Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The noisy SunChips bags

I had to laugh when I read the story last week about Frito Lay's noisy chip bags. It seems that the new biodegradable Sun Chips bags were very noisy and the crackle they made when people opened them and handled them was driving folks nuts.

This actually happened at the last Village Council meeting. Not many of you attend the meetings, so you wouldn't know, but Ransom Everglades Middle School is the venue and in the auditorium lobby, they provide refreshments like cookies, chips, water and coffee.

At the past meeting, a guy in the audience had a SunChips bag and he was driving us crazy with the noise. I was surprised that no one said anything. I didn't realize what it was until after reading the story in the paper, but the bag noise was not really his fault, but still, it drove us mad.

No one said anything, but I was waiting for someone to scream out.

He finally finished with the chips, which seemed like an eternity and then he dropped his water bottle, and it went rolling down the floor, under the row of seats up toward the stage.
Luckily it was plastic and not glass.

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