Tonight, Saturday, is Gallery Walk Night. All the galleries are open around the village, you can pick up maps of the galleries around town. New tonight is the Paper Bag Heads performance art, created by Grove artist Trina Collins, consisting of travelling sculptures. They will make their way throughout the Grove, spontaneously moving as a six-person figure, featuring modern dance elements and inspired by an accompanied musician and narrator. This starts at 7:30 at the Mayfair Promenade, near the Improv.
Also, tonight, Saturday, starting at about 8:30 pm, the Fire Dancers from Palm Productions, part of the "Cirque du Grove: A Busker's Carnival" on Virginia Street at Grand Avenue takes place. Dancers will twirl fire batons, toss them into the air, manipulate spinners, hoops and other devices to create an amazing visual spectacular. It's all free!
The Coconut Grove Drum Circle is held under the stairs at 3444 Main Highway, near the fountain, from 8 pm to 10 pm. All are welcome to join in, to dance, drum and have a good time!
On Sunday, July 3, experience Cirque du Grove on the street, presented by Rainbow Productions -- acrobats, tumblers, jugglers, trapeze artists, wire walkers, mimes, clowns and all sorts of circus characters with the Rainbow Circus, take over the Grove. The shows run for 30 minutes at 1 pm, 2 pm and 3 pm with a finale at 3:45 pm. Between shows street performers, magicians and balloon artists will entertain the crowds.
Then on July 4th, there is plenty more fun:

The Taurus (3540 Main Highway) is celebrating it's 2nd anniversary with a BBQ and live music starting at noon on July 4th.
The Hot Dog Eating Contest is Monday, July 4, at 3 pm at CocoWalk. The competitor who eats the most hot dogs in 10 minutes will win the title of Hot Dog
Champion and receive a prize package that includes gift certificates from various CocoWalk merchants. Last year's winners (there was a tie) ate 10, can you eat more?
The Coconut Hunt is 4 pm Monday, July 4, in front of the Bookstore. Monique Lassooij is holding all those juicy Grove Bucks, which are part of the prizes in the Coconut Hunt on July 4th, a brand new green bicycle is first prize.
Live music at Peacock Park from 5 pm till 10 pm.
Food trucks are part of the Peacock Park celebration, too. Wash all that food down with Samuel Adams beer, sold by the Chamber at booths in the park. There is a fun zone for kids and lots to do for the whole family.
Fireworks begin about 9:15 pm to end the night. The spectacular show is right over the bay, find a spot in the park and enjoy!
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