The Grove Guy, Glenn Terry, gave one of his informal bike tours this past weekend. Every once in awhile he'll announce the free tour and you just have to show up at his house, ready to go. I'll post the next tour here in the Grapevine when it comes up.
Of course Plymouth Congregational Church was part of the tour. Founded in 1897, it's one of the most beautiful structures in Coconut Grove. They also passed by the rubble at St. Stephen's which used to be the old 1912 church. They paused for a minute to contemplate the idiots who allowed the destruction to happen.
You may have seen the letter to the editor in The Herald, this weekend by Ivette Charlton, board chair, at St. Stephen's Episcopal Day School. Another mental giant without a clue. They keep trying to explain away their selfish stupidity on destroying a piece of Miami history.
Along the tour, Glenn showed his group the 1887 one room school house in Coconut Grove. Still standing. This wooden structure is sound, many still aren't sure how the sturdy cement 1912 church at St. Stephen's was not.
Photos by Harry Emilio Gottlieb
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