I was taken by Federico Carosio's art at last weekend's Coconut Grove Arts Festival, because the paintings reminded me of a streetscape I had taken myself with my iPhone! I was driving down Old Cutler Road one day and I stuck my camera out the window and was snapping away, and those photos were identical to Federico's paintings. His images are so real, almost like brightly lit photographs.
His streetscapes and landscapes of places like Old Cutler Road and The Kampong are so familiar to Miamians. He started in Soho, NY in 1974 and has been selling his work all these years. His next show is at Coral Gables' Carnival on the Mile.
The image below of the soda can is a Joker Face. Federico has been nominated twice to be in the Florida Artist Hall of Fame because his art has introduced the rest of the world to Florida by showing it in a very beautiful way. He had a good showing at this year's Grove festival and says that it was much better than last year, in the way of sales.
You can see Federico's work at his website here. There are so many beautiful images including landscapes of Fairchild Tropical Gardens, The Kampong, Matheson Hammock and so many familiar places to South Floridians.
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