Monday, October 7, 2013

"Stop Grove Bay" kick-off rally on Wednesday

The "Stop Grove Bay" fight is getting started. Grovites are upset at the City's sell off of our waterfront land and they are going to start doing more than just talking.

There is a "Stop Grove Bay" kick-off rally on Wednesday, October 9 at The Grove Spot (3324 Virginia Street).

"Stop Grove Bay" Kick-Off Rally Set for Wednesday, Oct. 9, from 6:30 to 8 pm. Stop by and see what you can do to save our waterfront from the proposed "mall" and parking garage. We don't need this 100,000 square foot retail on the waterfront. The only people benefiting are the developers and a handful of others. It's all about money for a few people. That's it. This will not benefit Coconut Grove in any way. None. Our waterfront is a special treasure which we have and not many other communities have. Making it another Bayside is criminal.

I understand that development will go on, but it needs to be controlled development, it needs to fit the footprint of what is there now and not become a monstrous sell out of the waterfront to line the pockets of a select few, while ruing the area forever.

A new group the "Community Coalition" is fighting the project in the name of sanity of quality of life.

The Coalition is a registered political action committee poised to oppose the City's plans. The issue will be decided in the November 5 election.  All City of Miami voters will be voting on this important Grove issue, which riles lots of us since most of the folks in the City really know no nothing about this and don't have much of an allegiance to the Grove, so really, they should not be voting on this.

In a City press release this week, the Grove Bay proposal was described as "spectacular resort." Miami's Mayor, Tomas Regalado  added that it will "raise the quality of life and self-esteem of the residents of our city." It is actually doing the opposite Mr. Mayor. Keeping our waterfront pristine and quaint is the only real self esteem around here, Turning Coconut Grove into a resort and or suburb with a mall is not going to help anyone's self esteem. 

The Coalition has a new website, The site has all the information one needs to learn more, volunteer, or to make a campaign donation.

Please get involved. And vote NO on November 5. Once the waterfront is destroyed, there is no going back.

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