So here are a couple of before and after photos of the Florida Avenue trees. It actually doesn't look too bad. It looks cleaner without the trees.
This is the corner of Mary and Florida, at the Mayfair.
And here is the front of the Mayfair Hotel, which was a big concern, but while the large tree was beautiful, this is not bad. The tree is here above, and gone, below.
I have a friend who about 7 years ago, saw The Shoppes of Mayfair dumping palm trees because they were growing too high! So he got the trees and replanted them in empty spaces on the sidewalk, like shown below, you know, it was a big square box of dirt with nothing else. Now his palm trees are about 30 or 40 feet high. I was thinking as a joke to replant a tree in each one of these empty boxes on Florida Avenue each night, so when the work crews came in, trees would be sprouting up. But they probably wouldn't even get the joke.
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