As expected, Grace Solares' court date came today and the case was thrown out. The judge felt that they could not throw out 70,000 early votes. Not sure why, they weren't counted yet.
The legal team for the Grove Bay side was massive.
An appeal is being filed in the 3rd circuit court.
Here is the case that was filed.
Thursday, October 31, 2013
Counting down to the Great Grove Bed Race
Kelly Craig interviewed Flo Rida, this morning on NBC6. Flo Rida is this year's Grand Marshal for Sunday's Great Grove Bed Race.
Let's make it a social media kind of Halloween
Instead of me running around town this year, snapping away, how about you send in your Halloween pictures? This one here is from a flash mob a few years ago at CocoWalk, you can see the whole thing here.
Anyway, please tag us on your photos on Facebook, our site is here. And on Twitter and Instagram, just use the hashtag #GroveGrapevine.
I don't want to just grab any photos, so unless we are tagged or the photo is hashtagged, we won't touch them. You can send party pictures or you getting ready, or you kids or pets or anything Coconut Grove Halloween related.
Anyway, please tag us on your photos on Facebook, our site is here. And on Twitter and Instagram, just use the hashtag #GroveGrapevine.
I don't want to just grab any photos, so unless we are tagged or the photo is hashtagged, we won't touch them. You can send party pictures or you getting ready, or you kids or pets or anything Coconut Grove Halloween related.
Pajama Pub Crawl starts at Duffy's Saturday night
Time for the yearly Pajama Pub Crawl, which is always the Saturday night before the Great Grove Bed Race. This is November 2.
Seems like almost every bar in the Grove is involved in this, the pitstops include Duffy's Sports Grill at CocoWalk where it all begins. Registration is here from 6 to 8 pm until it is sold out. The limit is 500 crawlers.
Duffy's is offering buffet style food from 6 to 7 and the crawl begins at 8 pm.
From there, the pubs are Fat Tuesday, The Grove Spot, Oasis Lounge and Hookah Bar, Mr. Moe's, Acropolis Greek Tavern, Taurus, Tavern in the Grove, Barracuda Bar and Grill and a bonus safe driver stop at The Bookstore in the Grove for coffee, to end the night and sober you up.
Cost is $20 per person.
Get your tickets online here or at Duffy's on pub crawl night.
Seems like almost every bar in the Grove is involved in this, the pitstops include Duffy's Sports Grill at CocoWalk where it all begins. Registration is here from 6 to 8 pm until it is sold out. The limit is 500 crawlers.
Duffy's is offering buffet style food from 6 to 7 and the crawl begins at 8 pm.
From there, the pubs are Fat Tuesday, The Grove Spot, Oasis Lounge and Hookah Bar, Mr. Moe's, Acropolis Greek Tavern, Taurus, Tavern in the Grove, Barracuda Bar and Grill and a bonus safe driver stop at The Bookstore in the Grove for coffee, to end the night and sober you up.
Cost is $20 per person.
Get your tickets online here or at Duffy's on pub crawl night.
Happy Halloween
There was a meeting last week with the police and business owners, seems like some of them have their undies in a bunch again about Halloween. Instead of just going with the flow and being happy that people come to the Grove as their tradition, they want to stop it or at least contain it.
Supposedly, streets will not be closed and people are meant to stay on the sidewalks. Keep in mind that these events are not sanctioned by anyone in Coconut Grove, people just show up to hang out. Police will be on the lookout for those of you who bring liquor in and drink at your car. That is frowned upon and not recommended, police will be looking out for that. Thanks to your litter mess from previous years with bottles and other items thrown about the streets, they know where you park. All the bars in the village have specials, that is the way to go.
Two sanctioned events that are happening is the Legendary Howl-O-Ween at CocoWalk, which is mostly for kids during the day and then flows into the late hours for adults. This Family Fun Day will be offer trick or treating at the storefronts. Clowns, magicians, a face painter and more will line the property to entertain.
Live DJ's will take over as night falls, a costume party will also be part of the action.
It all starts at 2 pm and runs until 3 am.
This year, there is a special event for the kids at Armbrister Park. One Grove Foundation is having a Haunted House.
There will be other activities as well including various tents where candy will be handed out by various businesses. The event is from 6:30 to 9:30 pm. It's a great, safe one destination alternative to kids going out door to door.
The haunted house will be set up in the park's rec room. The event is open to the public and free to attend. There is free food, music and candy.
Armbrister Park is located at 236 Grand Avenue.

Two sanctioned events that are happening is the Legendary Howl-O-Ween at CocoWalk, which is mostly for kids during the day and then flows into the late hours for adults. This Family Fun Day will be offer trick or treating at the storefronts. Clowns, magicians, a face painter and more will line the property to entertain.
Live DJ's will take over as night falls, a costume party will also be part of the action.
It all starts at 2 pm and runs until 3 am.
This year, there is a special event for the kids at Armbrister Park. One Grove Foundation is having a Haunted House.
There will be other activities as well including various tents where candy will be handed out by various businesses. The event is from 6:30 to 9:30 pm. It's a great, safe one destination alternative to kids going out door to door.
The haunted house will be set up in the park's rec room. The event is open to the public and free to attend. There is free food, music and candy.
Armbrister Park is located at 236 Grand Avenue.
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Masquerade on the Plaza in Coral Gables
The Young Associates of the Coral Gables Museum invite you to their 3rd annual Party on the Plaza for a night of masked revelry at the Coral Gables Museum (285 Aragon Avenue) on Friday, November 1 from 7 to 11:30 pm.
The masquerade event will transform the Museum plaza into an outdoor gallery of live music, local art and mystery and will feature cocktails by Bacardi and fare from Swine, Morton’s, Bulla and more, with all proceeds benefiting the Museum.Local artists Miguel Paredes Art and Alex Mijares are featured in the outdoor gallery. Bacardi cocktails are complimentary Hatuey premium beer is available, too. DJ Blaze Carreras hits the turntables for a truly unforgettable evening.
Be one of the first 250 guests to receive a complimentary masquerade mask upon arrival. Cocktail attire is required. Enjoy the commemorative photo booth, too.
Tickets are $40 in advance or $50 at the door and all proceeds benefit the Coral Gables Museum. Join in reaching the goal of raising over $50,000 this year and be part of the most exclusive event of the fall season. Get your tickets here.
The masquerade event will transform the Museum plaza into an outdoor gallery of live music, local art and mystery and will feature cocktails by Bacardi and fare from Swine, Morton’s, Bulla and more, with all proceeds benefiting the Museum.Local artists Miguel Paredes Art and Alex Mijares are featured in the outdoor gallery. Bacardi cocktails are complimentary Hatuey premium beer is available, too. DJ Blaze Carreras hits the turntables for a truly unforgettable evening.
Be one of the first 250 guests to receive a complimentary masquerade mask upon arrival. Cocktail attire is required. Enjoy the commemorative photo booth, too.
Tickets are $40 in advance or $50 at the door and all proceeds benefit the Coral Gables Museum. Join in reaching the goal of raising over $50,000 this year and be part of the most exclusive event of the fall season. Get your tickets here.
He asks, "What has happened to The Miami Herald?"
Activist and businessman Steve Kneapler sent the following Letter to the Editor to The Miami Herald, regarding their editorial, which was in favor of the Grove Bay waterfront project. I have to admit that when I read the editorial, I too wondered if The Herald editors really looked at the project or are they just in favor of everything that is pro-development? After all, they did sell their own home to Genting, the large casino group who wants to put a casino right there on the water. I suspect the Herald editors wouldn't mind if a casino went in on the water in the Grove either. And remember, the way the lease is set up on the Grove Bay vote, they can flip it overnight if they wish. What if they flip it to Genting? Then what?
From Steve Kneapler:
Re: Your "Opinion" dated 10/21/2013
“Open Up Miami’s Waterfront on Coconut Grove”
I was one of the five members on the selection committee for the City’s RFP 12-13-001.
Reflecting on your written opinion, it seems to me that the editorial staff and the two reporters that wrote an article before your opinion was published did not do any real homework and fact checking.
That’s not my opinion, but a statement of fact based on the article, your opinion, and my complete knowledge of the facts.
I ask you, did anyone from the Herald read the published RFP # 12-13-001, cover to cover including all attachments?
Did anyone from the Herald read all the interim drafts to see the changes made between the first draft and the final RFP and attachments that were issued?
Did anyone from the Herald read all the attachments to the final RFP and the related addendums and attachments after the RFP was issued but before the two (one subsequently withdrew) proposals were submitted by 2 PM on 5/10/2013?
Has anyone from the Herald compared the lease and attachments that the city commission voted on 7/25/2013, albeit in direct conflict with the RFP and our city charter (for example the gambling clause in section 2.7 of the lease, regardless of any communications by the district 2 commissioner or the developer) to the final RFP and related attachments and addendums that the selection committee voted on?
Has anyone from the Herald read the agenda package for the 7/25/2013 commission meeting to see if all required documents necessary by our charter were attached?
Has anyone from the Herald fact checked the winning (only) proposal against the RFP, its addendums and attachments?
Has anyone from the Herald compared what is currently being circulated by our District 2 Commissioner to what the winning proposer agreed to do in its submission on 5/10/2013 and voted on by the selection committee on 5/26/2013?
Is anyone from the Herald aware that the City is actually proposing a charter amendment on this particular subject in the upcoming election in direct violation of the City’s charter, which by its very nature is deceitful, let alone illegal?
I have been a proud member of this community for almost 74 years, while I have disagreed with some of your opinions ideologically, they, until the past few years, were at least BALANCED, I ask you, ”WHAT HAS HAPPENED TO THE MIAMI HERALD”?
Steve Kneapler
Coconut Grove, FL
From Steve Kneapler:
Re: Your "Opinion" dated 10/21/2013
“Open Up Miami’s Waterfront on Coconut Grove”
I was one of the five members on the selection committee for the City’s RFP 12-13-001.
Reflecting on your written opinion, it seems to me that the editorial staff and the two reporters that wrote an article before your opinion was published did not do any real homework and fact checking.
That’s not my opinion, but a statement of fact based on the article, your opinion, and my complete knowledge of the facts.
I ask you, did anyone from the Herald read the published RFP # 12-13-001, cover to cover including all attachments?
Did anyone from the Herald read all the interim drafts to see the changes made between the first draft and the final RFP and attachments that were issued?
Did anyone from the Herald read all the attachments to the final RFP and the related addendums and attachments after the RFP was issued but before the two (one subsequently withdrew) proposals were submitted by 2 PM on 5/10/2013?
Has anyone from the Herald compared the lease and attachments that the city commission voted on 7/25/2013, albeit in direct conflict with the RFP and our city charter (for example the gambling clause in section 2.7 of the lease, regardless of any communications by the district 2 commissioner or the developer) to the final RFP and related attachments and addendums that the selection committee voted on?
Has anyone from the Herald read the agenda package for the 7/25/2013 commission meeting to see if all required documents necessary by our charter were attached?
Has anyone from the Herald fact checked the winning (only) proposal against the RFP, its addendums and attachments?
Has anyone from the Herald compared what is currently being circulated by our District 2 Commissioner to what the winning proposer agreed to do in its submission on 5/10/2013 and voted on by the selection committee on 5/26/2013?
Is anyone from the Herald aware that the City is actually proposing a charter amendment on this particular subject in the upcoming election in direct violation of the City’s charter, which by its very nature is deceitful, let alone illegal?
I have been a proud member of this community for almost 74 years, while I have disagreed with some of your opinions ideologically, they, until the past few years, were at least BALANCED, I ask you, ”WHAT HAS HAPPENED TO THE MIAMI HERALD”?
Steve Kneapler
Coconut Grove, FL
Motion to enjoin waterfront project
There is a court hearing, Thursday, October 31, regarding the Grove Bay Waterfront Project.
Activist Grace Solares, has filed a petition regarding potential violations of the City Charter and Comprehensive Plan relating to the referendum on the current ballot. There was a lawsuit filed last week.
There is a motion to enjoin, which includes many issues, including the semi-preapproval of gambling in Coconut Grove and the vagueness of the whole ballot question. The issues do not involve the merits/demerits of the project itself. She would like the whole question removed from the ballot.
The lawsuit states: "The City’s voters approved Revisions and Amendments to several and distinct provisions of the City Charter during a City-wide Special Election on November 6, 2001. Charter Amendment No. 3 limited and restricted the authority of City officials to lease City-owned property, and imposed specific limitations, restrictions and conditions on their authority to lease City-owned waterfront property."
The lawsuit goes on to state: "The ballot title and summary are clearly and conclusively deficient. They fail to inform the City’s voters of the chief purpose of the enabling Resolution. Relevant and material information is omitted from the ballot summary which renders it misleading and deceptive and the voters are not being provided fair notice of the sweeping effect of the public measure. The “wordsmithing” employed in the ballot title and summary is misleading, designed only to encourage an affirmative vote. And, the ballot title and summary are affirmatively misleading. Finally, identification of Section 29-B as the sole basis for seeking voter approval during the November 5, 2013 Referendum Special Election
knowingly undermines the integrity of the election process."
It goes on to state that the public is not informed of what is on the property now, that functioning businesses, although now without a lease, are already there. It's not barren land that is being built on.
The hearing is in Judge Jerald Bagley's courtroom, room 1202 at the Dade County Courthouse.
You can see the lawsuit here.
Activist Grace Solares, has filed a petition regarding potential violations of the City Charter and Comprehensive Plan relating to the referendum on the current ballot. There was a lawsuit filed last week.
There is a motion to enjoin, which includes many issues, including the semi-preapproval of gambling in Coconut Grove and the vagueness of the whole ballot question. The issues do not involve the merits/demerits of the project itself. She would like the whole question removed from the ballot.
The lawsuit states: "The City’s voters approved Revisions and Amendments to several and distinct provisions of the City Charter during a City-wide Special Election on November 6, 2001. Charter Amendment No. 3 limited and restricted the authority of City officials to lease City-owned property, and imposed specific limitations, restrictions and conditions on their authority to lease City-owned waterfront property."
The lawsuit goes on to state: "The ballot title and summary are clearly and conclusively deficient. They fail to inform the City’s voters of the chief purpose of the enabling Resolution. Relevant and material information is omitted from the ballot summary which renders it misleading and deceptive and the voters are not being provided fair notice of the sweeping effect of the public measure. The “wordsmithing” employed in the ballot title and summary is misleading, designed only to encourage an affirmative vote. And, the ballot title and summary are affirmatively misleading. Finally, identification of Section 29-B as the sole basis for seeking voter approval during the November 5, 2013 Referendum Special Election
knowingly undermines the integrity of the election process."
It goes on to state that the public is not informed of what is on the property now, that functioning businesses, although now without a lease, are already there. It's not barren land that is being built on.
The hearing is in Judge Jerald Bagley's courtroom, room 1202 at the Dade County Courthouse.
You can see the lawsuit here.
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
Great Grove Bed Race; Sunday on South Bayshore
The Great Grove Bed Race has a lot of new beds this year, lots of news teams and a brand new mojo.
All the action takes place Sunday, November 3 from 11 am to 5 pm and then after that there's a special outdoor Up Past Bedtime movie at The Barnacle. It's a full day of activities on South Bayshore Drive, the new venue for the event.
This year's Grand Marshal is singer Flo Rida and there will be celebrity judges, too, to cast their votes for various categories for the beds.
The entry is $5; kids under 12 free, you may purchase tix here.
The schedule looks like this:
11 AM Family Pajama Party and Live Music on Stage
NOON Celebrity Judging & Pit Row Parade (Bayshore Dr. Between Peacock Park and Mary St.)
1 – 4 PM Races (Bayshore Dr.)
4 – 5 PM Awards and Finals (Main Stage / Bayshore Dr.)
7 PM After Party at CocoWalk. Live music, Dress For Success, "Sleeping Around CocoWalk" Scavenger Hunt, Food Specials and more.
All the action takes place Sunday, November 3 from 11 am to 5 pm and then after that there's a special outdoor Up Past Bedtime movie at The Barnacle. It's a full day of activities on South Bayshore Drive, the new venue for the event.
This year's Grand Marshal is singer Flo Rida and there will be celebrity judges, too, to cast their votes for various categories for the beds.
The entry is $5; kids under 12 free, you may purchase tix here.
The schedule looks like this:
11 AM Family Pajama Party and Live Music on Stage
NOON Celebrity Judging & Pit Row Parade (Bayshore Dr. Between Peacock Park and Mary St.)
1 – 4 PM Races (Bayshore Dr.)
4 – 5 PM Awards and Finals (Main Stage / Bayshore Dr.)
7 PM After Party at CocoWalk. Live music, Dress For Success, "Sleeping Around CocoWalk" Scavenger Hunt, Food Specials and more.
Free small business workshop planned
County Commissioner Xavier Suarez in partnership with The Beacon Council is hosting a workshop on the ABC's of operating a business; promoting economic development with small businesses in our community, along with the BID.
The workshop will show you how to get started whether it's a new or existing small business. Learn to find valuable tools and resources, develop a business plan, get financing and bonding and more.
The workshop is Wednesday, November 6 from 8:15 am to noon at the Frankie Shannon Rolle Center (3750 S. Dixie Hwy, room 115).
This event is free. Please RSVP by the end of today, October 29. Space is limited, you may do that at
For info: 305-579-1338.
The workshop will show you how to get started whether it's a new or existing small business. Learn to find valuable tools and resources, develop a business plan, get financing and bonding and more.
The workshop is Wednesday, November 6 from 8:15 am to noon at the Frankie Shannon Rolle Center (3750 S. Dixie Hwy, room 115).
This event is free. Please RSVP by the end of today, October 29. Space is limited, you may do that at
For info: 305-579-1338.
Lori St. John book signing at The Bookstore
Lori St. John, the author of "The Corruption of Innocence: A Journey for Justice," will be at The Bookstore in the Grove for a intimate book signing event on Wednesday, October 30 at 7:30 pm.
Lori will be reading excerpts of her book and will personally be signing copies of this highly acclaimed novel.
The Corruption of Innocence, a Journey for Justice, is a powerful non-fiction legal thriller about a woman's unwavering determination to save an innocent man from execution. Stymied by the government, Lori St John's battle against the justice system becomes an international cause when she galvanizes worldwide support, including the Pope, Mother Teresa and the Italian and European Parliaments. Her fight to expose the truth unveils deep political corruption. How far would you go to save an innocent man?
The Bookstore has had a lot of book events lately, just the other night an author showed up, unannounced, set up a table and started signing his book for people! And he had lots of takers.
The center of town has shifted, it's on Mary Street and Florida Avenue.
Lori will be reading excerpts of her book and will personally be signing copies of this highly acclaimed novel.
The Corruption of Innocence, a Journey for Justice, is a powerful non-fiction legal thriller about a woman's unwavering determination to save an innocent man from execution. Stymied by the government, Lori St John's battle against the justice system becomes an international cause when she galvanizes worldwide support, including the Pope, Mother Teresa and the Italian and European Parliaments. Her fight to expose the truth unveils deep political corruption. How far would you go to save an innocent man?
The Bookstore has had a lot of book events lately, just the other night an author showed up, unannounced, set up a table and started signing his book for people! And he had lots of takers.
The center of town has shifted, it's on Mary Street and Florida Avenue.
Big Three visit Coconut Grove
You may have seen some giants at CocoWalk yesterday. The roaming Miami Heat big three arrived in the Grove. LeBron James, Dwayne Wade and Chris Bosh have been at various locations, starting out at the downtown arena and ending up at famous S. Florida locations. Today, October 29, they move to Bayfront Park, downtown
The statues range from 16 to 20 feet. To bring attention to Sun Sports Heat Week, Prime Time Amusements created the big guys.
The statues are made of styrofoam and coated, then painted.
All this to celebrate the Heat opener tonight.
Oh, by the way, the real Big Three hang out in the Grove and can be seen quite often at our outdoor cafes, so it's ironic that the foam Big Three were here, too.
The statues range from 16 to 20 feet. To bring attention to Sun Sports Heat Week, Prime Time Amusements created the big guys.
The statues are made of styrofoam and coated, then painted.
All this to celebrate the Heat opener tonight.
Oh, by the way, the real Big Three hang out in the Grove and can be seen quite often at our outdoor cafes, so it's ironic that the foam Big Three were here, too.
Monday, October 28, 2013
Please vote for us
Speaking of votes, I would like your vote. I didn't realize until someone Tweeted me last night that they voted for me, well the Grapevine, that we're part of the Miami New Times Web Awards.
There are a bunch of categories for various websites and we're in the category for "Best Neighborhood Blog."
I voted for myself, why not.
There are categories for Best Political Blog and Best Viral Video and Best Food Instagram User, etc. One thing though, when you vote you have to vote for every category. I had left some out since I didn't know who or what they were, but the system would not accept my vote unless I chose one in each category. So if you can do that, that would be great.
Here's the page to vote.
Winners will be revealed at our Miami Web Awards event November 14 at Shots Miami in Wynwood.
There are a bunch of categories for various websites and we're in the category for "Best Neighborhood Blog."
I voted for myself, why not.
There are categories for Best Political Blog and Best Viral Video and Best Food Instagram User, etc. One thing though, when you vote you have to vote for every category. I had left some out since I didn't know who or what they were, but the system would not accept my vote unless I chose one in each category. So if you can do that, that would be great.
Here's the page to vote.
Winners will be revealed at our Miami Web Awards event November 14 at Shots Miami in Wynwood.
Slow going for early voting
The early voting stats are in. Either people love to wait for actual election day, which is November 5, or they just aren't voting. As of yesterday, Sunday, October 27, only 407 people have voted at City Hall.
Total for the County is 6500 votes.
Early voting is a great time to vote as you can do it on your own time, the polls are open daily and there are no lines.
Total for the County is 6500 votes.
Early voting is a great time to vote as you can do it on your own time, the polls are open daily and there are no lines.
It's the Sunday social event of the season
If you have been looking for the Coconut Grove Antique Market, which left the Grove awhile ago, you can easily find all the vendors and items on Lincoln Road for the Outdoor Antique & Collectibles Market, just starting its 21st season.
The vendors you know and love are there and there's everything for sale from a naked man torso sculpture to antique Rosary beads.
Who remembers these telephones? Or typewriters?
The weather has been great and as the season goes on, it will only get better. It's the perfect place to shop, mix mingle and take part in this Sunday social event. I ran into a few Grovites there and one was attending a cooking class right on Lincoln Road at Williams Sonoma.
All the Gucci, Pucci and Fiorucci that you love is still there and lots of jewelry, too.
The Lincoln Road Antique Market dates are as follows: November 10 and 24, December 8 and 22, January 5, 12 and 26, February 2, 9 and 23, March 9 and 23, April 6 and 20 and May 4.
With the holidays coming up, you'll find plenty of one-of-a-kind items from Art Deco pieces to gothic, Edwardian and more.
There were a lot of mad hats, perfect for our upcoming Mad Hatter Festival coming up in November in Coconut Grove.
The vendors you know and love are there and there's everything for sale from a naked man torso sculpture to antique Rosary beads.
Who remembers these telephones? Or typewriters?
The weather has been great and as the season goes on, it will only get better. It's the perfect place to shop, mix mingle and take part in this Sunday social event. I ran into a few Grovites there and one was attending a cooking class right on Lincoln Road at Williams Sonoma.
All the Gucci, Pucci and Fiorucci that you love is still there and lots of jewelry, too.
The Lincoln Road Antique Market dates are as follows: November 10 and 24, December 8 and 22, January 5, 12 and 26, February 2, 9 and 23, March 9 and 23, April 6 and 20 and May 4.
With the holidays coming up, you'll find plenty of one-of-a-kind items from Art Deco pieces to gothic, Edwardian and more.
There were a lot of mad hats, perfect for our upcoming Mad Hatter Festival coming up in November in Coconut Grove.
Sunday, October 27, 2013
About the Margaret Street shooting
The following came in from police Commander Manuel Morales:
On Saturday, October 26 at 3:30 am, I responded to the 3200 block of Margaret Street in reference to a male shot.
The residents arrived home and unloaded their vehicle when two armed black males entered via the open door and demanded money. A struggle ensued and the male resident was shot once in the stomach.
The offenders fled on foot. Units arrived and canvassed the area for the offenders, but were unable to locate. The victim was transported to JMH Ryder where he remains in critical, but stable condition.
Suspect #1 medium complexion black male 6'0, thin build, wearing a gray hoodie over face and dark pants.
Suspect #2 light complexion black male 5'10, medium built, short hair and soft facial features. Wearing dark clothing and a white shirt over his face.
Robbery detectives are following all leads, but we need your assistance. Please contact your neighbors that have security video cameras in the area to check between the hours of 0100-0330.
Initial investigation indicated that it appears the offenders were in the area and noticed the victims arriving home and took advantage of the situation.
We have shifted our focus to the area of SW 32 ave to Plaza from Franklin to Shipping Ave. where units will be flooding the area between the hours of 11P and 4A looking for the above listed duo.
Please if you see any offenders matching the above description call 911 immediately.
Cmdr. Manuel Morales
On Saturday, October 26 at 3:30 am, I responded to the 3200 block of Margaret Street in reference to a male shot.
The residents arrived home and unloaded their vehicle when two armed black males entered via the open door and demanded money. A struggle ensued and the male resident was shot once in the stomach.
The offenders fled on foot. Units arrived and canvassed the area for the offenders, but were unable to locate. The victim was transported to JMH Ryder where he remains in critical, but stable condition.
Suspect #1 medium complexion black male 6'0, thin build, wearing a gray hoodie over face and dark pants.
Suspect #2 light complexion black male 5'10, medium built, short hair and soft facial features. Wearing dark clothing and a white shirt over his face.
Robbery detectives are following all leads, but we need your assistance. Please contact your neighbors that have security video cameras in the area to check between the hours of 0100-0330.
Initial investigation indicated that it appears the offenders were in the area and noticed the victims arriving home and took advantage of the situation.
We have shifted our focus to the area of SW 32 ave to Plaza from Franklin to Shipping Ave. where units will be flooding the area between the hours of 11P and 4A looking for the above listed duo.
Please if you see any offenders matching the above description call 911 immediately.
Cmdr. Manuel Morales
Howl-O-Ween event is for the dogs
Put your best paw forward and bring your dog to Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden for our special Howl-O-Ween event on Thursday, October 31 from 9:30 am to 4:30 pm. Dress up your pup and enter the costume contest, get some trick-or-treats at vendor booths, and stop by local animal organization tables for information and freebies. The day features tons of special activities for dogs and their owners as they parade through the Garden in their best Halloween costumes. What better way to spend Halloween than with man’s best friend?
Now in its fifth year, Howl-O-Ween is one of the few times a year when Fairchild opens its gates to our four-legged friends. Now is the perfect chance to let your dog explore the Garden. Please see Fairchild’s Howl-O-Ween webpage for rules and details.
Established in 1938 and comprising 85 acres in Miami, Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden is a non-profit organization dedicated to exploring, explaining and conserving the world of tropical plants. The world-renowned plant collections feature palms, cycads, orchids, tropical fruit trees and more. Fairchild has the largest education program of any metropolitan area, reaching more than 200,000 schoolchildren each year with environmental programs like The Fairchild Challenge. It aims to inspire a greater knowledge and love for plants and gardening so that all can enjoy the beauty and bounty of the tropical world.
Fairchild is located at 10901 Old Cutler Road, Coral Gables.
Now in its fifth year, Howl-O-Ween is one of the few times a year when Fairchild opens its gates to our four-legged friends. Now is the perfect chance to let your dog explore the Garden. Please see Fairchild’s Howl-O-Ween webpage for rules and details.
Established in 1938 and comprising 85 acres in Miami, Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden is a non-profit organization dedicated to exploring, explaining and conserving the world of tropical plants. The world-renowned plant collections feature palms, cycads, orchids, tropical fruit trees and more. Fairchild has the largest education program of any metropolitan area, reaching more than 200,000 schoolchildren each year with environmental programs like The Fairchild Challenge. It aims to inspire a greater knowledge and love for plants and gardening so that all can enjoy the beauty and bounty of the tropical world.
Fairchild is located at 10901 Old Cutler Road, Coral Gables.
FrameWorks featuring "November Hues"
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A piece by R. Fernandezvega |
FrameWorks is having an Artists' Reception on Saturday, November 2, 6-8 pm, for Coconut Grove Gallery Walk. All the galleries will be doing something special, as they do the first Saturday of every month.
R. Fernandezvega and Susan K. Feldman are featured this month, the show runs through December 4, 2013, but come out for the opening and enjoy refreshments and meet the artists.
R. FernandezVega traces his artistic talent to his maternal grandfather, Bernardo Vega, a background scenery artist for live theater in Havana during the 1920s and 1930s. Born in Havana, FernandezVega moved with his family to the U.S. and ultimately to Puerto Rico where he grew up and attended high school. He studied art at the Ringling School of Art in Sarasota, and after graduation returned to Puerto Rico where he freelanced for several advertising agencies and worked as an artist; his first solo show was at the Mayor's office in Old San Juan. In 1980, he relocated to Miami where he continues to live and work as a professional artist.
FernandezVega is a former Miami Heraldl/El Nuevo Herald Pulitzer Prize award-winning artist and editorial illustrator. He has received over 23 awards from several national publications, and also received design and illustration awards as a freelancer for The Washington Post and The Los Angeles Times.
A native of Ohio, Susan K. Feldman studied at Ohio State University, the Columbus College of Arts and Design, and the University of Cincinnati, where she initially cultivated her love for pen & ink and watercolor. Over the past 35 years, she has studied with various South Florida artists who specialize in oils and watercolor. The palette knife has been an important tool in her execution of oil on canvas. Her paintings appear in private collections in homes and businesses. Feldman has also painted murals in private homes and at Jackson South Community Hospital. She is a member of the Miami Watercolor Society and was featured as a visiting artist in the East of Asheville Studio Tour in Asheville, N.C.
FrameWorks is at 3196 Commodore Plaza.
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A piece by Susan K. Feldman |
Saturday, October 26, 2013
Benjamin Britten 100th birthday celebration
Festival Miami will present a special concert in celebration of the 100th anniversary of the birth of Benjamin Britten, on Tuesday, October 29, one of the 20th century's greatest composers. The festivities begin with a captivating pre-concert presentation, providing insight into the composer's life and work, with tenor soloist and concert host Tony Boutté and Karen Henson.
The Frost Chorale under the direction of Karen Kennedy, will perform Choral Dances from Gloriana and the Frost Opera Theater will perform a scene from Britten's A Midsummer Night's Dream. Faculty members Alan Johnson and Richard Todd join Boutté to perform Britten's captivating Canticle III, Still falls the rain, and two competition-winning students will perform two of Britten's solo works, Twelve Variations on a Theme for solo piano and Elegy for solo viola.
The Frost Symphony Orchestra performs one of Britten's final works, Suite on English Folk Tunes ‘A Time There Was... ' will be performed by the Frost Symphony Orchestra. To round out the commemoration, Boutté will join the Frost Symphony to give the first public performance of Britten's Three Small Songs, plus the U.S. premiere of Everyone Sang, for tenor and orchestra.
Tickets are $30, $20 and $15.
The concert is at the UM Gusman Concert Hall at UM Campus, showtime is 7:15 pm.
The campus is at 1314 Miller Drive. For info: 305-284-4940. Get your tix here.
The Frost Chorale under the direction of Karen Kennedy, will perform Choral Dances from Gloriana and the Frost Opera Theater will perform a scene from Britten's A Midsummer Night's Dream. Faculty members Alan Johnson and Richard Todd join Boutté to perform Britten's captivating Canticle III, Still falls the rain, and two competition-winning students will perform two of Britten's solo works, Twelve Variations on a Theme for solo piano and Elegy for solo viola.
The Frost Symphony Orchestra performs one of Britten's final works, Suite on English Folk Tunes ‘A Time There Was... ' will be performed by the Frost Symphony Orchestra. To round out the commemoration, Boutté will join the Frost Symphony to give the first public performance of Britten's Three Small Songs, plus the U.S. premiere of Everyone Sang, for tenor and orchestra.
Tickets are $30, $20 and $15.
The concert is at the UM Gusman Concert Hall at UM Campus, showtime is 7:15 pm.
The campus is at 1314 Miller Drive. For info: 305-284-4940. Get your tix here.
Locust Projects' Smash & Grab fundraiser
Locust Projects' annual Smash & Grab Fundraiser, tonight, October 26, will bring contemporary artists and collectors together for a unique evening revolving around a raffle where every ticket is guaranteed to win. The event is from 6:30 to 9:30 pm.
Local, national and international artists support Locust Projects by donating artwork which is selected by ticket holders by random draw throughout the evening. It's a fun and exciting way to place artwork into collections and connect with Miami's art community - as you help fund the Locust Projects' exhibitions and programming.
Tickets are $450 for one artwork raffle ticket and admission for two or $50 for individual admission (without raffle entry). The raffle begins at 7:30 sharp.
Locust Projects
3852 North Miami Avenue, Miami Design District
Local, national and international artists support Locust Projects by donating artwork which is selected by ticket holders by random draw throughout the evening. It's a fun and exciting way to place artwork into collections and connect with Miami's art community - as you help fund the Locust Projects' exhibitions and programming.
Tickets are $450 for one artwork raffle ticket and admission for two or $50 for individual admission (without raffle entry). The raffle begins at 7:30 sharp.
Locust Projects
3852 North Miami Avenue, Miami Design District
Arts Festival looking for that one special fan
The 51st Annual Coconut Grove Arts Festival recently announced its an online contest for one special Arts Festival fan to participate in its upcoming advertising campaign. The contest will be held online from Tuesday Thursday, October 31 at midnight, and is open to fans that best identify with the campaign’s theme: “All for Art. Art for All."
Fans are invited to creatively express what “All for Art. Art for All” means to them in in 150 words or less, by telling a story related to the Coconut Grove Arts Festival. Regardless of artistic background, the event is looking for any fan that has a passion for the arts. (Applicants must be 21 years or older.)
Once all submissions are received, five finalists will be selected to proceed to the final round. During a four-day voting period open from Monday, November 4 through Thursday, November 7, the organization’s social media followers will determine a winner by popular vote. The winner must be available for photos on Tuesday, November 12.
In addition to starring in the Arts Festival’s upcoming 2014 advertising campaign, the winner will also be rewarded two All-Access Weekend Passes and a swag bag complete with apparel and poster.
The “All for Art. Art for All” Coconut Grove Arts Festival advertising campaign will boast why the Arts Festival’s dedication to arts inclusion of all disciplines brings together some of the greatest art enthusiasts in South Florida. It will be featured locally on NBC6, Telemundo51 and Comcast, while print ads will be seen in the Coconut Grove Grapevine, The Miami Herald, Miami New Times and other widely distributed publications.
Fans interested in participating can send submissions to Each entry must be accompanied by a photo of the applicant.
The Coconut Grove Arts Festival will be held February 15-17, 2014 and is produced by the non-profit Coconut Grove Arts and Historical Association. Proceeds help fund year-round arts programs. The association also maintains the Coconut Grove Arts Festival Gallery and presents special exhibitions throughout the year from its location at the Shoppes at Mayfair.
Since its inception in 1963, the association has awarded more than $100,000 in scholarships to students who attend fine arts programs in local schools. For more information, visit
Fans are invited to creatively express what “All for Art. Art for All” means to them in in 150 words or less, by telling a story related to the Coconut Grove Arts Festival. Regardless of artistic background, the event is looking for any fan that has a passion for the arts. (Applicants must be 21 years or older.)
Once all submissions are received, five finalists will be selected to proceed to the final round. During a four-day voting period open from Monday, November 4 through Thursday, November 7, the organization’s social media followers will determine a winner by popular vote. The winner must be available for photos on Tuesday, November 12.
In addition to starring in the Arts Festival’s upcoming 2014 advertising campaign, the winner will also be rewarded two All-Access Weekend Passes and a swag bag complete with apparel and poster.
The “All for Art. Art for All” Coconut Grove Arts Festival advertising campaign will boast why the Arts Festival’s dedication to arts inclusion of all disciplines brings together some of the greatest art enthusiasts in South Florida. It will be featured locally on NBC6, Telemundo51 and Comcast, while print ads will be seen in the Coconut Grove Grapevine, The Miami Herald, Miami New Times and other widely distributed publications.
Fans interested in participating can send submissions to Each entry must be accompanied by a photo of the applicant.
The Coconut Grove Arts Festival will be held February 15-17, 2014 and is produced by the non-profit Coconut Grove Arts and Historical Association. Proceeds help fund year-round arts programs. The association also maintains the Coconut Grove Arts Festival Gallery and presents special exhibitions throughout the year from its location at the Shoppes at Mayfair.
Since its inception in 1963, the association has awarded more than $100,000 in scholarships to students who attend fine arts programs in local schools. For more information, visit
Friday, October 25, 2013
Take 5 and Stop Grove Bay
Take 5 and Stop Grove Bay is a little get together tonight, October 25, at Grove Properties.
What does it mean to you?
Stop by...have a refreshment...hang out on their historic back deck... talk real estate...share ideas...
What’s going on in the community...get to know the new Grove Properties.
The main topic of discussion is "Stop Grove Bay."
Grove Properties is located at 3936 Main Highway, (Off the intersection of Main Hwy and Douglas Road). Stop by from 5 to 7 pm.
What does it mean to you?
Stop by...have a refreshment...hang out on their historic back deck... talk real estate...share ideas...
What’s going on in the community...get to know the new Grove Properties.
The main topic of discussion is "Stop Grove Bay."
Grove Properties is located at 3936 Main Highway, (Off the intersection of Main Hwy and Douglas Road). Stop by from 5 to 7 pm.
Halloween fun, including regatta at the Sailing Club
The 3rd Annual Halloween Howler Youth Regatta is this week at the Sailing Club. On Saturday and Sunday, October 26 and 27, more than 100 young sailors from around Florida and the Caribbean, will take part on this ghostly regatta.
Sailors between 6 and 18 years of age will compete in three different categories: 420, Lasers and Optimists for two full days of sunny and hopefully windy weather.
Sailors between 6 and 18 years of age will compete in three different categories: 420, Lasers and Optimists for two full days of sunny and hopefully windy weather.
The Coconut Grove Sailing Club becomes a haunted and scary place decorated for the occasion while hosting some of the best sailing in the area. This is an incredible and fun event created to get young children to fall in love with sailing while making good friends for life.
Come and visit, watch the tenacious sailors at work and feel the positive energy of teamwork, sportsmanship and friendship while having some seriously scary fun!
And on Saturday, from 7 to 9 pm, family friendly Halloween activities are part of the annual Haunted Mooring Field Celebration. Parents, bring your kids out to trick or treat on the mooring field (tender boat brings them from boat to boat). Skippers- stock the bilge with candy, and decorate your boats for Halloween. The trick or treaters will be brought out to the mooring field on the launches and the boat owners transform their boats and dinghies into spooky Halloween venues.
The Coconut Grove Sailing Club is located at 2990 S. Bayshore Drive.
And on Saturday, from 7 to 9 pm, family friendly Halloween activities are part of the annual Haunted Mooring Field Celebration. Parents, bring your kids out to trick or treat on the mooring field (tender boat brings them from boat to boat). Skippers- stock the bilge with candy, and decorate your boats for Halloween. The trick or treaters will be brought out to the mooring field on the launches and the boat owners transform their boats and dinghies into spooky Halloween venues.
The Coconut Grove Sailing Club is located at 2990 S. Bayshore Drive.
Thursday, October 24, 2013
Third lawsuit filed against Grove Bay project
A third lawsuit has been filed by activist Grace Solares regarding the Grove Bay waterfront project. Two lawsuits have been filed by local businessman Steve Kneapler, who claims the City of Miami violated open meeting laws and bidding rules in awarding the job to the Grove Bay developers.
Read more here:
This third suit claims that there were not the usual proper three bids received by the City of Miami for the project.
The suit also claims that the City-owned waterfront property may be leased only if all of
the following conditions are satisfied:
A) the terms of the lease allows reasonable public access to the water and reasonable public use of the property, and complies with other Charter waterfront setback and view-corridor requirements; and
B) the terms of the lease result in a fair return to the City based on two independent appraisals; and
C) the use is authorized under the existing comprehensive plan of the City; and
D) the procurement methods prescribed by ordinances are observed; and
E) the contract does not exceed five years and does not contain an automatic renewal or termination penalty.
Also, there were no discussions or references during a July 25, 2013 City Commission
Meeting that the proposed lease includes a contractual provision that allows Grove Bay to use this City-owned waterfront property for Casino Gambling as an “other contemplated use” if and when gambling becomes legal in the City of Miami solely upon receiving a favorable vote by the City Commission.
The state requires a municipal referendum ballot summary to be “printed in clear and unambiguous language” and to be “an explanatory statement, not exceeding 75 words in length, of the chief purpose” of the enabling resolution or ordinance. This does not, the ballot question is non-descript.
Here is the ballot question:
"Proposed lease of city-owned waterfront and submerged lands in Coconut Grove
"Shall the City be authorized to lease approximately 7 acres of waterfront and submerged lands in Coconut Grove to Grove Bay Investment Group, LLC, providing for 1) a minimum of $1.4 million in guaranteed annual rent and 2) approximately $17.9 million of privately funded improvements to redevelop an existing marina and public baywalk, construct restaurants and, partially fund a public parking garage for a 50 year term with two 15 year renewal options? "
The suit states that "The November 5, 2013 Referendum ballot title and ballot summary are misleading, fraudulent and deliberately deceptive because they do not reflect the chief purpose of the enabling resolution, Resolution R-13-0305, which was adopted only for the stated purpose of seeking voter approval pursuant to Charter Section 29-B."
In other words, the City wants the votes, tricking the voters in the process, thereby misleading the voters.
Here is the full lawsuit.
Read more here:
This third suit claims that there were not the usual proper three bids received by the City of Miami for the project.
The suit also claims that the City-owned waterfront property may be leased only if all of
the following conditions are satisfied:
A) the terms of the lease allows reasonable public access to the water and reasonable public use of the property, and complies with other Charter waterfront setback and view-corridor requirements; and
B) the terms of the lease result in a fair return to the City based on two independent appraisals; and
C) the use is authorized under the existing comprehensive plan of the City; and
D) the procurement methods prescribed by ordinances are observed; and
E) the contract does not exceed five years and does not contain an automatic renewal or termination penalty.
Also, there were no discussions or references during a July 25, 2013 City Commission
Meeting that the proposed lease includes a contractual provision that allows Grove Bay to use this City-owned waterfront property for Casino Gambling as an “other contemplated use” if and when gambling becomes legal in the City of Miami solely upon receiving a favorable vote by the City Commission.
The state requires a municipal referendum ballot summary to be “printed in clear and unambiguous language” and to be “an explanatory statement, not exceeding 75 words in length, of the chief purpose” of the enabling resolution or ordinance. This does not, the ballot question is non-descript.
Here is the ballot question:
"Proposed lease of city-owned waterfront and submerged lands in Coconut Grove
"Shall the City be authorized to lease approximately 7 acres of waterfront and submerged lands in Coconut Grove to Grove Bay Investment Group, LLC, providing for 1) a minimum of $1.4 million in guaranteed annual rent and 2) approximately $17.9 million of privately funded improvements to redevelop an existing marina and public baywalk, construct restaurants and, partially fund a public parking garage for a 50 year term with two 15 year renewal options? "
The suit states that "The November 5, 2013 Referendum ballot title and ballot summary are misleading, fraudulent and deliberately deceptive because they do not reflect the chief purpose of the enabling resolution, Resolution R-13-0305, which was adopted only for the stated purpose of seeking voter approval pursuant to Charter Section 29-B."
In other words, the City wants the votes, tricking the voters in the process, thereby misleading the voters.
Here is the full lawsuit.
Canes Crawl this Saturday in the Grove
Canes Crawl to benefit UM Sylvester Cancer Center is Saturday, October 26 in Coconut Grove. The crawl from 5:30 pm to midnight is $20 if you wear Canes attire and $25 if not. You can register on-site.
All proceeds raised go to supporting healthy lifestyles, encouraging community awareness and support of cancer research at UM Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center.
This event is in support of the 2013 Dolphins Cycling Challenge. To learn more visit
Participating bars and specials:
Mr. Moe’s - Register here, too.
5:30-6:30 pm - First draft beer or Moose Juice Free
Barracuda Bar & Grill
6:30-7:30 pm - First Beer Free (12oz PBR Draft)
7:30-8:30 pm - Free Shot of Skyy Flavors & $3 Drinks and Drafts
8:30-9:30 pm - Free shot, $5 well drinks, $3 Miller Light
9:30-10:30 pm - Free Lemon Drop shot. $3.50 draft beer, $4.50 well drinks, $6 well martinis, margarita or mojitos
Duffy’s Coconut Grove
11 pm-midnight - Free Canes Crawl shot, 2-4-1 Beer, Wine & Spirits
All proceeds raised go to supporting healthy lifestyles, encouraging community awareness and support of cancer research at UM Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center.
This event is in support of the 2013 Dolphins Cycling Challenge. To learn more visit
Participating bars and specials:
Mr. Moe’s - Register here, too.
5:30-6:30 pm - First draft beer or Moose Juice Free
Barracuda Bar & Grill
6:30-7:30 pm - First Beer Free (12oz PBR Draft)
7:30-8:30 pm - Free Shot of Skyy Flavors & $3 Drinks and Drafts
8:30-9:30 pm - Free shot, $5 well drinks, $3 Miller Light
9:30-10:30 pm - Free Lemon Drop shot. $3.50 draft beer, $4.50 well drinks, $6 well martinis, margarita or mojitos
Duffy’s Coconut Grove
11 pm-midnight - Free Canes Crawl shot, 2-4-1 Beer, Wine & Spirits
The Sale Rack is turning 4
The Sale Rack is 4 years old and they are celebrating tonight, October 24. Starting at 7 pm, join in the celebration with tasty beverages and nibbles and of course, a huge confetti-worthy sale all day long!!!
The Sale Rack is at 3444 Main Highway.
Their Facebook page is here.
Create art to support art
Blu Moon Studio is having one of it's Artist Trading Card workshops, which is a fundraiser, too.
The fundraiser will raise money for next month's Mad Hatter Arts Festival being held at The Barnacle.
The Trading Card event is Sunday, October 27 from noon to 4 pm. Cost is $20 for all supplies and materials needed plus delightful treats and champagne punch.
You will be making Artist Trading Cards. These are 2 1/2" x 3 1/2" works of art, like a business card, but better. Any subject matter is fine, let your imagination go wild.
On Saturday, November 2, Blu Moon is presenting "Dreaming in Color," for Gallery Walk night. Escape from the humdrum of everyday life and immerse yourself in a sensuous and enchanting world of color, joy and beauty painted by artist Carla Golembe.
This is from 7 to 10 pm. Enjoy refreshments and live music, too.
Blu Moon is at 3444 Main Highway, in the back.
The fundraiser will raise money for next month's Mad Hatter Arts Festival being held at The Barnacle.
The Trading Card event is Sunday, October 27 from noon to 4 pm. Cost is $20 for all supplies and materials needed plus delightful treats and champagne punch.
You will be making Artist Trading Cards. These are 2 1/2" x 3 1/2" works of art, like a business card, but better. Any subject matter is fine, let your imagination go wild.
On Saturday, November 2, Blu Moon is presenting "Dreaming in Color," for Gallery Walk night. Escape from the humdrum of everyday life and immerse yourself in a sensuous and enchanting world of color, joy and beauty painted by artist Carla Golembe.
This is from 7 to 10 pm. Enjoy refreshments and live music, too.
Blu Moon is at 3444 Main Highway, in the back.
Why you should vote NO on the Grove Bay mess
This is a great video, which was on the Channel 10 website. Writer and journalist and Coconut Grove resident, David Villano, explains why we should vote NO on the Grove Bay waterfront project. That is #401 on the ballot. It's a way for us to regroup and get the city to do something right before it does something wrong and it's too late.
This video is not showing on mobile devices, please try Channel 10's site here.
Also this: From the Signed GROVE BAY LEASE
Section 2.7 Prohibition on Casino Gambling
Lessee agrees that if casino gambling shall in the future become legal in the City of Miami, the Property hereby demised shall not be used for casino gambling, or games of chance, unless (1) Lessee obtains the prior consent of the Lessor, which consent may be withheld at the sole discretion of the City Commission and (II) if the Lessor Consents, the Parties shall in good faith negotiate an appropriate modification or amendment to this Lease, permitting such use and providing for the payment by the Lessee to the Lessor, as Additional Rent, of an amount to be negotiated by the parties.
Basically it's like this. When and if casino gambling is allowed, do you think Grove Bay, which has this specifically stated in the lease, is going to turn it down? All they need to do is get 3 commission votes, which will not be hard to do.
As for the Regatta Park next door, where the Expo Center is now. We are NOT voting for that. That park is happening no matter what. We are only voting against the improper wording and lease and bid on the Grove Bay / Scotty's Landing site.
Winners chosen for Public Space Challenge
The winners |
The challenge is part of the Foundation’s ongoing Our Miami initiative, an effort to build a stronger sense of community and retain talented people in Miami by improving livability.
From July 31 to September 19, residents, advocacy groups and organizations submitted more than 250 ideas at A panel of community experts and professional placemakers selected top submissions based on their compelling nature, economic feasibility, relevance to the surrounding area and above all, community impact.
“The explosion of energy Miamians created around the challenge was tremendous,” said Javier Alberto Soto, president and CEO of The Miami Foundation. “Each visionary idea added to the spark – a spark we hope will fuel a permanent community-wide focus on improving public spaces.”
Eleven projects will be funded by $100,000 from The Miami Foundation. Health Foundation of South Florida will invest an additional $20,000 to $30,000 in the challenge to fund four ideas promoting healthy, physical exercise activities and access to fresh food through gardens and farmer’s markets. Both organizations will work with winners to execute their projects.
Selected ideas include:
· Creating artistic wooden benches and hand-painted flower pots filled with tropical plants in Little Havana, celebrating their burgeoning arts community. (Idea from Ileana Collazo)
· Install a shade covering over the outdoor fitness zone at Liberty City's Gwen Cherry Park to protect park-going residents from the South Florida heat and rain. (Idea from Gwen Cherry Park Foundation)
· Transform an empty Downtown Dadeland lot next to the M-Path into a new public green space for Miamians to walk their dogs and engage with neighbors. (Idea from Eric Katz)
All participants were invited to sign up with challenge partner ioby (in our backyard), a powerful online crowd-resourcing platform that drives public financial support for neighborhood projects. Funded projects will also require volunteer support, providing opportunities for challenge participants to engage in the project’s next phase.
“This challenge is a community-wide achievement,” said Stuart Kennedy, the Foundation’s programs officer coordinating the Our Miami initiative. “By connecting challenge contributors to ioby and other resources, we could see many more ideas crystallize in the coming weeks. Together, we’re making Miami a more open, attractive, healthier and engaged place to live.”
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
Many old ghosts leaving the building
Lots of fond memories will be a big park soon, as the Coconut Grove Expo Center/Dinner Key Auditorium/Convention Center/Jim Morrison thingie/tv-movie studios are torn down. This is how it looks today.
Do you have fond memories of the place? Did you see concerts there or go to the antique shows or flower shows or home shows, etc.?
Do you have fond memories of the place? Did you see concerts there or go to the antique shows or flower shows or home shows, etc.?
Grasping at straws
There was a meeting last night at Grove Isle for the residents of Grove Isle, about the Grove Bay waterfront project. I did not post the meeting notice because it was for the residents and I didn't feel like it was proper for the whole town to show up, but it seems like that is what happened anyway. I did not attend for that reason, I felt it was barging in on their condo meeting, but as others told me, the folks needed to hear the other side and that makes sense.
So the Stop Grove Bay people showed up and lots of others from the opposing side. It's interesting to note that those neighbors in favor, if there are any in favor, did not show up.
Commissioner Marc Sarnoff and others were there to push the plan to the neighbors, but according to friends who were there, the neighbors were not buying it. One wife admonished her husband as they left the room saying, "We're voting NO!" I could almost hear him saying "Yes, dear."
It's sort of the Streisand effect, the more they push the project, the more it makes people suspicious of the project.
It was very interesting that Sarnoff who has been shunning the Village Council for years, he even allegedly threw them out of City Hall years ago so they could not get tv time, was telling people, "Even the Village Council has approved of the plan." That's really grasping at straws. People saw right through that, I was told of many nasty whispers under people's breath after that comment.
Many present asked why he was not talking about an alternative solution since people don't seem to care for this plan and of course the question remains, where was the bidding process? There was only one bidder, even at Grove Isle condo, all those folks are well aware of getting three bids for projects. They cannot paint the buildings or even get a new lawn guy without getting at least three bids, yet this large waterfront project was approved by our City Commission even though there were no bids, it ended up coincidentally being the same Grove Bay that built The Fresh Market and the Marina.
Vote NO on this project.
So the Stop Grove Bay people showed up and lots of others from the opposing side. It's interesting to note that those neighbors in favor, if there are any in favor, did not show up.
Commissioner Marc Sarnoff and others were there to push the plan to the neighbors, but according to friends who were there, the neighbors were not buying it. One wife admonished her husband as they left the room saying, "We're voting NO!" I could almost hear him saying "Yes, dear."
It's sort of the Streisand effect, the more they push the project, the more it makes people suspicious of the project.
It was very interesting that Sarnoff who has been shunning the Village Council for years, he even allegedly threw them out of City Hall years ago so they could not get tv time, was telling people, "Even the Village Council has approved of the plan." That's really grasping at straws. People saw right through that, I was told of many nasty whispers under people's breath after that comment.
Many present asked why he was not talking about an alternative solution since people don't seem to care for this plan and of course the question remains, where was the bidding process? There was only one bidder, even at Grove Isle condo, all those folks are well aware of getting three bids for projects. They cannot paint the buildings or even get a new lawn guy without getting at least three bids, yet this large waterfront project was approved by our City Commission even though there were no bids, it ended up coincidentally being the same Grove Bay that built The Fresh Market and the Marina.
Vote NO on this project.
Psychic Faire and Witches Gathering
Celestial Treasures inaugural Halloween Psychic Faire and Witches Gathering is this weekend. Guests will be able to experience a variety of spiritual services, including psychic readings, dream interpretations, spiritual reiki healings, and henna tattoos. Local artists will present their original, one-of-a-kind magical creations for purchase.
The event is Saturday, October 26, from 1 pm to 10 pm and at 9 pm, the Halloween ceremony will commence, where they will honor our ancestors and those who watch over us in the world of spirits. They will ask our spirit guides for their empowerment and protection.
Celestial Treasures is located at 3444 Main Highway, #3. For info: 305-461-2341.
The event is Saturday, October 26, from 1 pm to 10 pm and at 9 pm, the Halloween ceremony will commence, where they will honor our ancestors and those who watch over us in the world of spirits. They will ask our spirit guides for their empowerment and protection.
Celestial Treasures is located at 3444 Main Highway, #3. For info: 305-461-2341.
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
Flo Rida named Grand Marshal of Bed Race
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Flo Rida |
He joins celebrity judges, and others as part of this year's event. Emceess of the bed-to-bed race offs is KVJ morning show of 97.3 FM the Coast. The 2013 competition of racing homemade beds through the streets of Coconut Grove will benefit Dress for Success Miami.
Born and raised in Miami, Flo Rida released his first album in 2008 that featured hit songs such as “Low” featuring T-Pain and “Right Round” featuring Kesha. Both songs reached the top of the charts and held their position at number one for several weeks. His latest album “Perfect 10” will be released before the years end.
“I love my fans, so when I get the chance to interact with them, it's beautiful,” said Flo Rida, “Growing up in South Florida, I've always known, before I had a record deal, that the thing is to go out and put on the show. I've been doing that from day one and so have these race producers. I can’t wait to be a part of the totally different kind of show."
The event will take place on South Bayshore Drive by Peacock Park. Ingenuity has always been the key component of the races. Entries in recent years have depicted everything from a bed-ridden President Obama to last years top prize winner a Victorian Themed bed by The Olfactory Company complete with white powder and wigs. Like any other 5k or tri-athalon for charity; the Bed Racers will fundraise throughout the fall season, with a 5-man race team and an additional 5-man pit crew, sending emails and encouraging attendees to sponsor and donate to their teams.
The day starts with a family pajama party at 11 am with free games, Billy the Marlin, a kid’s race course, interactive race games, acrobatic shows and music. Tickets to the Bed Race are just Five dollars for adults and kids 12 and under free all day. Live music starts on the main stage with a pre-race party zooming into a pit row parade where you can text your vote for Crowd Favorite, which will be the top prize of the day. Grand Marshal Flo Rida and Celebrity judges rate the beds for “Best Artistry," “Best Engineered," “Just plain Funniest” and “Most Dressed for Success”.
The Great Grove Bed Race is 11 am to 5 pm on Sunday November 3. For more information about tickets and schedule, please visit
7th Annual "Wild About Kids" at Four Seasons
Boys & Girls Clubs of Miami-Dade is hosting it's annual “Wild About Kids” black-tie gala on Saturday, Nov. 9, 2013 at Four Seasons Hotel Miami, Grand Ballroom. The 7th annual fundraising event will benefit Boys & Girls Clubs of Miami-Dade and its many positive programs, such as after school programs, homework assistance, computer training, social skills, dance, arts & crafts, professional mentoring, and summer and athletic programs, for area children who need them the most.
The event will honor John Walsh, American television personality, criminal investigator, human and victim rights advocate and host/creator of America's Most Wanted; and Cesar L. Alvarez, co-chairman of Greenberg Traurig and Boys & Girls Clubs of Miami-Dade alumnus. Walsh will receive the Bebe Rebozo Humanitarian Award. Alvarez will receive the Community Leadership Award.
“Wild About Kids” was voted one of the Top 100 Events of 2011 by BizBash, which selects annual gatherings based on their impact on their respective industries and communities (and on the city) while innovating to stay on top.
The gala will kick off with a VIP party offering photo ops with honorees. A cocktail reception will preceed dinner and the program. An after party, also at Four Seasons Hotel Miami, will be held after the event. Guests will enjoy a fun-filled evening into the wee hours with Frank Sinatra-style entertainer Jeff Grainer, a D.J, dancing, an open bar and small bites.
Four Seasons Hotel Miami is located at 1435 Brickell Ave.
Underwriting opportunities, starting at $300, still remain. Table sales are sold out. Individual tickets for the gala are still available at $500 per ticket, and for the after party at $50 per ticket.
Gala co-chairs are Lana DeSimone, Irene Korge and Eris Thomas; special events chair is Boys & Girls Clubs of Miami-Dade former Board President Olga Guilarte. Gala committee members are Tom Bezold, Amy Deupi, Judy Kramer, Eddie Lacasa, Nina Mendieta, Alfredo Mesa, Joanne Messing, Joanne Silva, Rae Stein and Maggie Zulueta.
“The gala is our greatest fundraiser, because it benefits thousands of children at our five clubs on so many levels – especially the education of hands-on skills that cannot be learned in schools,” said Lana. “Many of our children stay friends for life. These priceless skills benefit everyone our kids meet, from parents to professionals."
For more information about sponsorship and underwriting opportunities, in-kind gift donations, and tickets, please contact Astrid H. Ehrenstein, director of special events & development at 305-446-9910 ext. 30 or
The event will honor John Walsh, American television personality, criminal investigator, human and victim rights advocate and host/creator of America's Most Wanted; and Cesar L. Alvarez, co-chairman of Greenberg Traurig and Boys & Girls Clubs of Miami-Dade alumnus. Walsh will receive the Bebe Rebozo Humanitarian Award. Alvarez will receive the Community Leadership Award.
“Wild About Kids” was voted one of the Top 100 Events of 2011 by BizBash, which selects annual gatherings based on their impact on their respective industries and communities (and on the city) while innovating to stay on top.
The gala will kick off with a VIP party offering photo ops with honorees. A cocktail reception will preceed dinner and the program. An after party, also at Four Seasons Hotel Miami, will be held after the event. Guests will enjoy a fun-filled evening into the wee hours with Frank Sinatra-style entertainer Jeff Grainer, a D.J, dancing, an open bar and small bites.
Four Seasons Hotel Miami is located at 1435 Brickell Ave.
Underwriting opportunities, starting at $300, still remain. Table sales are sold out. Individual tickets for the gala are still available at $500 per ticket, and for the after party at $50 per ticket.
Gala co-chairs are Lana DeSimone, Irene Korge and Eris Thomas; special events chair is Boys & Girls Clubs of Miami-Dade former Board President Olga Guilarte. Gala committee members are Tom Bezold, Amy Deupi, Judy Kramer, Eddie Lacasa, Nina Mendieta, Alfredo Mesa, Joanne Messing, Joanne Silva, Rae Stein and Maggie Zulueta.
“The gala is our greatest fundraiser, because it benefits thousands of children at our five clubs on so many levels – especially the education of hands-on skills that cannot be learned in schools,” said Lana. “Many of our children stay friends for life. These priceless skills benefit everyone our kids meet, from parents to professionals."
For more information about sponsorship and underwriting opportunities, in-kind gift donations, and tickets, please contact Astrid H. Ehrenstein, director of special events & development at 305-446-9910 ext. 30 or
Sunset at the Shake
Shake-A-Leg Miami (SALM) is shaking things up once again with their Sunset at the Shake event, as part of the Bacardi’s Bringing People Together series. Shake-A-Leg Miami honors Ring by Name, the first of our Community BayWorks Partner, with cocktails and culinary delights Thursday, Oct. 24, from 6 – 8 pm.
Enjoy a celebration of opportunities and possibilities and learn all about this wonderful, non-profit organization that launches boats and dreams.
Shake-A-Leg Miami is South Florida's premier, adaptive watersports community serving people of all abilities. With a series of programs offered seven days a week year-round, they provide a number of opportunities for children, youth, and adults with or without physical or mental challenges, to experience the beauty of Miami’s gem that is Biscayne Bay.
Shake A Leg is located at 2600 S. Bayshore Drive.
A donation of $10 per person is requested to fund scholarships for disabled and disadvantaged children.
To RSVP, please contact Jenny at 305-858-5550, ext. 1, or Parking validation will also be available.
Enjoy a celebration of opportunities and possibilities and learn all about this wonderful, non-profit organization that launches boats and dreams.
Shake-A-Leg Miami is South Florida's premier, adaptive watersports community serving people of all abilities. With a series of programs offered seven days a week year-round, they provide a number of opportunities for children, youth, and adults with or without physical or mental challenges, to experience the beauty of Miami’s gem that is Biscayne Bay.
Shake A Leg is located at 2600 S. Bayshore Drive.
A donation of $10 per person is requested to fund scholarships for disabled and disadvantaged children.
To RSVP, please contact Jenny at 305-858-5550, ext. 1, or Parking validation will also be available.
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