This happy group showed up for a raffle type lotto yesterday at the BID office. The Gray Line buses have a map of various locations around the county, the Grove is on the map and along with the map are ads. The Grove had eight spaces to fill on the large map. To be fair and divy out the open spaces, they held a raffle. All those that were interested were asked to email the BID and their businesses were in the drawing.
Monty Trainer and myself were honored to be the two who drew the names form a large bag out by the big bull sculpture. The eight were chosen this way and they will be part of the Gray Line map, representing the Coconut Grove section. They include, The Grove Spot, Le Cafe Pop, Calamari, Sparkle Plenty, Rehage Jewelry, Koko & Palenki, Cristina Chacon Gallery and Frameworks.
Above, from left, Alex Rodriguez from Bombay Darbar; Monty Trainer, from the Arts Festival; Lili Dones, representing Calamari; Steven Anton Rehage, the jeweler; Love Levy, of The Grove Spot, Gil Poirot from Le Cafe Pop and Mark Shats from Sparkle Plenty. David Collins of the BID is in the back.
Steven Anton Rehage, Gil Poirot and Love Levy check out the Gray Line map in the BID office.
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