He will speak on the fundamentals of Buddhism on Thursday, October 28 at the Windisch-Hunt Gallery (2911 Grand Avenue) at from 6 to 7:30 pm. Donation request is $5.00 at the door. A question and answer session will follow his talk.
Rinpoch was recognized by the Dalai Lama as the eighth reincarnation of the Phagyab Rinpoche, a venerated Buddhist teacher. Despite warnings from the Chinese government, Rinpoche continued his practices and was subsequently arrested, imprisoned and tortured.
He luckily escaped and made his way back to India.He injured his leg and was told by quite a few doctors that his leg would need to be amputated. But he went into retreat by himself and relied on his faith and his practices to heal himself. After six months, to the astonishment of his doctors, hie leg was healed and he was able to walk again.
The gallery will also feature Peace Flags an important element of the Tibetan culture. These flags were created for the Rosa Parks Museum in Alabama, and will be unveiled here..
Meet this amazing man Thursday night. Bring a pillow to sit on if you wish.
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