Thursday, March 14, 2013

More movement regarding the playhouse

Today's Miami Herald has a story regarding the Coconut Grove Playhouse. Now that architect Richard Heisenbottle's new plans are being taken seriously, people are interested again in the playhouse. This is a rendering of Mr. Heisenbottle's plan.

The story is that FIU and Miami-Dade County are interested in running the Playhouse. GableStage would also be involved. The proposal was submitted to the state. The deadline is April 15 for state colleges and universities to put bids in to run the playhouse.

Also in the works is a proposal to put the Playhouse on the registry of historic places, so that the structure cannot be destroyed. I was asked to write a letter for that cause, which I did. Mr. Heisenbottle will present the proposal to the historic board along with letters of support.

Interestingly, I was asked by someone on the side of those who would make a major land grab for the property in order to destroy the structure and put up condos, why I was causing trouble by writing stories about the subject of the playhouse. I was asked, "Who is going to run it?" This came from someone involved in the yellow ribbon "Give it Back" campaign last year.

"Give it Back" for some, seems like it was a mockery of just going through the motions. But in this case, there are plenty of people who are willing to run the playhouse. Was there ever any question? The question now remains, where does the money come from to renovate. Is the $20.5 million that is available, enough?

 Here is the Miami Herald's full story on the FIU plans, etc.

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