You could tell where the Blu Moon Art Studio was on Saturday night, not only by the green and yellow "Gallery" banner outside, but by the sound of the beat of the drums, coming from the drum circle downstairs. Upstairs, Sheri Friedman (left) welcomed everyone to the exotic Buddhist Mandala art exhibit. Artist Peter Barreda, right, had his Mandala art on display along with Sheri's pieces.
Sheri gives classes in the geometric art of Mandala. It was one of their most popular exhibits.
Ana Bikic, Sophie Guellati-Salcedo and Eduardo Salcedo.
Jordan Brown performed.
The above Mandala is by Sheri Friedman, the one below by Peter Barreda. There are many more to see, stop by the Blu Moon Studio of Art daily, its at the very top of Florentine Plaza (3444 Main Highway). For info on exhbits and art clases, please visit:
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