Here are Miamian, Brain Faith at left with the cup and his sailing partner, Mark Here are Miamian, Brain Faith at left with the cup and his sailing partner, Mark Mendelblatt (right), they won Miami Sailing Week. I wrote about it yesterday, but I didn't have the photos.
Brian's not shoving the cup in her face, the tradition is actually to have a drink from the winning cup for good luck. This was at the awards ceremony on Saturday at Dinner Key.
One of the sailors from Switzerland won this piece called "No Wind," by Coconut Grove emerging artist, Raphael Gutierrez.
Audrey Scott, Grove Ambassador, manned the BID's booth at Bacardi Miami Sailing Week. She introduced the sailors to all things Coconut Grove -- restaurants, bars, shopping, even art, as you can see by some of the pieces at the booth.
Photos by Raphael Gutierrez and Marco Oquendo
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