Thursday, December 10, 2009

Sharing the City Hall dais

Today Mayor Tomas Regalado brought up a resolution before the City Commission regarding the Village Council and homeowner groups using the dais in City Hall. According to the mayor, there are dozens (over 30) homeowner groups from Shenandoah to Coral Gate and of course Coconut Grove's own homeowner groups, all within city limits. Coconut Grove and the Village Council were never brought up by name.

As you know, in recent months, the Mayor has had the Village Council removed from City Hall. The Mayor would like a rotation of groups using City Hall so that everyone may be seen on Comcast Cable Channel 77. As of yet, ATT Uverse does not show the hearings on their system.

Starting in January, the city will draft a program to allow for air time access on Channel 77 and the use of City Hall's chambers as a meeting place for the homeowners and other groups, including the Cocoanut Grove Village Council.The motion was passed by the City Commission unanimously.

I know one or two homeowner groups in the Grove who would be very happy just keeping their meetings to themselves. I know I have been removed from a North Grove group's email list and I live in the North Grove! Censorship does live in the Grove.

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