics of the Arts Festival over a buffet breakfast. At left are Melissa Nobles, from Kiskinis, the BID's PR firm and Brandon Vantuijn, Art Festival office volunteer; at right Monty Trainer, president of the festival board, welcomes guests to the breakfast.
Marshall Steingold, of Miami Maps and Arts Festival board member, Katrina Delgado, Special Events and Artist Manager and Alex Cubillos, Marketing Manager from Costco, one of the sponsors. For a bunch more photos, please click here.
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