The main issue on the agenda is the destruction of the trees on 27th Avenue in order for "progress" to be made. County Commissioner Xavier Suarez will be in attendance along with someone from Public Works.
This guy was sizing up this tree this morning at SW 27th Avenue and Tigertail, is it next to go?
We were told last night at the Village of Center Grove (VOCG) meeting that the plans were always to remove 42 trees, to relocate 48 trees and to replace 35 trees. Does anyone remember hearing this? Does anyone remember hearing that 100 year old trees would be destroyed for the project? I don't
I find it interesting that no one has seen this part of the 27th Avenue renovation plans and all these years while it might have been a part of the plans, people would have thrown a fit if they had known it.
Slice 'n Ice on 27th Avenue, near Aviation, has already lost it's location due to eminent domain claimed by the County. 27th Avenue is a county road.
In all honesty, why are we widening the road? There is not much traffic except for weekends and that is for the out of town boats that go to the Seminole Boat Ramp. The solution might be to just close down the boat ramp in order to save the trees.
I am all for the road renovation, I am against the destruction. Must one go hand in hand with the other? Can't a solution be found? Most people, in fact, dare I say all people present at the VOCG meeting last night claim that they were not informed of all these changes to 27th Avenue. I know it's my job to know, but I have not been privy to any meetings either. Why is everything always done in the dark?
In 2007 I wrote that the plan was probably only about the money to be made by those involved. I still believe it. Over the years, silly things like traffic circles and FPL poles and medians and things like that were discussed, all throwing light away from the canopy destruction. I see that now.
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