Neighbors in the South Grove are concerned about crime and they have called an emergency meeting to speak about it. They have sent a letter to county Mayor Carlos Gimenez and asked him to attend.
Recent crimes in the six block area around Loquat, Avacado, Palmetto, Royal Palm, Franklin and Charles Avenue, borderd by Douglas Road and Hibiscus Street has neighbors on edge. There have been car and home breakins, gunpoint assaults, vandalism and thefts. And it's not just the South Grove, this was High Gear Cycling early this morning on Main Highway -- a break-in overnight.
While the neighbors feel that the City and NRO officers are on top of it, they feel the need for more enforcement in the area. Neighbor John Reid, along with our local Commander Richard Gentry will meet with neighbors on Tuesday, July 24 at the Plymouth Congregational Church inside the Pilgrim House. The meeting is scheduled to be from 7:15 to 8:30 pm.
I know that many don't like when I write about crime, but this is a concern and people need to know what is going on and to be alert wherever they are. Note that this is not just Coconut Grove, but it's happening all over, probably a sign of the poor economy and hard times. The Grove has less crime than most neighborhoods, but we are not immune by any means.
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