I have decided to end the Grapevine, but maybe not totally end it, I don't know yet. What I am doing is stopping daily publication for now, only because I feel that I have other things I need to do and I believe that you physically have to shut one door to have another door open. I want to immerse myself into the cartooning world and so that is what I am going to do. I plan on traveling often, my first trip is to New York for the New York Comic Con, where I can mix and mingle and pick up tricks from other cartoonists. I need to promote myself and my comic, Tomversation, full time. While I bought a 4-day pass, I was also given a press pass, so I will be covering the event for publication, maybe for the Huffington Post.
I could keep the Grapevine up and running, but not on a daily basis, but I feel that would be doing it in a half-assed way. I don't want to do that. I have tried hiring photographers and writers but it doesn't seem to work. So rather than run the thing into the ground, I will take this break, most likely it will be final, but I am a Gemini and I change my mind often, so maybe I'll start it up again in a few months, we'll see. There are almost 9000 stories here believe it or not, all done in the 7.5 years we've been up and running, so you can always go back into the archives and have a laugh or two if you feel like it.
I won't be going far though because I will still have my presence in other publications as I always have like at the Huffington Post, The Miami Herald, the Examiner, Salon.com and other places, including Tomversation.com where I have my daily comic strip, but also, I have a blog there. If you look at that page, you'll notice the cartoon is at the top and the blog below it, so even if you don't want to read the cartoon, you can always follow me through the blog, where I talk about personal things, social media and cartooning.
I will be in town, I'm not disappearing. I'll be at the Pumpkin Patch this weekend and Grovetoberfest and the Gallery Walk, next month, I am just not just publishing the news on these pages.
I will keep the Grapevine Twitter feed @grovegrapevine going and the Facebook fan page (http://www.Facebook/coconutgrovegrapevine) so that I can post photos and event notices and things like that whenever I have them, so I won't totally be out of the loop. That is where I'll probably post the Grovetoberfest photos or the Pumpkin Patch photos. I'll sometimes just post random photos, I posted one of amazing clouds and the sunset last night and it got over 100 likes, so people seem to enjoy that.
And if that isn't enough, you can personally follow me on Twitter at @Tomversation or at Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/Tomversation. It's a fan page, so you don't have to ask to be a friend, you can just follow any time you feel like.
Yes, I'm all over the place, but I have been all these years, you just may not have known it because it flows very seamlessly. I just post various things in the various publications, pages, and sites that pertain to those sites and subjects. I also have Instagram, Pinterest and Tumblr, I guess you can eventually find those sites if you look.
I never realized how busy I was before, I run a full time business on top of all this and for many years was on every committee in town, for six years I was even my condo's president. But now it's time for me to take time off from a lot of this and go off and do new things. Again, if you care to keep up with me personally or with Grove events or whatever, you can do it all via the social media sites listed above and when I have stories published in other publications, I'll share the links on the social media sites so you can read me if you feel like it.
Until my next tweet . . .
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