Monday, June 29, 2009

Crazy Pianos is the snobbiest place in town

I try to write upbeat and not put down businesses just for the sake of putting them down, but Crazy Pianos does not fit into the Grove and they probably never will. I had my own rude experience with them before they even opened and I never went back. Since the day they opened, (and even before), they have been quite rude to more people than not.

I have gotten many complaints about them during the Alfest bar crawl this past Saturday night and this was the last straw.

They actually made the bar crawlers wait outside because it was "dinner hour" and then only let in a few at a time. After 9 pm, if you had shorts or tank tops on, you were not allowed in. They basically just went through the motions. What type of bar crawl allows a person or two in, lets them have a beer and then shoves them out? What fun is that?

They were given the liquor to serve by the Alfest organizers, but refused to serve it all. They supposedly kept most of it for their own profit. Apparently the door staff was rude and so were the bartenders. The Alfest organizers received numerous phone calls with complaints.

Why sign up for the bar crawl if you don't want to participate? What's the point? To make yourself look good? Didn't work, you made yourself look bad. Screwing the charity and Grove patrons is not the way to gain friends and fit in with the village.

They were jerks the day I met them (the owner and staff), so I just turned the other cheek and walked away. I never stepped foot inside again and when people asked me my opinion of the place, I told them how I felt.

They got rid of Café Tu Tu Tango for this? The ironic part is that I don't think any of the artists or customers from the old Tu Tu Tango would be permitted in Crazy Pianos. They don't fit their demographic -- people with their noses up in the air and sticks up their asses, oh wait, that describes the owners and staff.

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