The Green Market at the Mayfair Atrium that should be here on Wednesdays was missing in action yesterday.
I had two tourists ask where it was. I asked them how they knew about it. One said she read the signs at Mayfair storefronts advertising the weekly market and one said she read about it on the internet.
I have found, that to be successful, you need to be consistent. That doesn't seem to be the case with many places in the Grove. The Green Market should have been here this week -- one of the busiest weeks of the year for the Grove.
Restaurants also seem to open at will, some are open for breakfast one day and closed the next, they are open for lunch and not the next and then open the next. Consistency is needed.
One artist told me he is at a particular spot every Sunday. I brought a friend last Sunday to buy one of the pieces, the artist was not there and lost a sale. My friend went back to NY without the piece she was interested in. Last Sunday was King Mango Strut day, a stupid day for the artist not to be out selling his work with thousands of visitors to the Grove that day.
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