Artist Cara Nusinov will be hosting a Peacock Event at where else, Peacock Park. Cara will be with her work of art, Mr. Polka Dot Poetry Peacock (above left), right where he is perched, at the Glass House in the park, on Saturday, September 4 from 5 to 8 pm.
Writers who have work appearing on the peacock will read their poems. Guest singer Eduardo J. Perez will perform, too.
Speaking of peacocks, you'll notice that the Romero Britto peacock (above right) is not where it was in the center of town, in front of Coldwell Banker. It was taken back into "the shop" to be cleaned up. That one was the most scuffed up from people sitting on it and the cement base was cracked due to rough "interacting."
When I tell Heather Bettner, head of the Coconut Grove Peacock Tour, that people are "interacting" with the peacocks, she says that it is "not interacting." And perhaps she is right, it's almost getting to the point of vandalism. But it doesn't seem to be intentional, it's mostly done out of love, I think. People just want to be all over them.
The Britto peacock will be back at its perch shortly. The tour is so popular that the City has asked Heather to extend it through February (it was supposed to end in November).
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