There is a proposed dock expansion at Grove Harbour Marina. Above is a preliminary sounding overlay from Ocean Consulting, LLC, showing water depth around the proposed dock and surrounding area.
The diagram, P-1, shows 5’ to 7+’ depths around the navigation area.
Lt. Paul Steiner, US Coast Guard and the Army Corp of Engineers toured the area a few weeks ago and had questions about navigation and access, many people who use the area for boating are also concerned.
Lt. Steiner stated at the last Waterfront Implementation Committee meeting, that the Army Corp "dropped the ball" on the navigation issues and might have to rescind their permit. The Coast Guard and Army Corp are using NOAA to do an independent bathometric and sounding survey of the area and Lt. Steiner will attend next month’s Watefront Implementation Committee meeting with the results. The meeting is March 9 at City Hall (3500 Pan American Drive) at 5:30 pm.
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