Monday, July 23, 2012

Safety ambassadors are there for you

While you may not see it, the BID's ambassadors are out there keeping the Grove clean and safe. You've seen the around the Grove, in those bright green shirts. They seem as if they are innocently walking around, but they are really doing some great things. While we have talked about crime in many areas, keep in mind that the ambassadors are the eyes and ears of the Grove's business district. Too bad we can't have them Grove-wide, on every block.

Lots of graffiti is quickly removed that you may not even have known was there because they got to it so fast, they also have cleaned up weeds growing around light poles. Lots of gum has been removed from sidewalks and those flyers/bills that keep popping up are being removed constantly -- it's illegal to put up flyers for clubs, lost dogs, etc. As for trash, 4000 pounds of trash was picked up and removed in May alone!

The BID team not only tries to wipe out vandalism, but they are right on top of thefts at local businesses, they work with the police in nabbing the bad guys when it comes to thefts. Bicycle thefts are big problem in Miami. Safety Ambassador Eric Carithers noticed that a local panhandler was riding a stolen bicycle recently. The bicycle had been reported stolen.With one call from Eric, the police arrested the guy and recovered the bicycle.

Stolen phones that have been reported by the BID have been tracked down, via GPS and the culprit has been arrested and the phone returned to the owner. The ambassadors know of guys trying to charge people to park, they have been taken away.

People who are disturbing the peace are removed from the scene and even many who try to break into the Playhouse are apprehended by the safety ambassadors.

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