Thursday, January 14, 2010

Bringing the block parties back

More than one restaurant owner on Commodore Plaza has approached me over the last couple of months, asking when the Saturday night Block Parties are coming back. If they don't know, I surely don't.

One place told me they lost $10,000 a month in business due to the ending of the parties, it brought them $2500.00 more each night the party was on. Another place brought in even more on Block Party nights. They also feel cheated and feel that during the tourist season, right now, they could have doubled the amount brought in by snow birds.

One place had the band ready to go, had a large staff on hand and they waited and waited and there was no Block Party. They were never told that it ended. They took a large loss that night because of the extra fees they paid for staff and musicians, not to mention the lost business.

Perhaps they can be brought back monthly if it is too much work or even weekly and perhaps the restaurant owners and merchants can hold the Block Parties themselves without the BID running it. Just a thought. If that much money was being brought in, maybe they can all chip in, hire a party planner and do their own thing.

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