Dozens of people have asked me what has happened to the Village Council. I had to admit, I had no clue. No one receives notices or news from them anymore and when I asked about their next meeting, I was sent to look it up on their website, which had a date and time, but no agenda.
Their next meeting is this Thursday, March 21 from 7 to 9 pm at the Coconut Grove Sailing Club (2990 S. Bayshore Drive).
Phase 2 of the SW 27 Avenue project is supposed to be discussed. I heard this through the grapevine, another grapevine, village gossip, one thing led to another and so on, that's how we're getting the Village Council meeting notices now. Via a friend, through a friend, through someone's hairdresser's brother-in-law.
This came from a person via email to another friend, who sent it to me, mind you, I don't know this person, but it was passed along to me: "I find it odd that the Village Council would not promote or announce its meetings anymore like they once did. Or maybe I am off the list, the way I was taken off the BID list.
I am off the BID list too, and the Village of Center Grove, the Chamber and a bunch of lists, I had to argue to get back on the District 2 Commissioner's list, now I get four of them every time the email goes out.
That's how biz is done in the Grove these days. The majority of us are off the email lists. It's all a little secret society. Seems like they like to meet in little rooms with no one present. Less nosy neighbors with questions that way.
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