I also am speaking with newspapers and other venues and will keep you updated on that, but to start reading today, you may find Tomversation at Tomversation.com or at the comics.com website here.
I have been drawing and cartooning ever since I was a kid, my comics and drawings have appeared in many newspapers, magazines and even books and of course online in various locations. I have always been busy doing other things, like the Grapevine, for instance, so I never made it my life's work, but I hope to change that now.
Many of you have seen many of the cartoons already because I've shown them around as I have been working on them, getting people's opinions, so some of the published works, you may have seen before, I have also had some of them published before, as I stated earlier, so you may have seen them online, in newspapers and in books and magazines, like the Grove Hotspot's magazine. I have also had work in the Wine Magazine and many national publications.
In the mid-1990s, King Features syndicate published my work in hundreds of newspapers a few times a month, under the name "The New Breed," this is where many up and coming cartoonists shared the space to have their work shown to thousands of people on the comics pages in papers all over the country.
So now I have resurrected some of those cartoons and have many new ones, which will be updated Monday through Friday for now and eventually seven days a week. I have a backlog of about 200 panels done right now (yes, I've been busy). I didn't want to fall behind in publishing daily, it's easy to do that.
I'll publish the 200 throughout the year and of course add new ones constantly. The good part about a webcomic is that it is instant, so I can have a comic published tomorrow for instance, about some news or cultural event that happened tonight. Like who won Survivor or Big Brother, who won the Superbowl or World Series? Or what did one of the New Jersey Housewives do that I can get in on comic-wise? I can post a comic about it the next day if I wish. I love that part about it.
I hope you enjoy following Tomversation daily and if you are so inclined, I would love if you would share this news on your Facebook and Twitter pages and blogs and websites, I can use all the help I can get. My goal is to have thousands of readers a day.
So again, you can find Tomversation at Tomversation.com and at comics.com. I also have a blog related to that, where I'll write about news concering the comic. That link is on the Tomversation.com page. And you can follow me and interact on Facebook and Twitter, too, those links are at Tomversation.com, as well.
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