That's artist Rosie Brown, kissing Nassau Daddy, the newest peacock to be installed as part of the Coconut Grove Peacock Tour. The bird was installed in Village West at the corner of Grand and Douglas this morning at a large ceremony.
Dignitaries from the county, city and Coconut Grove took part in the proud moment, that links not only Nassau Daddy to the Grove's Bahamian roots, but also connects the whole village as one, as partners in the Peacock Tour. Officials from the Bahamian government were also present this morning.
The peacock is high up on a stone stand, making it more of a statue. He proudly looks over the busy intersection, welcoming everyone to Village West.
At left, Althea Harris, in red, welcomes artist Rosie Brown, who worked closely with Jihad Rashid, president and CEO of the Coconut Grove Collaborative, who were sponsors of the peacock, in partnership with the Pinnacle Housing Group. At right, Village Council head Michelle Niemeyer poses with one of the Junkanoo marchers, who added a lot of life and culture to the installation.
Here's Nassau Daddy up close. From the top of his Bahamian head to the bottom of his feet, which rest in seashells and sand, he is one of the most colorful of the Grove tour peacocks.
There was food, soft drinks and lots of Junkanoo music to mark the occasion.
Quite a large crowd showed up and it was one of the nicer events we have seen as part of the peacock installation. It was very official, but lots of fun, too.
The peacock is there permanently, stop by and visit -- again, Nassau Daddy guards the intersection of Douglas Road and Grand Avenue, he's sort of like one of those colorful Bahamian police who direct traffic.
Here is the back of the bird -- there is lots cloisonne and color. The Junkanoo headdress completes is all. Rosie's husband, Phil Brown put together a great video of Rosie creating Nassau Daddy. That may be seen here.
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