Busy Saturday morning. I went to the gym early where I ran into my friend Carlos Lopez-Cantera, who is just finishing up his term as our State Representative in Tallahassee. He had to leave due to term limits. But he is running for Miami-Dade County Property Appraiser. The elections are in August.
Michelle Niemeyer was spotted at the doughnut sale for the Jr. Olympian team, that we wrote about earlier, doughnuts are still for sale for $7 per dozen, until they are gone. The kids need to raise $3500 by Thursday to go to the Houston games. That's a lot of doughnuts, stop by if you can and support the cause.
Local artist Eileen Seitz is having a yard sale on Shipping, just off Virginia. Eileen is responsible for the info booth paint job and the post office mural, along with Cyndy Hill. The sale is until 3 pm today and then starts up again tomorrow about 8:30 am until 3 pm. She has art and books and I even saw piece of workout equipment. I think her famous art would be the main draw.
I stopped in Starbucks at CocoWalk, not for coffee, but to drop off the Bed Race forms. Looks like our local Starbucks is gonna race in the Great Grove Bed Race this year, which is September 2. Alex, the district manager, seems all excited. If you would like to sign up, the forms are on line here: www.thegreatgrovebedrace.com or you can just pop into The Bookstore and Felice or Sandy or one of the girls will give you a form.
I stopped in The Bookstore and some group is setting up for a baby shower of all things -- you know, in the living room area!
Ben, my bud from Crispin + Porter was in Kennedy Park, coaching his soccer team. You can't miss him because is over 6 feet tall and the kids are all about 3 feet. He looks like a beanpole standing in the middle of the little kids.
Off to the Grove Farmer's Market on Grand Avenue. I'm very into green these days. I need avocados and lots of their prepared green salads and stuff.
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