Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Setting the record straight . . . again

During the past several days, people have been speculating about the Block Parties, the costs, the logistics, etc. There were eight Block Parties held this fall on Commodore Plaza. That's Ryan Stone and his band at one of the earlier block parties in August.

The total cost of these closures was $26,625. Of this amount, the Coconut Grove Business Improvement District (BID) paid $16,650. This amount was matched by support, agreed upon in advance by the restaurants of Commodore, of $9,975. This amounts to about $3,330 per night.

I claimed that $92,000 to $95,000 was to be spent on all six months' worth of parties, this was the figure decided upon at an earlier BID meeting (the minutes will prove that), but even if the cost was cut down, $3,330 per night, for six months worth of Saturdays (24 Saturdays), is $79,920.

To give a context, the one day Bed Races cost significantly more than $30,000, the King Mango Strut runs $30,000-$40,000, and the Mad Hatter (two days) something more than $18,000. By contrast, the Block Parties were designed to be much smaller.

It is entirely possible that the Block Party will be revisited in the future in a different format.

It should also be pointed out that during the course of the Block Parties, the Miami Parking Authority never charged the Grove a penny to close the street and bag the meters.

We hope that all comments that now come in about this, have some facts behind them, rather than people throwing random thoughts out there anonymously. The Block Parties were fun and their intent was to bring business to the Grove. I attended Block Party meetings and everyone was in favor on Commodore Plaza and hoped that it would work. And hopefully it will be back soon in another format.

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