As usual, Joe Donato put on an incredilble show last night. This time it was at the Concert For Haiti, put on by the King Mango Strut at Plymouth Congregational Church. That's Joe, performing with Daniel McCleod, who used to be part of the Bee Gee's band.
Troy Anderson, left, "The Spirit of Sachmo," channeled Louis Armstrong and had the crowd on their feet with his uncanny immitation. Eliah Lee performed beautiful haunting music on an unusual instrument called the Champan Stick. At right, concert organizers Francesca and Glenn Terry enjoyed the evening.
Jackie Vizzi, left, came dressed in a piece of art and danced around the auditorium You may remember this dress from the recent Circus, Circus exhibit.Joe and the Brian Murphy Quartet played an excellent array of music from jazz to rag time to swing.
From left, Eileen and Bob Brennan with Teresa Calluori and Martin Holy and Emily Cronin all enjoyed the fantastic evening of music, friendship and charity. There were door prizes and a silent auction as well and pizza and drinks were sold to also raise money for the efforts.
Over $3400 was raised last night. Some lucky person paid $150 to have sandwiches in City Hall with Miami mayor Tomas Regalado. Another bid $140 for a ukulele lesson with Bob Ingram.
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