Louis Del Borrello, right, a Coconut Grove Ambassador, sets Alex Rodriguez (another A-Rod) on the right path. As you may remember, Alex was a bit turned around last week, trying to find Green Street, the street, not the restaurant. Of course, there is no street in the Grove named Green, only a restaurant.
Since then, a few people have stopped by his place of work, Bombay Darbar, and have asked for Green Street directions (the Street, as a joke, not the restaurant). But now he'll know where things are as he makes his way around the village.
I was waylaid, yes, I said waylaid, at another commercial shoot today. It was for ITT at Lulu's, right on Commodore Plaza and Main Highway.
The Grove is a great backdrop for many commercial shoots. Have you seen this BB&T commercial shot in the same location a few months back? It's all over tv.
Last Friday, Burn Notice had this huge production set up at the Seminole Boat Ramp. They lit up the night sky like nobody's business. It was so bright that a friend told me a funny story, she arrived home with her husband about 9 pm, opened the door to their condo at one of the buildings across from the shoot and it looked as if the Martians had landed. It was a flood of white light. They were a bit frightened at first until they realized what was going on. It was right out of Close Encounters of the Third Kind.

She feels it would have been a good idea for the production company to warn the neighbors about this, but it's all in good fun, since it's Burn Notice. They got a good laugh out of it and she shows lots of photos taken on her iPhone of the freaky white light.
A business owner here in the Grove suggested that the film office or whomever is giving permits out these days, publicize the filming schedules of all commericals, tv shows and movies. It's a great way to draw in tourists.
I receive the schedules but I don't publish them, the production companies don't like audiences lingering around the outdoors sets, but once in awhile if you pay attention, I'll spill the beans on a Burn Notice shoot. In fact, coming up soon is their season finale shoot which will be a major event. It will involve repelling buildings and things like that. We may or may not spill the beans. Come back for more.
There are blogs and websites in LA and NY that actually list the shooting locations of all productions. That would be a cool thing to have here. Maybe the Film Office can set one up like On Location Vacations does.
Tonight, August 31, from 6 to 9 pm, the Sandbar Grill (3064 Grand Avenue) is holding an extended Happy Hour to raise money for People In Crisis United and the children and families being treated at Holtz Children's Hospital.
People in Crisis United provides support groups, music, art and pet therapy, also parent dinners, movie days and "Make A Wish" type activities for those who are hospitalized and their families.
Checks or cash accepted at the door. Wristbands are $10 and will get you extended Happy Hour prices on drinks, which includes half off drinks and select appetizers (bottled beers not included).If you can not attend and would like to still make a donation please send checks to: People In Crisis United, 12555 Biscayne Boulevard #904, North Miami, FL 33181-2597.
In our little reality show world, known as the Grapevine, the characters all meet up on Mondays at Mad Men Monday at the Mayfair Hotel, the only difference is that there is no drama here since it's all friends and not many or any frenemies.
You'll see Daisy from the Bed Race or Felice from the Bookstore or Monty from the Arts Festival and it's all one, nice meetup once a week for friends to mix and mingle. Last night was no exception, we met for drinks as usual (I had 7&7's last night), but we also celebrated Lili Dones' birthday.
Lili's birthday was actually the day before, but we like to celebrate birthdays at Mad Men Mondays, we have had quite a few. Steven Anton Rehage got Lili a great gift in the form of gold earrings, which she had been admiring. You'll notice Betty and Don Draper on a Mad Men episode on the tv in the background.
Daisy Lewis and Richard Issa flank Lili.
Heico Dobrikow, manager of the Mayfair Hotel & Spa, Michelle Niemeyer and Willie Vega, who celebrated his birthday at the Mayfair on Friday night.
Steven Rehage, Maria Korge, Monty Trainer, Lili Dones, Felice Dubin and Tom Falco.
Rosy and Juan are excellent hosts.
Mad Men Monday will take a break next week due to the Labor Day holiday and most of us will be recovering from the long Bed Race day, but it will be back Monday, September 13.
Yesterday, The Bookstore in the Grove was all abuzz with a commerical being filmed for State Representative Carlos Lopez-Cantera. Carlos is up for re-election in November for District 113, which includes Coconut Grove. This will be his last run for this particular office because of term limits.
Felice Dubin, co-owner of The Bookstore, was in the commercial, giving Carlos an endorsement, who has done great things for our district. He lives right here in the Center Grove and is a big part of our community.
Carlos is one of the judges at this Sunday's Great Grove Bed Race, along with Commissioner Marc Sarnoff, actor Steven Bauer (Rocky EchevarrÃa) of Que Pasa, USA? and possibly Mayor Tomas Regalado among others. Grand Marshall Tony Kanaan will also be judging the beds on Commodore Plaza. They are judged in various categories like Creativity, Theme, Originality, etc. And of course they race and they are judged by their speed.
The Grove Spot (3324 Virgina Street) will be offering a Great Grove Bed Race Breakfast Sandwich Special for $5.00 on Saturday, Sept. 4 and Sunday, Sept. 5.
The theme of their bed is Breakfast All Day at The Grove Spot - featuring the Breakfast Sandwich.Also, the NET office is offering free tickets to Jungle Island for Labor Day, September 6. There are only 100 tickets available, if you would like a couple, please pick them up at the NET office (the glass house on McFarlane Road) by noon, September 1. You can call the office to reserve the tickets at: 305.960.4670. The tix come courtesy of Commissioner Marc Sarnoff's office and the City of Miami.
Rina Yoga is expanding their schedule at Grove Isle Hotel & Spa (Four Grove Isle Drive). In addition to their Sunday classes, they now offer their most popular class, Vinyasa Yoga, Monday through Thursday from 10:30 am to noon. The class is taught by Ring Yoga founder Rina Jakubowicz and Heidy Toledo, a favorite Rina Yoga teacher.
“Grove Isle’s ambiance has been a perfect fit for Rina Yoga’s classes,” says Rina Jakubowicz, Founder of Rina Yoga. “Practicing in the middle of such a gorgeous environment has been really inspiring for our students, so I’m happy to be able to offer them more options without sacrificing the quality synonymous with Rina Yoga.”
For over four years, Rina Yoga has been inspiring students to find balance, grow stronger and more flexible, while creating a yoga community right in the heart of Miami. For a full class schedule and for pricing information, please visit http://ww.rinayoga.com/.
In honor of Mad Men's third consecutive win last night at the Emmy Awards, for Best TV Drama, we hope you'll come out tonight to celebrate at Mad Men Monday.We are also celebrating Lili Dones' birthday, which was yesterday. Come out for some '60s-style cocktails and some birthday cake.
Mad Men Monday is at the Mayfair Hotel Lobby Bar (3000 Florida Avenue). You can slip in through the side entrance on Virgina Street. It's from 5:30 to 7:30 pm.

Tree huggers unite! This month the Nomade Gallery (3133 Commodore Plaza) is putting conservation and going green as the their art theme. Nomade is paying homage to the exploration of nature's many elements by depicting the raw and abstract allure and aggression of animals, plants and people. The exhibit opens during the First Saturday Gallery Walk, September 4 from 7 to 10 pm.
Nomade will also have a suggested $10 donation box in place, in addition to beverages provided. All donations will go to Gulf Coast Oil Spill Fund, the official foundation administering the oil spill clean-up.
The artists interpreting the culture of the natural world are Miami natives Danny Catania and Samuel Gualitieri, New World alumni Reinier Gamboa and Juan Travieso, as well as Norwegian photographer Stian Roenning, Dominican photographer Aida Tejada and French sculptor Pierre Traversat.
Fabulocity, the jewelry/antique store at the Mayfair Promenade has this black lacquer chest, which seems to have a secret compartment in the back.
Vince and Helen, the shop owners, would like to get inside. They've tried everything. Now Paul and Brian from the sunglasses kiosk are going to try and solve the mystery. They are both master carpenters and now they'll have to deconstruct the furniture without harming it, to see what secret it holds, if any.
We'll keep you posted, they are going to work on it this week. You can stop by and see the chest yourself if you like, but Paul and Brian have dibs on the treasure.
Fabulocity is across from The Improv at the Promenade. They were also just certified by GIA (Gemology Inst. of America) and GLA (Gemological Laboratory of America) as appraisers, so bring your jewels over if you need them appraised. They also fix jewelry.
They may be reached at 305-479-1756.
American Apparel is having a sidewalk sale today. From noon to 8 pm, they are set up outside the old Starbucks on Grand Avenue. There is men's and women's clothing and accessories.
Tank tops go for $6 and collared shirts for $8. Dresses are $12 and Demin/Cord skirts are $12.
Saturday night was one of those incredible organic unplanned Coconut Grove nights. At the Windisch-Hunt Gallery, AnnaMaria has been showcasing local talent on weekend nights. The performers come in and jam and do their thing among the art.
Last night "Fear the Turtle" took to the "stage." We suspect they just made up the name on the spot due to Ariel Labi's t-shirt because when asked, they weren't sure of their band name, so in the future, if these guys become big and are known as the famous band "Fear the Turtle," you'll know it happened last night, on the spot in Coconut Grove.
Flanking Ariel, drummer, are Andrew Martinez, left, singer, and Harold Trucco, on guitar.
It was a matter of art immitating life or vice versa as the guys played among the musicial paintings that surrounded them. Perfect karma for something good to happen.
They played classic rock that was from a time long before they were born, like Led Zeppelin and things like that. They were amazing at "Stairway to Heaven."
Eloisa Flament, left, and Maria Gimaraes, enjoyed the show and so did Peggy the pooch. There was quite a nice crowd present. But then the magic and the karma started . . .
Right on cue, as happens every Saturday night, the Hare Krishnas entered the gallery and blessed everyone present, especially the band, with flowers. The Krishna temple is just a couple of blocks away and each weekend this is the ritual around town. The band didn't know what to think, this was all new to them.
The Hare Krishnas even shared their megaphone with the band and had them sing the Hare Krishna chant.
And like magic, the gallery filled with people, more people than the gallery has seen since the last Gallery Walk night. The Krishnas have that affect. It reminded me of the fashion show that time when it was a serious-type thing and all of a sudden, the Krishnas entered and turned the mood around to lightheartedness and fun. (Sorry about the photo overlap at the previous story, it was from our old blog format).
So Ariel, Andrew and Harold, "Fear the Turtle," ended up having a pretty large audience for their little jam session and the whole evening turned into quite a magical thing. As the night went on, more and more people heard the music and came in -- singles, couples, families, groups of friends, it was a beautiful thing. As people left, we reminded them of next Saturday's Gallery Walk, and they promised to come back and exprience all the galleries in town.
It's amazing how these organic nights just turn out so special, nothing is planned, it just happens.
The GroveHouse is busy this weekend. The member artists are bringing in their work for the September show. We caught a covey of them today going through all the art and starting installation.
The "Flora and Fauna" show premiers with an opening reception on Saturday, September 4, during Gallery Walk night, from 7 to 10 pm. The artists will all be present along with snacks and beverages. The art will be on exhibit through the end of September. The gallery is open daily (Monday by appointment).
Celia Reigle is the featured artist of the month. This is one of her works below. The GroveHouse Artists Gallery is at 3390 Mary Street, # 162, in the Mayfair Promenade, right next to The Improv.
Last night, around 6 pm, the Grove was crawling with young people. It was so cool. A bunch of them ended up in the Windisch-Hunt Gallery and said they were from the New World School of the Arts.They had funky clothing on and skateboards and some had art with them. It was really great to see. I had taken photos but deleted them by mistake, so sorry guys if you are looking for your photo here. My goof.
As I came through the Grove, I passed the Conservatory of Music and of course there were lots of high school kids there playing music and hanging out on the Mayfair Promenade and that is always the case on Commodore Plaza, with the Arts and Minds School. And it is such a cool thing when all these artsy musical kids mashup at the center of town near CocoWalk.
It's great seeing such youth and life and art and music coming back to the Grove.
Tonight if you're around, there is a music jam session at the Windisch-Hunt Gallery. It's when anyone is welcome to stop by with an instrument and play. The New World students were asked to return tonight to play, so hopefully they will and hopefully you will come out to hear them and hopefully I can get some good photos and manage to keep them and post them tomorrow.
It's from 7 to 10 pm. The gallery is at 2911 Grand Avenue, near the Bookstore.
Willie Vega was King of the World last night at a birthday party thrown in his honor up on the roof of the Mayfair Hotel at the pool deck and bar.
From left: Rosy Quintero, Michelle Alvarez, Willie Vega and Lisette Vega.
As the sun set, guests enjoyed drinks and finger foods passed around. Monty Trainer, Michelle Niemeyer, Lili Dones, Cindy Bettner and Richard Issa were just a few good friends on hand. This Monday is part two on the birthday front, when we celebrate Lili's birthday at Mad Men Monday, also at the Mayfair, but this time down in the Lobby Bar. Stop by for a drink and piece of cake. It's from 5:30 to 7:30 pm.
At left: Luly Polorak, Rick Torrens and Carlos Bergouignan; at right Rosy serves up delicious sliders, plain and with cheese.
The party girls: Lisette Vega, Lisa Shallenberger and Michelle Alvarez.
Lissette and Willie at left; at right: Willie flanked by Oui Coulson and Lily Vandervest.
Michelle gets around, here she is again flanked by Andy Moreno, Willie's cousin and Ed Vega, Willie's brother.
Funny story: I had been there for about an hour before Andy showed up, so when I appeared a bit later to talk to Ed and someone else, who were standing with Andy, he thought I was just some guy who popped up and started chatting with them, not realizing that the whole rooftop there was full of friends for Willie. He thought it was just he and a couple of his cousins having a drink or two at the pool with Willie. I think he thought all the others present were hotel guests at the pool for drinks. So he was so surprised when he realized that I was a friend and all the others were friends. Another friend popped up and out of the blue mentioned that she had dated their uncle (Andy and Ed's) awhile ago and that floored both of them.
Then I was floored when Andy, out of the blue, asked Lili Dones and me if we were going to the Bed Race next week. He said he had seen a poster when he entered the hotel and that made him think of it. We told him we were both part of the Bed Race committee and he said he was part of the race last year, playing a horse on one of the beds. Small world. The whole night had little Twilight Zone moments with lots of laughs.
It ended up being a fun party. There was lots of food, drinks and happy people. The way it should be, especially on a Friday night -- the perfect way to start the weekend.
The Miami Science Museum (3280 S. Miami Avenue) is celebrating the launch of MiaSci's Community Days on Sunday, August 29.
Admission is free from 10 am to 6 pm on that day.MiaSci Community Days is a series of free admission opportunities on select weekdays to ensure that each and every member of the community has the opportunity to visit the museum. They are celebrating all month long by offering Miami-Dade County visitors free admission on select weekdays from Monday, August 30 through Thursday, September 30 from 3 to 6 pm.
Proof of address will be required. For more info, please call 305-646-4200 or visit www.miasci.org
There is lots of talk lately in other blogs about me being "shut up" by Commissioner Marc Sarnoff. Now while we have had our disagreements, he has never threatened me or told me to shut up or be quiet or to stop taking comments. He did threaten suit that time over a comment that someone left, but that is old news. He apologized to me about it the next time we ran into each other.
These various blog posts make me sound like a little scaredy cat who was frightened into shutting up. This is not true. A few years ago, I was constantly threatened by a big developer who didn't like the negative comments that were written by readers about his condo project. I never removed the comments or stopped them because of him.
I have not written about Sarnoff or any politics lately because there has not been much going on which is the case with Miami politics in the summer. The City Commission has not even met during the month of August. As for comments, the comments were ended because the Grapevine was being used by everyone and anyone to cause trouble under the name of "anonymous." The Grove is quite a small village and it was to the point where people stopped speaking to each other, all due to the venomous anonymous comments in the Grapevine.
When a friend told me that I only posted stories to elicit many comments, that was the last straw. I never wrote to get responses. I was the fool who had to wade through all those negative responses. Why would I want that?
As for being shut up, I have never been shut up by anyone (except maybe Daisy Lewis at various committee meetings and I've had to literally pay up for that). I just wanted the Grapevine to be a kinder and gentler place. It was turning me into something I wasn't and I didn't like the tone the whole thing was taking. I wanted to be running the Daily News of Coconut Grove, not the "he said, she said news of Coconut Grove." People actually stopped reading the Grapevine because of all the ill will. Now readership is up. Now people come here to get news and event updates, not to put down their neighbors on a daily anonymous basis.
I will write about local politics again when there is something to write about. I think our last big event was Patrick Sessions stepping down from the Village Council due to his disagreements with Marc Sarnoff. I was the first to write that story and I was at the meeting where he stepped down, Patrick actually asked me to be there. I gave up going to another event so that I could be there and cover it.
So I understand where these other bloggers are coming from, they want to use whatever ammunition to put down Marc Sarnoff that they can and at the same time they are standing up for me. But saying that he and his posse threatened me into silence is not the case. It never happened. And if it did, you would be reading it here with the largest type face I could find.
The Pajama Pub Crawl is back this year, it is Saturday, September 4, the night before the Great Grove Bed Race.
Participants are encouraged to dress in pajamas (tastefully). There are nine locations across the Grove in the crawl, including The Bookstore, for a bonus pit stop for coffee at the end of the night. The crawl is limited to 500 people, so get there early!
Registration is from 6:30 to 8:30 pm at The Grove Spot (3324 Virginia Street). Pajama Crawl participants will receive a passport filled with 9 free drink coupons, one for each location. All participants must have a valid ID for 21 years or older and will sign a group waiver at registration.
Registration for the crawl is $25, which all goes to the UM Sleep Medicine Program and the Alonzo Mourning Charities.
The crawl coupons are good until midnight. The crawl locations are, in no particular order, The Grove Spot, Bice Bistro, Sandbar, Barracuda, The Tavern, Mr. Moe's, Greenstreet, The Taurus and The Bookstore.
The event is sponsored by Miller Light and Goldcoast Distributors.
It's been a busy summer for some. Village Council Member Stephen Murray and activist Al Crespo have been putting pressure on the City of Miami to cite District 2 Commissioner Marc Sarnoff for running his law practice out of his house, which they claim is an illegal office since Sarnoff did not have proper permits and the house is not zoned to be used as a law office, or any office for that matter. John El Masry, owner of Mr. Moe's, started the whole thing by filing the first complaint.
Sarnoff claimed for years that he had proper licenses, he insisted he had them with him in 2006 on Jim DeFede's radio show, where he "debated" with his then political opponent Linda Haskins.
The house has been staked out for weeks and even video taped, showing files being moved out. But apparently the office was in violation and as you can see on the Investigation Miami blog, papers were served. The whole story going back weeks, may be seen at Investigation Miami which links to various stories and blogs who are in on this mix including Miami For Change.
This is the best in investigative reporting. It's a case of the bloggers being part of the story and literally making the story. Something newspapers used to do back in the day.
The Deal of the Day at Dealtificate, which actually lasts through the weekend is a 60% discount at Lulu's restaurant (3105 Commodore Plaza). Buy $50 worth of food and drinks for just $20. The certificates may be used through February, 28, 2011.
And we received a free appetizer coupon when we dined there the other day, so Lulu is stepping up the promotions this month. Get in on this while you can. This is one of our favorite places. While there are sandwiches and entrees, many just enjoy the tapas-style "small plates" as meals.
All wines are $25 per bottle ($8 per glass) or bring your own bottle on Tuesday nights for corkage free night. Happy Hour is Monday through Friday from 5 to 7 pm. Buy the Dealtificate certificate here.
Zen Village (3570 Main Highway) is holding an Eco-Friendly Samtosa Bamboo Yoga Line Trunk Show on Saturday, August 28. From 2 to 5 pm, come out and support their effort.
The Samtosa clothing line will be for sale as well as exquisite Chinese pottery, bonsai, orchids and other exotic plants along with Chinese tea sets, prayer beads and arts and crafts.
Complimentary refreshments will be served. This is a fundraising event to benefit the Heart For Humanity Community Wellness Project.
Mr. Moe's (3131 Commodore Plaza) is having another Fab Friday Happy Hour. If you missed Leslee's extended happy hour(s) last week, there's another one this week.
Stop by from 4 to 8 pm for lots of drink specials, free drink shot raffles every hour, and complementary food. Here's what happened last week. Join in the fun this week.
And don't forget their Lobsterzone Game. Win a lobster for $2 a try and get all the fixin's with the lobster dinner if you win!
The Health Council of South Florida is holding a Friday night Summer Social at the Rodez Gallery at CocoWalk tomorrow night, August 27, from 7 to 10 pm.
Tickets are $25 in advance and $30 at the door. There will be refreshments and door prizes. Premium raffle tickets will also be available for purchase. Funds are being raised for the HCSF to carry on its mission, of which there are many (they can be seen on their website). Benefits from this event will also go towards the HCSF Scholarship Fund that has been established to address the healthcare professional shortage in our community.
This painting called "Flowers with Wine and Fruit" by George Rodez will be up for auction. Door prizes include certificates to Mayfair's Jurlique Spa products, Paragon Movie tickets, Dream Water samples. The premium raffle prizes include a stay at the Mayfair Hotel also the Key Largo Grande Resort and other great items.
For more info, please contact Jack Goldberg at 305-592-1452, ext 116. To purchase the advanced tickets, please go to http://www.healthcouncil.org/.
This Saturday is "Read Comics in Public Day," according to an article on the NPR website, sent to me by my friend Louis.
The idea is to grab a stack of comics and go out and find a spot and an audience, I guess, and share the comics. Sarah Morean and Brian Heater, from The Daily Cross Hatch, came up with the idea.
This is a great idea for the Grove, there are so many cozy spots to do this: The Bookstore, The Barnacle, The Grove Spot (lots of places that begin with "the"). Also Peacock or Kennedy Park and even beside one of the fiberglass peacocks.
If anyone in the Grove is planning on doing this, let us know, we'll share it with our readers. Too bad it can't be combined with Parking(ing) Day. That would be a perfect place for it.
We finally ran into Francys Reyes (right) owner of House of Frost and her grandmother Melba Balaez, yesterday in front of their new business at 3111 Commodore Plaza. They were waiting for the sign painter to paint "House of Frost" on the awning.
The new cupcake place plans a soft opening for Sunday, September 5 and they'll also have a table set up on Virginia Street that same day at the children's area of the Great Grove Bed Race.
We've seen the menu and our blood sugar level is already through the roof. Daily, Francys will have delicious flavors like Chocolate, Lemon Lovers, Vanilla Bean, Red Velvet, Guava 'n Cheese and Chocolate Peanut Butter Chip, to just name a few. All of the cupcakes have a delicious surprise center, too.
Weekly flavors include Salty Sunday, Mocha Monday, Tasty Tuesday, Wajiro Wednesday, Vic's Picks Thursday, Francys Friday and "So What" Saturday. Francys Friday is a surprise, but here's a hint: "champagne."
Specialty cupcakes include Champagne Dreams which is champagne soaked vanilla cupcakes with a champagne infused frosting, topped with a fresh champagne soaked strawberry! The Mmm Mmm Mimosa is a fresh orange flavor cupcake with a light champagne butter cream frosting, and the desserts go on.
The store will have a cozy lounge area at the entrance with a tv on the wall, Fancys wants you to hang around and enjoy the cupcakes. They already have orders from local restaurants, where they will supply them with their daily fix of sweetness.
Lovely Alice Land, Director of Sales and Marketing at the Mayfair Hotel and Spa relaxes in one of the new lobby chairs designed by Leslie Schlesinger. Stop by the Mayfair for a drink or a bite and check out the new decor. The Jurlique Spa at Mayfair is still offering up a Miami Spa Month special until the end of August. There are still a few days left to enjoy the special.
Relay for Life volunteers needs volunteers. Relay for Life is a fun-filled, overnight team relay event designed to celebrate cancer survivorship and raise money for the American Cancer Society. They are looking for enthusiastic volunteers to help organize the Coconut Grove Relay for Life (scheduled for April 2011) and support those whose lives have been touched by cancer.
They are also looking for any businesses interested in sponsorship or donations. Please contact Amy at hudwalker@gmail.com or 206.910.0820 for more details or to sign up to attend the Kick-Off event.
Cindy Karp, Wedding Photographer is offering Grapevine readers a great special -- 20% off her services for a limited time!
Cindy's photos have a special look and quality because for years, she's been a photojournalist. She worked for Time magazine and covered wars and politics and strife all over the world. Her photos have appeared in Life, People, Rolling Stone and the New York Times.
Cindy also teaches black and white photography and does photos for children's books.
For a look at Cindy's work, check out her site here: http://blog.cindykarpphoto.com
She may be reached at info@cindykarpphoto.com
Artist Cara Nusinov will be hosting a Peacock Event at where else, Peacock Park. Cara will be with her work of art, Mr. Polka Dot Poetry Peacock (above left), right where he is perched, at the Glass House in the park, on Saturday, September 4 from 5 to 8 pm.
Writers who have work appearing on the peacock will read their poems. Guest singer Eduardo J. Perez will perform, too.
Speaking of peacocks, you'll notice that the Romero Britto peacock (above right) is not where it was in the center of town, in front of Coldwell Banker. It was taken back into "the shop" to be cleaned up. That one was the most scuffed up from people sitting on it and the cement base was cracked due to rough "interacting."
When I tell Heather Bettner, head of the Coconut Grove Peacock Tour, that people are "interacting" with the peacocks, she says that it is "not interacting." And perhaps she is right, it's almost getting to the point of vandalism. But it doesn't seem to be intentional, it's mostly done out of love, I think. People just want to be all over them.
The Britto peacock will be back at its perch shortly. The tour is so popular that the City has asked Heather to extend it through February (it was supposed to end in November).
Lilliana Dones and myself are working on Park(ing) Day, which is yearly event, being held on Friday, September 17 this year. From the Park(ing) Day website, it's described as "an annual, worldwide event that inspires city dwellers everywhere to transform metered parking spots into temporary parks for the public good."

So far we have the Miami Parking Authority (MPA), the NET office and Commissioner Marc Sarnoff's office in on it. We aren't sure of all the details yet, but we'll keep you posted as we get closer to the event.
We don't know yet if the MPA is donating spaces or if people will have to feed the meters.
As many of us arrived yesterday morning at Grove Isle for the Bed Race press conference, people were talking about how beautiful the surroundings were -- how the bay just comes up to greet you and how lovely the grounds are and I said, "Well, listen to our next project. Forget about all these beautiful surroundings, we want you to lay in the street for our next event! We want you to actually set up camp in the gutter!" And then I explained Park(ing) Day.
The photos you see here are from Park(ing) Days around the country.