Last night the Cocoanut Grove Village Council voted 5 to 2 in favor of drafting a resolution to return the bar closing times to what they were before the 2008 change, which is back to 5 am for bars and restaurants in the Grove. The only business that will benefit from this at the moment is Mr. Moe's on Commodore Plaza. All the other businesses that were affected are now out of business.
The resolution will ask for the "special language" be removed that makes the Grove different from the rest of the City of Miami.
The five yes votes for 5 am were: Heather Bettner, Kate Callahan, Stephen Murray, Michelle Niemeyer and Renita Ross Samuels-Dixon. Against 5 am was David Collins and David Wells.
Felice Dubin left the meeting early and was not present to vote and Village Council chair, Patrick Sessions, abstained so that when he stands before the City Commission with the resolution, it will be the will of the Village Council and not his own vote being pushed, something to do with Roberts Rules of Order.
David Wells (above right) said that the Village Council needs to pick its battles with the City and this is a losing proposition, so why fight it? David needs to read The Secret and not give up so easily. Especially when it is an important resolution that has been long overdue and many believe the right thing to do.
David Collins (above left) felt that the Grove's lack of business has more to do with the fact that the Grove is not pleasing to the eye and people are just over it. Basically that it's aesthetically unpleasing. Isn't that the job of the BID (Business Improvement District, of which David is the Executive Director)? Like where are the long promised flower pots and baskets? And if the Grove is such a mess, how about hiring paint crews and graffiti removers and brick fixers since people trip every day over the shoddy sidewalks, including David, who had one nasty shiner for awhile due to falling flat on his face on Commodore Plaza.
Although I find it hard to believe that people are not coming here because the place is blah. But I respect David's opinion.
Tony Noboa, president of the Chamber of Commerce, stood before the Village Council and read the results of their vote, which was in favor of going back to 5 am, too.
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