A large group showed up at the Windisch-Hunt Gallery last night to hear Ngawang Sungrab Phagyab Rinpoche speak. The soft spoken, ranking lama and a highly renowned practitioner in the Gelugpa order of Tibetan Buddhism, talked about Buddhism, peace, love and healing. Lama Christo, from Miami, translated due to Rinpoche's broken English and soft voice.
Toward the end of the evening, there was a question and answer session and then people lined up to meet Rinpoche one-on-one. Some asked for prayers, others just thanked him for coming. Many received orange or red strings, blessed by Rinpoche and handed out from a satchel he had in his lap. They are meant to be worn as protection.
It was a holy night in Coconut Grove, one that will be remembered for a long time.
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