Shake-A-Leg was the place to be yesterday for Community Bay Day. It was a day of boat rides, kayaking, island exploration, art, music, food and fun for the whole family, all free.
At left: Kayley Schneider and Nellie Stoner; right: Juan Carlos Cuabros and Faddy Abreu with Neva, the seafaring dog.
As the afternoon wore on, more and more folks came out to take part in the activities.
It was a special Community Bay Day, in honor of our military, there were color guard and lots of patriotic music. The kids place chalk board were a place for everyone to express themselves.
From left: Katie Schneider, Meaghan Schneider, Jack King, Kim Hess and Dave Weiss.
Kelli Gibson barbecued up some of the best burgers and hot dogs you ever tasted and Catherine McField and Samantha Tiffany manned the drinks and snacks table. There were delicious chocolate chip cookes, granola bars, lemonade and sodas and water.
At left: Juan Hernandez, Max Orosco and Jess Yanes. Lots of teens played instruments and performed on the stage.
Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines had a large assortment of employees who were out volunteering for the day. It was a hot day, but the water activities cooled everybody down.
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