A new free community open house and art exhibition produced by Arts for Learning Miami, is taking place at the Lewis Art Studio at 101 Grand Avenue. The exhibit features art from summer camp students. Middle school students from throughout the county and elementary school students enrolled in the Barnyard after school program receive art study as part of the program.
This is the 4th year anniversary of the Lewis Arts Studio, a program made possible through the Jonathan D. Lewis Foundation. The open house is Saturday, August 4 from 2 to 5 pm.
“This space is organic and flexible. We are not in one contained space, but many smaller connected ones. This space allows for so much more integration of the groups of students as well as allowing for individual investigations. And, being so close to each other, in such an open space, sparks student curiosity in a way that we have not had before.” Llewellyn also notes that being able to work on walls and not just tables gives students an opportunity to work like professional artist," says teacing artist Jenny Llewellyn Jones.
Lewis Arts Academy returns for its fourth summer of intensive visual arts study. A dedicated group of middle school students receive a crash course in portfolio development, working daily on improving their drawing and painting skills with Llewellyn and Abdiel Acosta. In the afternoons, the students split into two groups and work with either Loriel Beltran on sculpture or create a film with Grove artist and filmmaker Joseph Grant.
“The Lewis Arts Studio expands these students beyond skill building. Not only do the students get the techniques, but the program is such an eye opener- to have a better vision of what it means to be an artist, to find their own way of artistic expression,” continued Llewellyn. “This program develops them as a whole artist, not just one assignation (drawer, sculptor, painter, etc.) This is not just learning a linear progression of skills – there is learning skills as well as group dynamics, finding your own voice, and what’s out there in the community."
For more information on the Lewis Arts Studio, call Dia Carter Webb at 305.576.1212 *24 or email dia@a4lmiami.org.
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Free iRISE Training employs Spartan approach
So far Ivan Lacayo's Elite Techinque boot camp called "iRISE Training Camp," has started off great. The free training camp started in mid July and has drawn quite a few people. I had a friend email me about the story in the Grapevine, asking for the link, he wanted to join, too. The training takes place every Saturday morning at Kennedy Park.
Ivan's "Spartan Race Training Approach" helps improve muscle functionality, weight loss, cardiovascular endurance, plus it makes you feel and look great. He uses a lot of props and fitness tools for these insane workouts.
The training is free by Ivan is taking donations for the St. Alban's Child Enrichment Center and as the class grows each week, so do donations, so that's a great thing.
Ivan's "Spartan Race Training Approach" helps improve muscle functionality, weight loss, cardiovascular endurance, plus it makes you feel and look great. He uses a lot of props and fitness tools for these insane workouts.
The training is free by Ivan is taking donations for the St. Alban's Child Enrichment Center and as the class grows each week, so do donations, so that's a great thing.
"Florida Running Company (3407 Main Highway) are supporting me and the whole cause by giving all who are affiliated with me and the iRISE Elite Technique Training Program a will 10% discount on apparel, shoes, gear and more," says Ivan. Speak to Ivan first about discounts.
You may call or text Ivan at 786-230-5572 or email IDLAC@yahoo.com
An open letter to Comm. Michelle Spence-Jones

We Grovites (the majority anyway) do not prefer a park to the Burn Notice studio at the Coconut Grove Expo Center. In fact, most Grovites prefer the studio and would like to see it remain as a movie and tv facility in Coconut Grove. We would love to be a little version of Culver City, in California.
You were fed a load of crap, and I'm sure you know that, and at some out of the way, illegal un-Sunshine Law sort of way, you were read the riot act and told to change your stance on how you felt about Burn Notice. At first you felt the Wynwood studio was not the proper place, at this point in time anyway, you also felt that jobs and business were being conducted in the Grove, so what was the sense in moving it all away?
Then, in the flip of a second, you changed. Why? And I have to laugh at your hypocrisy, because if anyone in your own district spoke of removing a major money making and job creating industry, you would be the first to cry foul very loudly. And for you to sit at the commission meeting and say, "Well, the Grove residents apparently would prefer a park," while staring at hundreds of people protesting against the park in that very audience. How dare you!
And while many of us put the "nut" in Coconut Grove, we are not nuts. We know what we like and don't like. We don't like trees removed for no reason at all other than to line someone's pockets. We don't like industry like Burn Notice removed to place another park in between two parks, we don't like being told what to do and when to do it. But until the powers that be in the Grove have the balls to stand up to bullying, this is going to be the fate of the Grove.
Even the Mayor, who I like very much, was seen on the tv news saying that the park is the number one issue and it must proceed. And that Coconut Grove residents mandated the park, so it must be done. THE PARK IS THE NUMBER ONE ISSUE? How about putting more cops on the streets and filling up the empty storefronts and things like that being made the number one issue? Not throwing out the only business in town that is thriving and paying the City $240,000 per year, too! Last time I looked the city was broke. Yet a park costing taxpayers $1.8 or more is the NUMBER ONE ISSUE?
The residents also mandated that the trees be left alone and that we have free parking on the streets, and more police presence, but that doesn't happen. All of a sudden the residents must have a park because they asked for one many years ago? They also asked for Burn Notice to stay. And more people asked for that than for another park in our park-filled village.
NBC 6 did a poll, 98% of the voters chose Burn Notice over the park. When do voters' voices ever get heard in Miami? Thousands of letters and emails have gone out to the City Commission, asking that Burn Notice be permitted to stay and film in the village. That falls on deaf ears. Why? When is one single politician in this city (county?) going to listen to the taxpayers and voters?
I think the real nuttiness is that we are killing the trees in one area of the Grove, then killing a crucial business in another area to replant trees. Think about it. It sounds more like busy work and a total waste of tax payer dollars than actual projects that make sense.
When even the rest of the City Commission is bullied into saying and voting the way they don't feel in their own hearts, how is anything going to change around here?
There is talk of huge towers going in the Coconut Grove Bank land, there is also the same talk about the Fuddruckers building in the Center Grove. The Grove is sinking fast and people stand by and watch. Peacocks were removed from the north Grove again, trees are scheduled to be cut down for no apparent reason. And this is all because people want to bitch and moan but they don't want to vote when they have that huge power to make a difference.
Will the last sane person grab the last coconut (and peacock, and tree) on their way out.
NOTE: All future comments can be placed on our Facebook page here.
Monday, July 30, 2012
Self Defense classes starting Wednesday
Group-X-Fit of Coconut Grove will be begin holding self-defense classes on Wednesday, August 1.
Begin building your self-awareness and self-preservation skills with Sifu Tony Kapel at the Grove studio at 3137 Commodore Plaza. Wednesday's class is at 7 pm, and after that join in every Monday and Wednesday at 7 pm and every other Saturday at noon.
"At Group-X-Fit we are compelled to guide individuals who are seeking to improve their health and self-preservation skills. Providing sports like conditioning and martial-specific training to develop and implement combat tactics - training consisting of role-play scenarios and high stress hand-tohand drills. With structured specific programs for cardiovascular conditioning, weight loss, and strength endurance training through combative type exercise," says Tony.
The techniques used will be shown with the original and the modified version of its execution. You will learn to get in and out of various ranges while mixing your appropriate weapon. He will translate the weapons use to the empty hand. He has been analyzing different arts and their angulations and ranges used and through this process Tony has been able to narrow down practical applications for the streets but still training in the original ideas of their employment.
Sifu Tony began him martial arts training in 198. He has been training under his Standpoint Contemporary defense systems umbrella since 2002 -- since then he has trained privately, small group, and workshops.
The self defense class consists of a lot of shadow boxing and shuffling back and forth. Improve physically, mentally and spiritually, while polishing practical self-defense skills. Improve your cardiovascular conditioning, tones muscles and increases flexibility. You will feel the results both during the workout and afterwards. Basic moves involve the arms (punching, palm strikes, trapping) and legs (kicks, lunges, knee lifts and jogging in place).
The weapons portion of the class will require the student to obtain a pair of escrima sticks, training knife, sparring equipment, and a palm stick. Students will need Uniform sweat pants, and t-shirt, hoodie (optional). You're encouraged to bring a towel and always have water>
Classes are $15 each or $127 monthly for up to 10 classes.
For more info, please call the studio at 305-444-3184.
Begin building your self-awareness and self-preservation skills with Sifu Tony Kapel at the Grove studio at 3137 Commodore Plaza. Wednesday's class is at 7 pm, and after that join in every Monday and Wednesday at 7 pm and every other Saturday at noon.
"At Group-X-Fit we are compelled to guide individuals who are seeking to improve their health and self-preservation skills. Providing sports like conditioning and martial-specific training to develop and implement combat tactics - training consisting of role-play scenarios and high stress hand-tohand drills. With structured specific programs for cardiovascular conditioning, weight loss, and strength endurance training through combative type exercise," says Tony.
The techniques used will be shown with the original and the modified version of its execution. You will learn to get in and out of various ranges while mixing your appropriate weapon. He will translate the weapons use to the empty hand. He has been analyzing different arts and their angulations and ranges used and through this process Tony has been able to narrow down practical applications for the streets but still training in the original ideas of their employment.
Sifu Tony began him martial arts training in 198. He has been training under his Standpoint Contemporary defense systems umbrella since 2002 -- since then he has trained privately, small group, and workshops.
The self defense class consists of a lot of shadow boxing and shuffling back and forth. Improve physically, mentally and spiritually, while polishing practical self-defense skills. Improve your cardiovascular conditioning, tones muscles and increases flexibility. You will feel the results both during the workout and afterwards. Basic moves involve the arms (punching, palm strikes, trapping) and legs (kicks, lunges, knee lifts and jogging in place).
The weapons portion of the class will require the student to obtain a pair of escrima sticks, training knife, sparring equipment, and a palm stick. Students will need Uniform sweat pants, and t-shirt, hoodie (optional). You're encouraged to bring a towel and always have water>
Classes are $15 each or $127 monthly for up to 10 classes.
For more info, please call the studio at 305-444-3184.
Really going to the dogs; the Dog Days of Summer
On Sunday, The Barnacle held the Dog Days of Summer, a fun event that brought lots of dogs to the grounds. There were dogs up for adoption too. The best part was probably the obstacle course, where dogs had to run, jump and do all sorts of maneuvers.
Marty here, was one of the little dogs up for adoption by the Humane Society. I had tweeted and Facebooked him during the event and called him Marvin, actually I misspelled it and made it Mavin. But he's Marty and there was actually another dog named Marvin. They had a few dogs available and a booth set up with all sorts of information. Guitarist Lenny Batista played all day and he was great at keeping with so many dog-themed songs, like "Me And You and a Dog Named Boo" (haven't heard that in forever) and Bad, Bad Leroy Brown (madder than a junkyard dog). He was good.
The dogs were all a lot of fun and they all seemed to get along with each other. In other words, there were no dog fights the whole day. There were hot dogs for sale, but we opted for the delicious burgers that The Barnacle always has for sale at their many events.
Ok, now this is Kajeh. No, she's not the new park ranger, she was dressed for the people/dog lookalike contest. She actually won, apparently looking like her person -- Katrina Boler, the actual park ranger. Katrina gave her prize to the Human Society. It was funny when Katrina first greeted the guests, she said, "Welcome to all of you, and thank you for bringing your people with you."
Sunday, July 29, 2012
Things that make you go hmmmmm
Grand Avenue has been closed off to meter parking since Friday night. As you can see here, the "no parking" signs are up, blocking access. A film company, maybe a commercial, maybe Burn Notice, since they filmed in the same office building at Mayfair before, needed the street parking for a couple of hours' worth of filming. After they left, the signs stayed up.
I think about 15 spots are affected by this. As you drive up the Mary Street hill, from S. Bayshore Drive, the Mayfair side of the street has parking blocked from that corner up to Johnny's sunglasses booth, and maybe a little further up from that.
This drives people away. They can't find parking as it is on a normal day, now on a weekend the spots are blocked Friday night, all day and night on Saturday and so far all Sunday morning. What's up with that?
And if it was for Burn Notice, there is some sort of poetic justice there.
I think about 15 spots are affected by this. As you drive up the Mary Street hill, from S. Bayshore Drive, the Mayfair side of the street has parking blocked from that corner up to Johnny's sunglasses booth, and maybe a little further up from that.
This drives people away. They can't find parking as it is on a normal day, now on a weekend the spots are blocked Friday night, all day and night on Saturday and so far all Sunday morning. What's up with that?
And if it was for Burn Notice, there is some sort of poetic justice there.
Peacocks are disappearing again; 40+ disappeared
Neighbors are concerned again about the disappearance of Peacocks in the North Grove. This is going to be a regular thing, some of the neighbors do not like them. Within the past month over 40 have been removed (killed?). One local school teacher threatened to kill them, but I doubt she did that. They are probably down in the old age home for Peacocks in the Redland, where the last batch went a few years ago.
But people are claiming netting and poisoning. Crystal Court, Crystal Terrace and Natoma are the guilty streets.
The police and elected officials are keeping out of this Peacock caper.
"An elementary school teacher that lives on Natoma has been trying to run them over and made a lot of threats before their disappearance," says one concerned neighbor.
I would say, just be calm and the Peacocks they didn't get will breed and in no time, they will be roaming the streets again, that's what happened last time, they rebred really fast. You'll be zig zagging around them again in no time.
But people are claiming netting and poisoning. Crystal Court, Crystal Terrace and Natoma are the guilty streets.
The police and elected officials are keeping out of this Peacock caper.
"An elementary school teacher that lives on Natoma has been trying to run them over and made a lot of threats before their disappearance," says one concerned neighbor.
I would say, just be calm and the Peacocks they didn't get will breed and in no time, they will be roaming the streets again, that's what happened last time, they rebred really fast. You'll be zig zagging around them again in no time.
Saturday, July 28, 2012
The Barnacle is celebrating Dogs Days of Summer
The Dog Days of Summer is coming to The Barnacle.
Agility, K-9 Officer, and Search and Rescue demonstrations are part of the fun including pet tricks, a dog/owner look-alike contest and Canine Blessings. It's all a day for The Barnacle to go to the dogs.
Guitarist Lenny Batista will be on hand with live acoustic music to soothe the not-so-savage beasts. Bring a picnic or buy hot dogs (what else!), burgers, veggie burgers, chips and soft drinks from The Barnacle Society.
As always during regular business hours, well-behaved pets are welcome. All dogs must be on a hand-held leash that does not exceed six feet in length. Canine Good Citizen certification will be available for $15. Don't own a dog? Let the Humane Society of Greater Miami introduce you to one of their loveable, adoptable pets.
The Barnacle's Dog Days of Summer is Sunday, July 29 from 11 am to 4 pm. The park is located in downtown Coconut Grove at 3485 Main Highway. Park on the street and walk in for a howling good time. Admission is free with regular park admission of $2 per person (under age 6 free). For additional information call 305-442-6866.
Agility, K-9 Officer, and Search and Rescue demonstrations are part of the fun including pet tricks, a dog/owner look-alike contest and Canine Blessings. It's all a day for The Barnacle to go to the dogs.
Guitarist Lenny Batista will be on hand with live acoustic music to soothe the not-so-savage beasts. Bring a picnic or buy hot dogs (what else!), burgers, veggie burgers, chips and soft drinks from The Barnacle Society.
As always during regular business hours, well-behaved pets are welcome. All dogs must be on a hand-held leash that does not exceed six feet in length. Canine Good Citizen certification will be available for $15. Don't own a dog? Let the Humane Society of Greater Miami introduce you to one of their loveable, adoptable pets.
The Barnacle's Dog Days of Summer is Sunday, July 29 from 11 am to 4 pm. The park is located in downtown Coconut Grove at 3485 Main Highway. Park on the street and walk in for a howling good time. Admission is free with regular park admission of $2 per person (under age 6 free). For additional information call 305-442-6866.
Selling off the Grove, one parcel at a time
I was holding off on this story, until I had facts, but the Herald decided to run with the rumors today as a story, so here goes: The Coconut Grove Bank is for sale and developers are salivating over it. The Bank isn't talking (the employees actually denied it to our face and others yesterday when asked about it), but the word on the street is that a major developer, whose name you all know, is interested in the bank building and land (not the bank itself) and a major condo project will be going in.
One idea is to have a 600 unit condo, consisting of six to seven buildings.
The bank will move to a building behind the current bank building now. I was approached by so many people yesterday who are furious, not so much by the condos, but by the fact that their bank is going to move or leave. There is talk that they want to sell off the bank to the highest bidder, too. It may behoove the bank to hold off on that as there may be a run on the bank as people are furious enough to tell me they are closing their accounts. I know one friend who is going to Chase Monday to move her account over, another says she has bank account #3, basically, that she's been there from almost day one, she is furious.
But I don't really think the bank is going to leave the Grove, just that building. But it is another small town aspect that is leaving Coconut Grove, as we slowly become a mini-metropolis.
We can't get much more than that on the bank plans, no one wants to talk, but we do believe that to be the story for now. They are going to have a nice new park across the street it seems. Can't give those new neighbors an ugly Expo Center to look at.
Speaking of building, the building that housed the old Fuddruckers has sold, that's at 3444 Main Highway, that old 100 year old Spanish-type structure. Talk is of a new condo going up there, too. This and the bank condos are on the horizon, nothing written in stone yet. The flavor of the Grove is changing, and not in a good way.
The Playhouse sits there because the rumor is that they want it to get so decrepit and termite ridden that the building will come down, leaving the space for another condo project.
A few people are going to urbanize the Grove in the name of the almighty buck no matter what.
Talk is that "the park" is going to end up being a Bayside, that is why those Scotty's Landing and Chart House RFP's were thrown out, because the company that was supposed to win, didn't. So now it's a do-over to be sure the "right company" gets the job.
There really is no quality of life around here anymore. It's all being sold off to the best (not necessarily highest) bidder. Will the last person grab the last remaining tree and shut the lights on your way out.
One idea is to have a 600 unit condo, consisting of six to seven buildings.
The bank will move to a building behind the current bank building now. I was approached by so many people yesterday who are furious, not so much by the condos, but by the fact that their bank is going to move or leave. There is talk that they want to sell off the bank to the highest bidder, too. It may behoove the bank to hold off on that as there may be a run on the bank as people are furious enough to tell me they are closing their accounts. I know one friend who is going to Chase Monday to move her account over, another says she has bank account #3, basically, that she's been there from almost day one, she is furious.
But I don't really think the bank is going to leave the Grove, just that building. But it is another small town aspect that is leaving Coconut Grove, as we slowly become a mini-metropolis.
We can't get much more than that on the bank plans, no one wants to talk, but we do believe that to be the story for now. They are going to have a nice new park across the street it seems. Can't give those new neighbors an ugly Expo Center to look at.
Speaking of building, the building that housed the old Fuddruckers has sold, that's at 3444 Main Highway, that old 100 year old Spanish-type structure. Talk is of a new condo going up there, too. This and the bank condos are on the horizon, nothing written in stone yet. The flavor of the Grove is changing, and not in a good way.
The Playhouse sits there because the rumor is that they want it to get so decrepit and termite ridden that the building will come down, leaving the space for another condo project.
A few people are going to urbanize the Grove in the name of the almighty buck no matter what.
Talk is that "the park" is going to end up being a Bayside, that is why those Scotty's Landing and Chart House RFP's were thrown out, because the company that was supposed to win, didn't. So now it's a do-over to be sure the "right company" gets the job.
There really is no quality of life around here anymore. It's all being sold off to the best (not necessarily highest) bidder. Will the last person grab the last remaining tree and shut the lights on your way out.
Real Submarine on display at Science Museum
Something new for the kids this summer -- visitors to the Miami Science Museum (3280 S. Miami Avenue), will have the opportunity to view a real submarine on exhibit from July 28–Aug. 12. Provided through a partnership with the OceanGate Foundation by special arrangement with U.S. Submarines, the S101 submarine will give visitors and campers a chance to dive into the science of submarines and the forces they encounter while traveling the world’s oceans.
On Saturday, August 4 at 2 pm, OceanGate Foundation is holding a special presentation for family audiences where they will discuss the history of submarines, present info on submarine research taking place in Miami, field questions from the audience and more. Attendees will also be able to take a closer look at the S101 submarine on display. The presentation is free with paid museum admission.
The Museum has "Into the Deep" Summer Camp classes where campers will be able to go inside and explore the submarine and learn about oceanography, periscopes, Morse code, and the other technologies that allow subs to traverse the seven seas. Students participating in the Museum’s Upward Bound outreach program will also enjoy submarine science as part of their summer program.
The OceanGate Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit on a mission to expand humanity's understanding of the world's oceans through exploration, education, and outreach. They do this through many literally immersive experiences, in small submarines, remotely operated vehicles (ROVs), sonar, and SCUBA, while using further technologies to document the expeditions. The OceanGate Foundation encapsulates the discoveries from these missions, often with the help of participating students, for distribution to schools and educational programs nationwide.
Thousands of students have been shown new ways they might get excited about science and technology by getting involved in the oceans through this work. Partnerships with organizations such as the Miami Science Museum make it all possible. For more information, visit www.oceangatefoundation.org.
The upcoming summer camp classes are: July 30 – Aug. 3 for 4th and 5th graders and Aug. 6 – 10 for 6th, 7th and 8th graders.
For more information about the submarine exhibit, visit www.miamisci.org. For more information about Miami Science Museum’s 2012 Summer Camp, please visit www.miamisci.org/summercamp/classinfo.php, call the camp registrar at (305) 646-4222, or email summercamp@miamisci.org.
Friday, July 27, 2012
"Caring About the Strays" happy hour this weekend
There's a great party on Saturday, July 28 called, "Caring About the Strays," which is being held to raise money to take care of stray animals in the area.
It's a happy hour from 4 to 8 pm at The Grove Spot (3324 Virginia Street). Belly2Abs dancers will perform, there will be a raffle and other fun things.
Cost is $10 at the door and with that, receive a complimentary cocktail and assorted hors d'oeuvres. After that all drinks are at happy hour prices.
It's a happy hour from 4 to 8 pm at The Grove Spot (3324 Virginia Street). Belly2Abs dancers will perform, there will be a raffle and other fun things.
Cost is $10 at the door and with that, receive a complimentary cocktail and assorted hors d'oeuvres. After that all drinks are at happy hour prices.
"Summer Sundays" starts this weekend at Mayfair
The Mayfair Hotel & Spa (3000 Florida Avenue) is launching "Summer Sundays," a series of pool parties for guests, visitors and locals. The Rooftop Pool & Cabana Lounge is offering a full bar, specialty cocktails, beer buckets and bottle service.
The pool menu, including a ceviche trio, coconut Shrimp, oyster lychee cocktail, salads and a variety of pizzas, will be available, while DJ Ethics provides the party's soundtrack. ISA Boutique will also be popping up every Sunday and they'll showcase their 2013 swim and resort wear collections.
The launch party is Sunday, July 29. Stop by for complimentary welcome Mimosas and veggie smoothies throughout the day.
Summer Sundays will run through Labor Day Weekend. It's every week from 1 to 7 pm.
Also, beat the summer heat in style, with complimentary mini-manicures and 10-minute chair massages provided by the hotel’s Jurlique Spa, pineapple-mint infused water and suntan lotion. Cabana special includes Evian water mister, a bucket of domestic (five) beers, iced aromatherapy towels from the spa, frozen grapes and two liters of water (sparkling or still), for the full-day rate of $150. Valet will be offered at a discounted price of $5.
For more info, please call 305-441-0000.
She would have loved the old Grove
This is a comment someone left yesterday, I thought it was so beautiful I'm posting it here. It was an anonymous comment. I wish she had signed her name:
I was turning 50. In over 20 years, I hadn't taken a trip without my husband or children. I had been watching and loving Burn Notice for sometime. But, what impressed me was the Grove. The images of the neighborhood, the people were so attractive. During the winter before my trip, I planned my "escape." I researched the different areas of Miami. I worked an another job to earn the money to pay for the trip. And I dreamed of the time I would have.
Finally, I got there. And it was more than I hoped. I stayed at the Mutiny. It was lovely. The people took care of me. At night, I would walk around the Expo Center. I would watch the boats and sometimes get a glimpse of the show. I never intruded. It wasn't my style. I kinda wish it had been. I ate at Monty's. I loved the Chart House. I think I gained ten pounds in the Grove alone. I went to Cutler Bay. I visited the University of Miami. I walked the beach. And I walked around the Grove. I had Cuban coffee at the Grove Book Store and the Green Street Cafe. I saw Coby Bell eat at the Jaguar. And all the time, I listened and watched this part of Miami It became a "heart home."
One thing I understood was why Burn Notice was perfect for the Grove and the Grove was perfect for Burn Notice. It was a small corner of the Miami World filled with color and life. It was tucked away among brighter lights and made it's own music. It wasn't the same as the other, bigger places. Yet, it had a flavor and style and flow. Like Burn Notice.
Burn Notice will go on no matter what happens. So will the Grove. But, sometimes you just want to live in the magic.
I was turning 50. In over 20 years, I hadn't taken a trip without my husband or children. I had been watching and loving Burn Notice for sometime. But, what impressed me was the Grove. The images of the neighborhood, the people were so attractive. During the winter before my trip, I planned my "escape." I researched the different areas of Miami. I worked an another job to earn the money to pay for the trip. And I dreamed of the time I would have.
Finally, I got there. And it was more than I hoped. I stayed at the Mutiny. It was lovely. The people took care of me. At night, I would walk around the Expo Center. I would watch the boats and sometimes get a glimpse of the show. I never intruded. It wasn't my style. I kinda wish it had been. I ate at Monty's. I loved the Chart House. I think I gained ten pounds in the Grove alone. I went to Cutler Bay. I visited the University of Miami. I walked the beach. And I walked around the Grove. I had Cuban coffee at the Grove Book Store and the Green Street Cafe. I saw Coby Bell eat at the Jaguar. And all the time, I listened and watched this part of Miami It became a "heart home."
One thing I understood was why Burn Notice was perfect for the Grove and the Grove was perfect for Burn Notice. It was a small corner of the Miami World filled with color and life. It was tucked away among brighter lights and made it's own music. It wasn't the same as the other, bigger places. Yet, it had a flavor and style and flow. Like Burn Notice.
Burn Notice will go on no matter what happens. So will the Grove. But, sometimes you just want to live in the magic.
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Cya Michael Westen, It's been nice
Burn Notice was handed their walking papers today by the City Commission, it literally was less than a 10 minute discussion.
There were a lot of Burn Notice fans in the audience, at City Hall, they were in favor of Burn Notice staying, of course, having assumed that they would be heard, but it was not an item on the agenda and no one in the audience was allowed to talk. It started out as a protest, announced last week by a fan, and maybe some folks assumed it was a hearing.
Commissioner Michelle Spence-Jones spoke on the issue, about 3 pm, saving the folks in the audience from hanging on all day and night to hear what they wanted to hear. Only of course, it wasn't what they wanted to hear.
Spence-Jones assured the Burn Notice folks in the audience that all five commissioners on the dais were in favor of Burn Notice being relocated. She apparently changed her mind from her perspective last time. She said that the independent studio in Wynwood would be used for the proposed transition. "We respect each others' [commission] districts," she went on to say. Which meant that Commissioner Marc Sarnoff, whose district Burn Notice is in, wants Burn Notice out, so apparently she and the other commissioners have decided that's that.
She went on to say, "We may not understand the reasoning for this, but the Coconut Grove residents want a park." So she was thrown under the bus last time by Sarnoff and this time, she threw the Coconut Grove residents under the bus, stating that we all want a park instead of Burn Notice, where I honestly don't see this to be the case.
"I have heard people say there is going to be a private park on the property, for one of the condos, nothing can be further from the truth," said Sarnoff.
He went on to say, "There will be a park, a very well thought out park, and yes commissioners, we have $1.8 million dollars," put aside for the park.
He said that he received many nasty emails calling him a crook and being in people's pockets. Most came from the film industry. Most of the emails he said were well thought out and polite, but quite a few were nasty and rude and called him names. I do feel you get more flies with honey, but to be honest, this was a lost cause and I didn't want to throw water on people's hopes, but once it is said to be a done deal like at the last meeting, that's it.
According to Sarnoff, producer of Burn Notice, Terry Miller and Marc Sarnoff will hash it out alone. It will not be a public discussion. He doesn't even want Fox TV involved in the discussions. With that, the commissioners took a break.
Sarnoff did say that he doesn't read blogs, so guys, save your nasty comments. The deed is done. The folks that rely on the business that Burn Notice brought to town remain silent, when the hotels, restaurants and other places don't see that cash coming in anymore, then maybe they will stop being the silent majority and start speaking up. They are the ones being hurt, not the fans.
There were a lot of Burn Notice fans in the audience, at City Hall, they were in favor of Burn Notice staying, of course, having assumed that they would be heard, but it was not an item on the agenda and no one in the audience was allowed to talk. It started out as a protest, announced last week by a fan, and maybe some folks assumed it was a hearing.
Commissioner Michelle Spence-Jones spoke on the issue, about 3 pm, saving the folks in the audience from hanging on all day and night to hear what they wanted to hear. Only of course, it wasn't what they wanted to hear.
Spence-Jones assured the Burn Notice folks in the audience that all five commissioners on the dais were in favor of Burn Notice being relocated. She apparently changed her mind from her perspective last time. She said that the independent studio in Wynwood would be used for the proposed transition. "We respect each others' [commission] districts," she went on to say. Which meant that Commissioner Marc Sarnoff, whose district Burn Notice is in, wants Burn Notice out, so apparently she and the other commissioners have decided that's that.
She went on to say, "We may not understand the reasoning for this, but the Coconut Grove residents want a park." So she was thrown under the bus last time by Sarnoff and this time, she threw the Coconut Grove residents under the bus, stating that we all want a park instead of Burn Notice, where I honestly don't see this to be the case.
"I have heard people say there is going to be a private park on the property, for one of the condos, nothing can be further from the truth," said Sarnoff.
He went on to say, "There will be a park, a very well thought out park, and yes commissioners, we have $1.8 million dollars," put aside for the park.
He said that he received many nasty emails calling him a crook and being in people's pockets. Most came from the film industry. Most of the emails he said were well thought out and polite, but quite a few were nasty and rude and called him names. I do feel you get more flies with honey, but to be honest, this was a lost cause and I didn't want to throw water on people's hopes, but once it is said to be a done deal like at the last meeting, that's it.
According to Sarnoff, producer of Burn Notice, Terry Miller and Marc Sarnoff will hash it out alone. It will not be a public discussion. He doesn't even want Fox TV involved in the discussions. With that, the commissioners took a break.
Sarnoff did say that he doesn't read blogs, so guys, save your nasty comments. The deed is done. The folks that rely on the business that Burn Notice brought to town remain silent, when the hotels, restaurants and other places don't see that cash coming in anymore, then maybe they will stop being the silent majority and start speaking up. They are the ones being hurt, not the fans.
E-Z Kwik to become Flanigan's liquor store
First Slice 'n Ice left their long-time SW 27 Avenue location and now it's E-Z Kwik's turn to leave, after 40 years in that location! Slice 'n Ice has now opened in the Quick Stop on Grand Avenue in Center Grove. A major problem was the easement issue, where E-Z Kwik's parking area is supposed to be claimed by the SW 27 Avenue expansion project, that was the issue with Slice 'n Ice, where most of their coral building front was in the easement.
Flanigan's (the Loggerhead), bought E-Z Kwik. They plan on making it their liquor store and also add lots of parking in the process. Now that the Parking Authority claimed the land all around Flanigan's on Bird Avenue, it's annoying to Flanigan's regulars, so to accommodate them and to accommodate their ever-expanding business, the new location is part of the plan.
It's interesting to note that Flanigan's is packed constantly. While E-Z Kwik has been an institution, it really has gone downhill over the years, although as far as I can remember it's always been called "Sleazy Kwik" by the locals.
Flanigan's (the Loggerhead), bought E-Z Kwik. They plan on making it their liquor store and also add lots of parking in the process. Now that the Parking Authority claimed the land all around Flanigan's on Bird Avenue, it's annoying to Flanigan's regulars, so to accommodate them and to accommodate their ever-expanding business, the new location is part of the plan.
It's interesting to note that Flanigan's is packed constantly. While E-Z Kwik has been an institution, it really has gone downhill over the years, although as far as I can remember it's always been called "Sleazy Kwik" by the locals.
We need to stop the exodus of Grove artists
As many of you know, who follow me on Facebook, I would love to move to Williamsburg, Brooklyn, where all the new art and artists are these days, but now I am reading that there's a new place close to home -- Opa-Locka, which is sort of in the same artisphere as Williamsburg now. The New Times wrote something about it.
Public art and artists has been welcomed there and I think we could use a lot of that in the Grove. As of late, art has gone down the drain in our little village. Funding has been cut for art projects and while so many businesses and visitors would love to see artists out on the streets, actually working on art, I was told by some artists that Coconut Grove does not have that because the merchants do not want that. Someone in power actually told this to a few of the artists -- that they are not wanted by merchants in the Grove.
I find that hard to believe, as I am approached all the time by many merchants, most restaurants, who would love to see en plein air artists out and about painting in front of their businesses. I don't mean in contests, like AnnaMaria used to hold, I mean every day! I always bring up the subject of Eileen Seitz painting the info booths. That brought people together as so many stopped by to visit and watch the art being done. I wrote about art on the streets at that time, too.
There is talk of a chalk painting contest as part of the Mad Hatter Festival this year, something larger than last year, but that's all well and good, but we need art and artists on the streets now. How about starting by painting a nice mural on the ugly defaced Playhouse? Look how great the post office looks with the tile mural. The Playhouse looks like it's going to be sitting there in that rotten state for awhile, might as well make it look pretty.
So many Grove artists have left, even Grove House is gone south somewhere. It's called the Grove House Artists, but they aren't even in the Grove anymore! Many of the Grove artists now show in some sort of Bird Road Artwalk, and they are in Wynwood and other areas. They should be here. They should be working here and be encouraged to work here. I think the tourists who hop on and off the big red buses would love to see an actual artists working as they strolled the village.
Since the peacocks flew the coup, it's been sort of blah around here. That was a great exhibit for a couple of years, we had people watching the birds be painted and installed and there were parties and such. It added a lot of life to the area.
Something needs to be done. And fast. When the trees are all cut down, we're gonna need something to draw visitors. The un-shady streets are not going to do it.
Public art and artists has been welcomed there and I think we could use a lot of that in the Grove. As of late, art has gone down the drain in our little village. Funding has been cut for art projects and while so many businesses and visitors would love to see artists out on the streets, actually working on art, I was told by some artists that Coconut Grove does not have that because the merchants do not want that. Someone in power actually told this to a few of the artists -- that they are not wanted by merchants in the Grove.
I find that hard to believe, as I am approached all the time by many merchants, most restaurants, who would love to see en plein air artists out and about painting in front of their businesses. I don't mean in contests, like AnnaMaria used to hold, I mean every day! I always bring up the subject of Eileen Seitz painting the info booths. That brought people together as so many stopped by to visit and watch the art being done. I wrote about art on the streets at that time, too.
There is talk of a chalk painting contest as part of the Mad Hatter Festival this year, something larger than last year, but that's all well and good, but we need art and artists on the streets now. How about starting by painting a nice mural on the ugly defaced Playhouse? Look how great the post office looks with the tile mural. The Playhouse looks like it's going to be sitting there in that rotten state for awhile, might as well make it look pretty.
So many Grove artists have left, even Grove House is gone south somewhere. It's called the Grove House Artists, but they aren't even in the Grove anymore! Many of the Grove artists now show in some sort of Bird Road Artwalk, and they are in Wynwood and other areas. They should be here. They should be working here and be encouraged to work here. I think the tourists who hop on and off the big red buses would love to see an actual artists working as they strolled the village.
Since the peacocks flew the coup, it's been sort of blah around here. That was a great exhibit for a couple of years, we had people watching the birds be painted and installed and there were parties and such. It added a lot of life to the area.
Something needs to be done. And fast. When the trees are all cut down, we're gonna need something to draw visitors. The un-shady streets are not going to do it.
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Grove Chamber: "Leave Burn Notice Alone"
The Coconut Grove Chamber of Commerce sent the following resolution out in favor of keeping Burn Notice at the Expo Center in Coconut Grove:
Resolution of the Coconut Grove Chamber of Commerce
July 24th, 2012
WHEREAS, a resolution by the Coconut Grove Chamber of Commerce was approved by the full Chamber Board of Director’s in which the Chamber approves the measure to endorse for another year the resolution in support of TVM Productions to allow the filming of the Television show “Burn Notice” at the Coconut Grove Expo Center;
WHEREAS, a resolution will be introduced at the City of Miami Commission meeting of July 26th, 2012; authorizing the extension of the use agreement with TVM Productions to allow for the filming of the Television show “Burn Notice” at the Coconut Grove Expo Center, to extend through 2013; and
WHEREAS, Coconut Grove Chamber of Commerce recognizes the importance and vitality that park space is to our community, and is in full agreement of the recommendations of the City of Miami’s Master Plan for the Coconut Grove waterfront, as executed by the firm of Sasaski; AND was also in full agreement with the City’s decision to extend the filming of the show last July 2011, to one more year; and
WHEREAS, Coconut Grove Chamber of Commerce recognizes the vital economic impact that the production of the show brings to Miami, and directly to Coconut Grove, favorably affecting commerce of Chamber-member business, including hotels, which book rooms for guest stars and crew, restaurants and merchants, including a local lumber company, as well as area realtors, who rent homes to the show stars and other vital crew members; and
WHEREAS, the production employs more than 120 full time and 75 freelance locals, who further contribute to the commerce to Coconut Grove; and
WHEREAS, the Chamber also recognizes the invaluable marketing, at an international level that the show provides for the City of Miami, and Coconut Grove,
The Chamber of Commerce fully endorses that the show to be extended its lease for one year at the Coconut Grove Expo Center for the filming of Season 7, and revisit the resolution as necessary next year.
- Coconut Grove Chamber of Commerce
Resolution of the Coconut Grove Chamber of Commerce
July 24th, 2012
WHEREAS, a resolution by the Coconut Grove Chamber of Commerce was approved by the full Chamber Board of Director’s in which the Chamber approves the measure to endorse for another year the resolution in support of TVM Productions to allow the filming of the Television show “Burn Notice” at the Coconut Grove Expo Center;
WHEREAS, a resolution will be introduced at the City of Miami Commission meeting of July 26th, 2012; authorizing the extension of the use agreement with TVM Productions to allow for the filming of the Television show “Burn Notice” at the Coconut Grove Expo Center, to extend through 2013; and
WHEREAS, Coconut Grove Chamber of Commerce recognizes the importance and vitality that park space is to our community, and is in full agreement of the recommendations of the City of Miami’s Master Plan for the Coconut Grove waterfront, as executed by the firm of Sasaski; AND was also in full agreement with the City’s decision to extend the filming of the show last July 2011, to one more year; and
WHEREAS, Coconut Grove Chamber of Commerce recognizes the vital economic impact that the production of the show brings to Miami, and directly to Coconut Grove, favorably affecting commerce of Chamber-member business, including hotels, which book rooms for guest stars and crew, restaurants and merchants, including a local lumber company, as well as area realtors, who rent homes to the show stars and other vital crew members; and
WHEREAS, the production employs more than 120 full time and 75 freelance locals, who further contribute to the commerce to Coconut Grove; and
WHEREAS, the Chamber also recognizes the invaluable marketing, at an international level that the show provides for the City of Miami, and Coconut Grove,
The Chamber of Commerce fully endorses that the show to be extended its lease for one year at the Coconut Grove Expo Center for the filming of Season 7, and revisit the resolution as necessary next year.
- Coconut Grove Chamber of Commerce
Trying to save Burn Notice
An email is going around regarding Burn Notice and the City of Miami. It's coming from a casting agency in Miami Beach. I don't think the park that is proposed for the site is for the condo going in across the street, and it just proves my point from a previous post about rumors that spread around town.
Here's the email, they would like fans' support at the City Commission meeting on Thursday, July 26, in regards to renewing Burn Notice's lease at the Expo Center. A meeting and rally start at 10 am at City Hall (3500 Pan American Drive) (I think the Commission starts meeting at 9 am, so they better get there beforehand).
Please help us keep Burn Notice in Miami...
The City of Miami Commissioners, in particular Commissioner Marc Sarnoff, has told us they will not be renewing the lease at the Coconut Grove Convention Center [Expo Center] where Burn Notice is based. Commissioner Marc Sarnoff has plans to build a park on the property where the Convention Center is located. This park is linked to a private condominium that is being built across the street from our site. He has told the other Miami Commissioners that he "is ready to go" with the demolition process. The cost to move Burn Notice to another stage and office location will be at least 1 million dollars and will take the final season of Burn Notice out of the city of Miami and possibly the state of Florida. This will not only impact the cast and crew and the 150 jobs it supplies per day, but is sending a message to the world that Miami is not a friendly film community.
They have a Facebook page here, too.
Here's the email, they would like fans' support at the City Commission meeting on Thursday, July 26, in regards to renewing Burn Notice's lease at the Expo Center. A meeting and rally start at 10 am at City Hall (3500 Pan American Drive) (I think the Commission starts meeting at 9 am, so they better get there beforehand).
Please help us keep Burn Notice in Miami...
The City of Miami Commissioners, in particular Commissioner Marc Sarnoff, has told us they will not be renewing the lease at the Coconut Grove Convention Center [Expo Center] where Burn Notice is based. Commissioner Marc Sarnoff has plans to build a park on the property where the Convention Center is located. This park is linked to a private condominium that is being built across the street from our site. He has told the other Miami Commissioners that he "is ready to go" with the demolition process. The cost to move Burn Notice to another stage and office location will be at least 1 million dollars and will take the final season of Burn Notice out of the city of Miami and possibly the state of Florida. This will not only impact the cast and crew and the 150 jobs it supplies per day, but is sending a message to the world that Miami is not a friendly film community.
They have a Facebook page here, too.
Police discuss new action plan for Coconut Grove
Last night, 120 neighbors showed up for the crime meeting at Plymouth Church. Police Commander Richard Gentry was present, along with Mayor Tomas Regalado and District 2 Commissioner Marc Sarnoff. Gentry was well received, the mayor and commissioner, not so much. Both blamed others for the 95 man shortage in the 450 man roster of active street cops. They blamed HR and Unions, the crowd did not buy it.
Neighbors expressed their concern about the rise in crime in the past few months. The Commander said, "Please express to all of your neighbors that the Miami Police Department will ensure our due diligence at the highest caliber in our efforts to curtail crime and promote a safe community."
The Police Department's action plan consists of the following:
1. Police Enforcement
2. Education
3. Crime Prevention
4. Community Partnership/Involvement
5. Youth Intervention
Some of the strategies in place for their 60 day Operational Plan are as follows:
1. Police Officers assigned to patrol will enhance their visibility within all areas of concern.
2. Sgt Wing (Problem Solving Supervisor) will conduct surveillance.
3. Beat Units will enhance visibility within all areas of concern within Coconut Grove. This will include bike patrol and park & walk details. Radar enforcement will be conducted.
4. Motors Unit will conduct radar enforcement in designated locations.
5. Mounted Patrol will be present at Kennedy Park and Merrie Christmas Park. They'll also patrol in the neighborhoods. Currently they are assigned to Grove during weekends.
6. All Police Officers assigned to the Grove will enhance their efforts with passing out Watch Over Miami Cards. This is a great crime prevention measure that we support.
7. Continue working closely with Crime Stoppers.
8. Continue working closely with the State Attorney's Office.
9. Continue working closely with our citizens to enhance our Community Partnership.
10. Continue working closely with our Business Owners within Coconut Grove.
11. Continue working closely with our Criminal Investigation Division..
12. All Patrol Sergeants will be mandated to conduct proactive measures within the areas of concern determined by crime analysis.
"I will also personally monitor this operational plan on a daily and weekly basis to ensure our success," said Gentry.
If you or any of your neighbors have any concerns regarding the Miami Police Department, please refer them to one of the Neighborhood Resource Officers, Officer Leo Carrillo (305-389-7996) or Officer Matthew Vasquez (954-821-4755).
Photos by David McBurnett
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
New Ladies Night added to Vinos many specials
Vinos in the Grove (3409 Main Highway) has started a Thursday Ladies Night where specials will be extended to ladies every Thursday. It's 50% off all wines by the glass for ladies from 8 pm until 11 pm.
Vinos is a little bit of Key West, right here in Coconut Grove. It's a unique and relaxing wine bar to enjoy a glass or bottle of wine from the extensive wine collection offered at very reasonable prices. It’s a great people watching spot sitting on the outside tables or stay cool inside. You never know who you'll meet from locals to visitors.
There is no corkage fee on wine bottles and they feature over 20 wines by the glass to choose from a list that changes regularly. The homemade $5.00 sangria is a local favorite along with mimosas offered at $5.00 every Sunday from 2 pm until 7 pm.
You can catch “Live Music Wednesdays” at Vinos from 7:30 pm until 10:30 pm featuring talented musicians.
Their happy hour offers “buy one, get one free” on their craft beers such as Chimay, Stoudt’s Double IPA, Dogfish Head 60 to name a few. You can enjoy Happy Hour specials Monday through Friday from 4 pm until 7 pm.
Vinos recently extended their French, Italian and Spanish Cheese and Charcuterie menu to include a Mediterranean plate and three species of certified caviars served with accouterments.
For more information, please email info@vinosinthegrove.com or call 305/442-8840. They have a Facebook fan page here: www.facebook.com/VinosInTheGrove
Vinos is a little bit of Key West, right here in Coconut Grove. It's a unique and relaxing wine bar to enjoy a glass or bottle of wine from the extensive wine collection offered at very reasonable prices. It’s a great people watching spot sitting on the outside tables or stay cool inside. You never know who you'll meet from locals to visitors.
There is no corkage fee on wine bottles and they feature over 20 wines by the glass to choose from a list that changes regularly. The homemade $5.00 sangria is a local favorite along with mimosas offered at $5.00 every Sunday from 2 pm until 7 pm.
You can catch “Live Music Wednesdays” at Vinos from 7:30 pm until 10:30 pm featuring talented musicians.
Their happy hour offers “buy one, get one free” on their craft beers such as Chimay, Stoudt’s Double IPA, Dogfish Head 60 to name a few. You can enjoy Happy Hour specials Monday through Friday from 4 pm until 7 pm.
Vinos recently extended their French, Italian and Spanish Cheese and Charcuterie menu to include a Mediterranean plate and three species of certified caviars served with accouterments.
For more information, please email info@vinosinthegrove.com or call 305/442-8840. They have a Facebook fan page here: www.facebook.com/VinosInTheGrove
Mayfair Hotel & Spa is getting a makeover
Mayfair Hotel & Spa, the first all-suite boutique hotel in America is undergoing a makeover. All of the 179 suits will receive brand new furniture, fabrics and bedding to provide a fresh, vibrant look.
“The Mayfair is an iconic South Florida hotel with an incredible history,” said Saun Lightbourne, executive director of sales and marketing. “We hope that the upgrades we are making to the physical aspects of the hotel translate to the ambiance here as well. We want all of our guests to come rediscover the Mayfair and experience the new energy here in Coconut Grove."
Kenneth Trieister, the architect's original touches like Tiffany stained glass and hand-carved mahogany doors and detailed metal work are all staying. The interior of the rooms is where most work will be done. Many rooms will get brand new wood desks with faux leather desk blotters, desk lamps and power outlets for ipads, computers and such. All guest room floors will be crystallized and the Japanese soaking tubs will receive a fresh coat of paint.
All beds will be fitted with new 100 percent cotton duvets and Euro shams. The duvets will feature orange double-strip hotel embroidery and the shams will coordinate with a new decorative round orange bolster. Brown linen bedskirts will finish up the tailored look.
All the dining chairs and lounge furniture has been refurbished and reupholstered to create a unified color theme throughout the property.
The rooms are being refreshed and upgraded by Copperline Partners design team, whose experience includes projects with Brazilian Court Condominium Hotel in Palm Beach. The Gulfsteam Hotel in Lake Worth and hotels throughout New York and Connecticut.
The hotel will re-launch in the fall with a celebration on the rooftop, specials in the restaurant and spa and a special Rediscover Mayfair Package.
Monday, July 23, 2012
Track team still needs your support
The Grove Track Club still needs your support. They need to raise about $6000.00 by Thursday for a trip to Houston for the Junior Olympics.
They raised almost $13,000.00 of the $18,686.00 needed. The majority of the money, about $9000.00 goes to the bus for 57 passengers and two drivers, for nine days.
There is also the hotel cost at the LaQuinta in Houston, entry fees and other incidentals.
In the past two years the team has grown exponentially in experience, skill, and performance. They’ve previously had 17 out of 22 members make it to 2011 Junior Olympics. This year they have 27 out of31! This has all been done with the lack of adequate resources and equipment.
If you're able to help the team out, please contact Kimberly Davis, Treasurer, Miami Coconut Grove Track Club at 305-772-3763 or Mcgtc1@hotmail.com or Kimberlydavis7@hotmail.com.
They raised almost $13,000.00 of the $18,686.00 needed. The majority of the money, about $9000.00 goes to the bus for 57 passengers and two drivers, for nine days.
There is also the hotel cost at the LaQuinta in Houston, entry fees and other incidentals.
In the past two years the team has grown exponentially in experience, skill, and performance. They’ve previously had 17 out of 22 members make it to 2011 Junior Olympics. This year they have 27 out of31! This has all been done with the lack of adequate resources and equipment.
If you're able to help the team out, please contact Kimberly Davis, Treasurer, Miami Coconut Grove Track Club at 305-772-3763 or Mcgtc1@hotmail.com or Kimberlydavis7@hotmail.com.
Safety ambassadors are there for you
While you may not see it, the BID's ambassadors are out there keeping the Grove clean and safe. You've seen the around the Grove, in those bright green shirts. They seem as if they are innocently walking around, but they are really doing some great things. While we have talked about crime in many areas, keep in mind that the ambassadors are the eyes and ears of the Grove's business district. Too bad we can't have them Grove-wide, on every block.
Lots of graffiti is quickly removed that you may not even have known was there because they got to it so fast, they also have cleaned up weeds growing around light poles. Lots of gum has been removed from sidewalks and those flyers/bills that keep popping up are being removed constantly -- it's illegal to put up flyers for clubs, lost dogs, etc. As for trash, 4000 pounds of trash was picked up and removed in May alone!
The BID team not only tries to wipe out vandalism, but they are right on top of thefts at local businesses, they work with the police in nabbing the bad guys when it comes to thefts. Bicycle thefts are big problem in Miami. Safety Ambassador Eric Carithers noticed that a local panhandler was riding a stolen bicycle recently. The bicycle had been reported stolen.With one call from Eric, the police arrested the guy and recovered the bicycle.
Stolen phones that have been reported by the BID have been tracked down, via GPS and the culprit has been arrested and the phone returned to the owner. The ambassadors know of guys trying to charge people to park, they have been taken away.
People who are disturbing the peace are removed from the scene and even many who try to break into the Playhouse are apprehended by the safety ambassadors.
Lots of graffiti is quickly removed that you may not even have known was there because they got to it so fast, they also have cleaned up weeds growing around light poles. Lots of gum has been removed from sidewalks and those flyers/bills that keep popping up are being removed constantly -- it's illegal to put up flyers for clubs, lost dogs, etc. As for trash, 4000 pounds of trash was picked up and removed in May alone!
The BID team not only tries to wipe out vandalism, but they are right on top of thefts at local businesses, they work with the police in nabbing the bad guys when it comes to thefts. Bicycle thefts are big problem in Miami. Safety Ambassador Eric Carithers noticed that a local panhandler was riding a stolen bicycle recently. The bicycle had been reported stolen.With one call from Eric, the police arrested the guy and recovered the bicycle.
Stolen phones that have been reported by the BID have been tracked down, via GPS and the culprit has been arrested and the phone returned to the owner. The ambassadors know of guys trying to charge people to park, they have been taken away.
People who are disturbing the peace are removed from the scene and even many who try to break into the Playhouse are apprehended by the safety ambassadors.
Kindermusik offers movement and music classes
Kindermusik by Gymagination is opening it's Coconut Grove location on, Monday, August 6, inside the Miami Conservatory of Music at the Mayfair Promenade.
Kindermusik by Gymagination is a licensed program of Kindermusik International, which has been offering parent/child movement and music classes for children since 1976. The curriculum is designed for children ages birth through 7 years of age and combines music, play, singing, dancing, instruments and imagination. Children learn to love music and at the same time develop keys skills in social, emotional, physical and cognitive educational areas. The best part is, the fun doesn't stop when class is over because of the exclusive Kindermusik at Home program which allows families to download digital material and play, sing and bond at home all week long.
The Grove program will offer classes Mondays, Tuesdays and Saturdays in the morning, afternoon and evening for children ages birth through 4 years. This is a great pairing with the Miami Conservatory of Music, which begins formal music classes at 5 years of age.
Kindermusik by Gymagination is directed and founded by Stayc Sharrow (Ms. Stayc). Stayc is Coconut Grove resident. She is a Kindermusik educator and business owner. She believes music can heal the soul and movement is the best way to learn. Ms. Stayc comes with over 25 years of teaching experience and is nationally known for her preschool gymnastics/sports/music programs.
Her programs have been featured in numerous state, national and international events. Her educational background is in Early Childhood Education and Development. Stayc is also a three time cancer survivor and is extremely active in the Coconut Grove area raising money and awareness for different cancer charities.
To register for classes or for more information on Kindermusik by Gymagination or Stayc Sharrow, please visit www.kindermusikbygymagination.com or call 786.558.5558.
Sunday, July 22, 2012
Charles Avenue receives historic designation
Photo courtesy of Headly Westerfield |
At Friday's HEP (Historical and Environmental Preservation) Board meeting, they Board votied 6-0 to honor Charles Avenue by making it an Historic Designation Roadway. As you know, Charles Avenue is the oldest, or one of the oldest streets in Coconut Grove. It's where the Grove started.
From an old 1800s church on one end to the cemetery and shotgun houses up and down the street, it is like going back in time.
The road will not be touched, there will be no expense to residents, it will just be known as historic and if anyone in the future would like to make something of it -- tours, etc. They can do that.
Interestingly enough, I received an email, the same day from a Mr. Headly Westerfield, who has a blog called Aunty Em Errican Blog and he has a multi-part installment about Charles Avenue. He goes into the history and other things like the old Stirrup House and the Playhouse and stuff you might find of interest.
Here are his installments:
Unpacking Coconut Grove, Florida - Part One - http://notnowsilly.blogspot.com/2012/07/unpacking-coconut-grove-florida-part.html
Unpacking Coconut Grove, Florida - Part 1.1 - http://notnowsilly.blogspot.com/2012/07/unpacking-coconut-grove-florida-part-11.html
Unpacking Coconut Grove - Part Two - E.W.F. Stirrup House - http://notnowsilly.blogspot.com/2012/07/unpacking-coconut-grove-part-two-ewf.html
Unpacking Coconut Grove - Part 2.2 - The Neighbourhood Around The E.W.F. Stirrup House - http://notnowsilly.blogspot.com/2012/07/unpacking-coconut-grove-part-22-new.html
Unpacking Coconut Grove - Part 2.3 - The Charles Avenue Rabbit Hole Leads To Canada - http://notnowsilly.blogspot.com/2012/07/unpacking-coconut-grove-part-23-charles.html
Raising money for the No More Tears Project
Goldie Boutique at 3092 Fuller Street, has a new line of soft t-shirts by designer Somy Ali, a former Bollywood star in India. The shirts, labeled "So Me," are being sold for the No More Tears Project, something very close to Somy's heart. After so many years of living the high life as a movie star, she decided it was time to give back.
No More Tears helps women and children get themselves out of abusive situations, they assist in moving, finding living arrangements, paying bills and so much more. Above Giana Levya, left, and Leslie Ames, owner of Goldie Boutique, show off a couple of the many designs available. The t-shirts are $25 each. The cool shirts come in men's styles, too.
Saturday, July 21, 2012
Saturday morning running around
Busy Saturday morning. I went to the gym early where I ran into my friend Carlos Lopez-Cantera, who is just finishing up his term as our State Representative in Tallahassee. He had to leave due to term limits. But he is running for Miami-Dade County Property Appraiser. The elections are in August.
Michelle Niemeyer was spotted at the doughnut sale for the Jr. Olympian team, that we wrote about earlier, doughnuts are still for sale for $7 per dozen, until they are gone. The kids need to raise $3500 by Thursday to go to the Houston games. That's a lot of doughnuts, stop by if you can and support the cause.
Local artist Eileen Seitz is having a yard sale on Shipping, just off Virginia. Eileen is responsible for the info booth paint job and the post office mural, along with Cyndy Hill. The sale is until 3 pm today and then starts up again tomorrow about 8:30 am until 3 pm. She has art and books and I even saw piece of workout equipment. I think her famous art would be the main draw.
I stopped in Starbucks at CocoWalk, not for coffee, but to drop off the Bed Race forms. Looks like our local Starbucks is gonna race in the Great Grove Bed Race this year, which is September 2. Alex, the district manager, seems all excited. If you would like to sign up, the forms are on line here: www.thegreatgrovebedrace.com or you can just pop into The Bookstore and Felice or Sandy or one of the girls will give you a form.
I stopped in The Bookstore and some group is setting up for a baby shower of all things -- you know, in the living room area!
Ben, my bud from Crispin + Porter was in Kennedy Park, coaching his soccer team. You can't miss him because is over 6 feet tall and the kids are all about 3 feet. He looks like a beanpole standing in the middle of the little kids.
Off to the Grove Farmer's Market on Grand Avenue. I'm very into green these days. I need avocados and lots of their prepared green salads and stuff.
Grove Track Club members qualify for Jr. Olympics
The Miami Coconut Grove Track Club (MCGTC) -- The Hornets -- is proud to announce that 28 members qualified for the 2012 AAU Junior Olympics in Houston, Texas from July 27 through August 3. Also, many were part of the PeeWee League qualifiers from the 2012 ESPN National Championships in Orlando that were from July 6 to 8.
To continue the momentum of MCGTC’s Qualifiers, financial assistance is needed. 100% of all funds are used to pay fees, transportation, hotel accommodations and food costs. MCGTC’s 2013 Administrative Goal is to be a 501c3 with tax exemption status; but until the tax exemption status is achieved, they need funds.
They are holding a doughut sale this moring from 8 am until the doughnuts are gone.The team will be at the corner of Grand Avenue and Douglas Road. A dozen doughnuts are $7.00.
They are also taking donations via check. To contribute to the 2012 Track and Field Nationals Campaign, please make your check payable to Greater St. Paul AME Church for the MCGTC Project; and mail it to: Renita Samuels-Dixon, 3506 Solana Road, Coconut Grove, FL 33133.
The Athletes's name for the Olympic Qualifiers in Texas are:
Chaniya Dawson - Bantam, age 10
Nakiaya Grand - Bantam, age 10
Dayaun Waiters - Intermediate, age 15-16
Taylor Dames - Intermediate, age 15-16
Chanel Dawson - Midget, age 12
D'Anna Hallman - Midget, age 12
Shekinah Rachel - Midget, age 12
Kaia Heath - Primary, 8 and under
Kizyra Veargis - Primary, 8 and under
Teirra Jenkins - Primary, 8 and under
Zarriah Durant - Primary, 8 and under
Emily Centeno - Sub-Midget - age 11
Yalonda Springer - Young, ages 17-18
Carnesha Westbrooks - Youth, age 14
Deandreah Young - Youth, age 14
Destiny Govan - Youth, age 14
Diarra Hallman - Youth, age 14
Nia Coleman - Youth, age 14
Timetria Mitchell - Youth, age 14
Sebastian Carrillo - Bantam, age 10
Tyler Washington - Bantam, age 10
Darrell Bellinger - Sub-Bantam, age 9
Rondy Powell - Sub-Youth, age 13
Terrence Jenkins - Sub-Youth, age 13
Kevin Prado - Young, ages 17-18
Kristopher Fuller - Young, ages 17-18
Joshua Jobe - Youth, age 14
Jermaine Witherspoon - Youth, age 14
To continue the momentum of MCGTC’s Qualifiers, financial assistance is needed. 100% of all funds are used to pay fees, transportation, hotel accommodations and food costs. MCGTC’s 2013 Administrative Goal is to be a 501c3 with tax exemption status; but until the tax exemption status is achieved, they need funds.
They are holding a doughut sale this moring from 8 am until the doughnuts are gone.The team will be at the corner of Grand Avenue and Douglas Road. A dozen doughnuts are $7.00.
They are also taking donations via check. To contribute to the 2012 Track and Field Nationals Campaign, please make your check payable to Greater St. Paul AME Church for the MCGTC Project; and mail it to: Renita Samuels-Dixon, 3506 Solana Road, Coconut Grove, FL 33133.
The Athletes's name for the Olympic Qualifiers in Texas are:
Chaniya Dawson - Bantam, age 10
Nakiaya Grand - Bantam, age 10
Dayaun Waiters - Intermediate, age 15-16
Taylor Dames - Intermediate, age 15-16
Chanel Dawson - Midget, age 12
D'Anna Hallman - Midget, age 12
Shekinah Rachel - Midget, age 12
Kaia Heath - Primary, 8 and under
Kizyra Veargis - Primary, 8 and under
Teirra Jenkins - Primary, 8 and under
Zarriah Durant - Primary, 8 and under
Emily Centeno - Sub-Midget - age 11
Yalonda Springer - Young, ages 17-18
Carnesha Westbrooks - Youth, age 14
Deandreah Young - Youth, age 14
Destiny Govan - Youth, age 14
Diarra Hallman - Youth, age 14
Nia Coleman - Youth, age 14
Timetria Mitchell - Youth, age 14
Sebastian Carrillo - Bantam, age 10
Tyler Washington - Bantam, age 10
Darrell Bellinger - Sub-Bantam, age 9
Rondy Powell - Sub-Youth, age 13
Terrence Jenkins - Sub-Youth, age 13
Kevin Prado - Young, ages 17-18
Kristopher Fuller - Young, ages 17-18
Joshua Jobe - Youth, age 14
Jermaine Witherspoon - Youth, age 14
Friday, July 20, 2012
HEP Board declines TreeWatch appeal
By a vote of 5-0, the HEP (Historical and Environmental Preservation) Board voted to decline the TreeWatch appeal in regards to the trees slated for replacement on Commodore Plaza as part of the BID's streetscape plan. Apparently they aren't for preserving trees.
Folks spoke on both sides of the issue. Liliana Dones, head of TreeWatch asked, "If the trees are so dangerous and in danger of falling on people, why are people sitting under them at street cafes daily?"
Ironically, former BID director, David Collins walked in with a huge bandage on his forehead. He fell on the broken bricks yesterday near Greenstreets. He has a concussion. This is not the first time that David has fallen on loose bricks. Which of course was an interesting point brought up by Liliana, the bricks are the problem, not the tree roots. Many areas of the village have bricks missing in the sidewalks, that are not even near trees.
But after two hours of discussion on both sides, it appears that the trees slated for replacement will be replaced.
"You're talking about the personality of the Grove," stated Santiago Villegas, of TreeWatch, talking about the large shade trees.
It all remains to be seen now what happens. Will the Grove survive without a large tree canopy? Will the new replacement trees be better and grow fast enough to give us a tree canopy like we have now?
While more than one person on the BID's side said that the roots were not the problem with the broken sidewalks, it left many to wonder why the trees are then being replaced.
The HEP Board today, who voted to deny the appeal were Hugh Ryan, Robert Grabosky, Gary Hecht, William Hopper and Jorge Kuperman.
Folks spoke on both sides of the issue. Liliana Dones, head of TreeWatch asked, "If the trees are so dangerous and in danger of falling on people, why are people sitting under them at street cafes daily?"
Ironically, former BID director, David Collins walked in with a huge bandage on his forehead. He fell on the broken bricks yesterday near Greenstreets. He has a concussion. This is not the first time that David has fallen on loose bricks. Which of course was an interesting point brought up by Liliana, the bricks are the problem, not the tree roots. Many areas of the village have bricks missing in the sidewalks, that are not even near trees.
But after two hours of discussion on both sides, it appears that the trees slated for replacement will be replaced.
"You're talking about the personality of the Grove," stated Santiago Villegas, of TreeWatch, talking about the large shade trees.
It all remains to be seen now what happens. Will the Grove survive without a large tree canopy? Will the new replacement trees be better and grow fast enough to give us a tree canopy like we have now?
While more than one person on the BID's side said that the roots were not the problem with the broken sidewalks, it left many to wonder why the trees are then being replaced.
The HEP Board today, who voted to deny the appeal were Hugh Ryan, Robert Grabosky, Gary Hecht, William Hopper and Jorge Kuperman.
Rumors, lots of rumors
There are so many rumors that go around town, I guess if you mix and match a few, some of it can be true. I get emails all day long with conspiracy theories. I just thought it would be interesting to post some of them here. If any of it is true, it would be nice for someone to send the actual proof of these theories.
The word around town about the Expo Center is that the reason they want to throw Burn Notice out and knock it down and turn it into a park is to accommodate the new Grove Grand Bay condo that is going in across the street. The rumor is that the folks there are getting their own private park, like Gramercy Park in New York, where only residents get a key.
I don't see this because by the time the condo is built there is more than enough time to install the park. Ground hasn't even been broke yet, the old Grand Bay Hotel is still standing. So if that was the case, there would be time for Burn Notice to film the seventh season and be gone by the time the park is needed for the Grand Bay condo across the street.
Another rumor is that this is to be the new Bayside-type site. That the RFP's were thrown out at Scotty's and the Chart House because the third place winner for the project was to win the whole deal and eventually build a huge Bayside complex there. But since it didn't work out like that, everything was thrown out to accommodate those that were promised the land. The way they got neighbors on their side was to start a rumor about building condo's on the site, which would block the existing views of the condos across the street. To get the condo owners on their side, they were told, "OK, we won't put in a condo, how about a two story mall?" And to protect their precious view of Sailboat Bay, the condo dwellers agreed to not fight the Bayside-type complex.
Another rumor is that the whole reason for the Coconut Grove tree project, which is part of the streetscape project is to make all that money using the Silva Cell System, which would cost $7500 per tree, so the more trees that are replaced, the more Silva Cells go in and the more money is made.
So many of these things like the Expo Center park and the Silva Cell system are thought to be political payback for favors, like the new bike path in Kennedy Park was to have been.
This could all be true, but most likely it's all just a bunch of rumors. I mean, why not do all this all over the district or City if it's all a corrupt money-making scheme? Why not put Silva Cells around all the new Midtown projects or the new Brickell parks or put the recycled bike path material in the new parks? Why not offer private parks to all the new condos going up downtown?
As for the Coconut Grove Playhouse, I got this email the other day: "Like many other people and numerous other real-estate-related projects reaching from south Florida to northern Canada, the citizens of Miami will be robbed of the venerable Coconut Grove Playhouse and the historic Stirrup house across the street because these pillars of Miami history and culture are targeted by condo marauders who have already plundered valuable real estate once belonging to others, and succeeded in filling their bags of loot made possible with lies, theft, bribery, and immoral acts."
Is the Playhouse to become a condo now?
It all seems to be just a Coconut Grove thing. Strange as it may seem, the Grove is some sort of guinea pig for all these new techniques. Maybe we're just on the cutting edge of things and we just don't know it!
The word around town about the Expo Center is that the reason they want to throw Burn Notice out and knock it down and turn it into a park is to accommodate the new Grove Grand Bay condo that is going in across the street. The rumor is that the folks there are getting their own private park, like Gramercy Park in New York, where only residents get a key.
I don't see this because by the time the condo is built there is more than enough time to install the park. Ground hasn't even been broke yet, the old Grand Bay Hotel is still standing. So if that was the case, there would be time for Burn Notice to film the seventh season and be gone by the time the park is needed for the Grand Bay condo across the street.
Another rumor is that this is to be the new Bayside-type site. That the RFP's were thrown out at Scotty's and the Chart House because the third place winner for the project was to win the whole deal and eventually build a huge Bayside complex there. But since it didn't work out like that, everything was thrown out to accommodate those that were promised the land. The way they got neighbors on their side was to start a rumor about building condo's on the site, which would block the existing views of the condos across the street. To get the condo owners on their side, they were told, "OK, we won't put in a condo, how about a two story mall?" And to protect their precious view of Sailboat Bay, the condo dwellers agreed to not fight the Bayside-type complex.
Another rumor is that the whole reason for the Coconut Grove tree project, which is part of the streetscape project is to make all that money using the Silva Cell System, which would cost $7500 per tree, so the more trees that are replaced, the more Silva Cells go in and the more money is made.
So many of these things like the Expo Center park and the Silva Cell system are thought to be political payback for favors, like the new bike path in Kennedy Park was to have been.
This could all be true, but most likely it's all just a bunch of rumors. I mean, why not do all this all over the district or City if it's all a corrupt money-making scheme? Why not put Silva Cells around all the new Midtown projects or the new Brickell parks or put the recycled bike path material in the new parks? Why not offer private parks to all the new condos going up downtown?
As for the Coconut Grove Playhouse, I got this email the other day: "Like many other people and numerous other real-estate-related projects reaching from south Florida to northern Canada, the citizens of Miami will be robbed of the venerable Coconut Grove Playhouse and the historic Stirrup house across the street because these pillars of Miami history and culture are targeted by condo marauders who have already plundered valuable real estate once belonging to others, and succeeded in filling their bags of loot made possible with lies, theft, bribery, and immoral acts."
Is the Playhouse to become a condo now?
It all seems to be just a Coconut Grove thing. Strange as it may seem, the Grove is some sort of guinea pig for all these new techniques. Maybe we're just on the cutting edge of things and we just don't know it!
Most books sold out at Local Authors event
Thursday night was "Local Authors Night" at The Bookstore in the Grove, and as usual, it drew quite a large crowed. Six authors presented their books. Above, Avn and Kurt Sturm stopped by support their friend, local children's author Manuel (Manny) Soto, in white at center. At right is Manny's cousin from Caracas, Milagros Rodriguez-Fogas, who came to town just for the event.
Manny spoke about his children's book, "Mi & Two," Roberta Klein's was "The Collages of Robert M. Swedroe," Rina Jakubowicz spoke about "Choose Peace: A Practical Guide Into Consciousness," Patrick James O'Connor presented "The Last Will and Testament of Lemuel Higgins," Madelyn Lorber shared "The Eyes Have It," and Gabriel Schicchi spoke about "Unremembered Thoughts in a Passenger Car."
The authors took questions held a little forum and signed their works. Most of the books sold out! Ask Felice or Sandy at the bookstore for the books if you don't see them, they'll happily order them or let you know when they'll be back in stock.
Thursday, July 19, 2012
Lots of free live music at The Grove Spot this week
Ricky Coll & Friends (left) performs live at The Grove Spot on Friday, July 20 from 7:30 to 11 pm. They perform R&B, Blues and Folk Contemporary.
And on Saturday, July 21, it's Stand Up Comedy at 8:30 pm, hosted by Mike Mercadal. Adrian Mesa, John Vargas and Raul Salazar are performing their acts.
Sunday, it's Brunch with Saulo on the front porch, where Saulo performs Jazzy and popular songs from Brazil and beyond while you enjoy Sunday brunch from 10:30 am to 2 pm.
Every Wednesday, Latin meets Jazz at THe Grove Spot from 8 to 11 pm. The Jeff Kipperman Trio performs next week, July 25.
There is no cover for any of these events. The Grove Spot is at 3324 Virginia Street.
And on Saturday, July 21, it's Stand Up Comedy at 8:30 pm, hosted by Mike Mercadal. Adrian Mesa, John Vargas and Raul Salazar are performing their acts.
Sunday, it's Brunch with Saulo on the front porch, where Saulo performs Jazzy and popular songs from Brazil and beyond while you enjoy Sunday brunch from 10:30 am to 2 pm.
Every Wednesday, Latin meets Jazz at THe Grove Spot from 8 to 11 pm. The Jeff Kipperman Trio performs next week, July 25.
There is no cover for any of these events. The Grove Spot is at 3324 Virginia Street.
Neighbors concerned about rise in crime
Neighbors in the South Grove are concerned about crime and they have called an emergency meeting to speak about it. They have sent a letter to county Mayor Carlos Gimenez and asked him to attend.
Recent crimes in the six block area around Loquat, Avacado, Palmetto, Royal Palm, Franklin and Charles Avenue, borderd by Douglas Road and Hibiscus Street has neighbors on edge. There have been car and home breakins, gunpoint assaults, vandalism and thefts. And it's not just the South Grove, this was High Gear Cycling early this morning on Main Highway -- a break-in overnight.
While the neighbors feel that the City and NRO officers are on top of it, they feel the need for more enforcement in the area. Neighbor John Reid, along with our local Commander Richard Gentry will meet with neighbors on Tuesday, July 24 at the Plymouth Congregational Church inside the Pilgrim House. The meeting is scheduled to be from 7:15 to 8:30 pm.
I know that many don't like when I write about crime, but this is a concern and people need to know what is going on and to be alert wherever they are. Note that this is not just Coconut Grove, but it's happening all over, probably a sign of the poor economy and hard times. The Grove has less crime than most neighborhoods, but we are not immune by any means.
Free lunch from Ms. Cheezious (and Dickies) today
Dickies, the work clothing company, is celebrating their 90th birthday. To celebrate, they are partnering with food trucks in various cities. Miami is one and Ms. Cheezious, Reader's Choice in the Miami New Times as "Best Food Truck," is the truck! It's called the "90 Years Strong Tour."
The tour is hitting six markets around the country, handing out lunches, discounts and a chance to win free Dickies gear. And today, July 19, free lunch (sandwich and a beverage and fries) will be given out!
"Hardworking Americans are responsible for what Dickies is today," said Matthew McCartin, vice president of marketing for Williamson-Dickie Mfg. Co. "It's only fitting that we celebrate our 90-year milestone by acknowledging both their support of our brand and their overall contributions to society."
Over the past nine decades, Dickies has outfitted generations of workers, from military to construction workers and everyone in between, both on and off the job. Steeped in authenticity, Dickies is committed to providing innovative, durable and comfortable apparel at an incomparable value.
Miami, along with New York (under the Brooklyn Bridge!), Chicago, Dallas, Seattle and Los Angeles are part of the stops.
Join Ms. Cheezious today next to City Hall, behind the Expo Center, in back, at the waterfront, from 11:30 to 2:00 pm!
The tour is hitting six markets around the country, handing out lunches, discounts and a chance to win free Dickies gear. And today, July 19, free lunch (sandwich and a beverage and fries) will be given out!
"Hardworking Americans are responsible for what Dickies is today," said Matthew McCartin, vice president of marketing for Williamson-Dickie Mfg. Co. "It's only fitting that we celebrate our 90-year milestone by acknowledging both their support of our brand and their overall contributions to society."
Over the past nine decades, Dickies has outfitted generations of workers, from military to construction workers and everyone in between, both on and off the job. Steeped in authenticity, Dickies is committed to providing innovative, durable and comfortable apparel at an incomparable value.
Miami, along with New York (under the Brooklyn Bridge!), Chicago, Dallas, Seattle and Los Angeles are part of the stops.
Join Ms. Cheezious today next to City Hall, behind the Expo Center, in back, at the waterfront, from 11:30 to 2:00 pm!
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Montessori school in North Grove not happening
Neighbors in the North Grove are cheering tonight. The Montessori school proposal was withdrawn tonight at the Planning and Zoning Board meeting by the school's owner, Joan Rodriguez . She said that the neighbors opposition was reason to withdraw her plan to put a school in a residential neighborhood. Most felt, or rather knew, that it was not going to happen. Too many big shots (and politicians) were not going to allow it.
She may decide to place the school elsewhere in the future. Hopefully in a properly zoned area, you know, somewhere where schools are permitted.
If only all things went this well. It would have made the Home Depot fight years ago so much easier. At the same meeting tonight, Midtown neighbors were fighting a Wal-Mart intrusion. Most neighbors don't want that, the only ones seemed to be a few elderly folks who thought it would be a convenience, so they were willing to sell their neighbors out for that. Hopefully Wal-Mart will not get special zoning and ruin the new Midtown/Wynwood area. It doesn't belong there.
She may decide to place the school elsewhere in the future. Hopefully in a properly zoned area, you know, somewhere where schools are permitted.
If only all things went this well. It would have made the Home Depot fight years ago so much easier. At the same meeting tonight, Midtown neighbors were fighting a Wal-Mart intrusion. Most neighbors don't want that, the only ones seemed to be a few elderly folks who thought it would be a convenience, so they were willing to sell their neighbors out for that. Hopefully Wal-Mart will not get special zoning and ruin the new Midtown/Wynwood area. It doesn't belong there.
Christmas in July at Shake-A-Leg on Sunday
It's Christmas in July at Shake-A-Leg Miami at their monthly Family Fun Day by the Bay this Sunday, July 22. From 3 to 7 pm, come out and enjoy boat rides to the islands offshore, kayaking, sailing and lots of food!
There will be a magician, facing painting, arts and crafts, a bounce house, dunk tank, cotton candy and popcorn.
For the adults there's a silent auction, raffles and giveaways.
Shake-A-Leg Miami is at 2620 S. Bayshore Drive, for info, please call 305-585-5550 ext. 123.
There will be a magician, facing painting, arts and crafts, a bounce house, dunk tank, cotton candy and popcorn.
For the adults there's a silent auction, raffles and giveaways.
Shake-A-Leg Miami is at 2620 S. Bayshore Drive, for info, please call 305-585-5550 ext. 123.
"Sneakerheads" are thrilled about the new Soles
Soles, Inc., is getting ready to open at 3030 Grand Avenue (the former American Apparel store, across from CocoWalk).
Soles is a "sneaker boutique," with locations in South Beach and Sawrgrass Mills and the Boca Town Center. Coconut Grove and a location on Las Olas Blvd. in Ft. Lauderdale are the next two locations to open, so we're in good company.
Soles has a big fan base, called "Sneakerheads," who hopefully will visit the Grove often. The store is a place to get the most limited and exclusive items like Nikes, Jordans and other items like G-shock watches, tee shirts, hats and accessories from exclusive streetwear brands like Pink Dolphin, Billionaire Boys Club and others.
It's the place for Nike Air Max, Air Pippen, Good Wood Jewelry and Moon Life jewelry. So many famous athletes have an affinity for Soles, Inc. So many hang out at Greenstreets, they'll mostl likely stop by Soles to check out new merchandise. The South Beach location is always crawling with celebrites and rappers, so who knows who will pop up here. The UM students love Soles, so we'll probably be seeing a lot more of them in the Grove once Soles opens.
Quote from a Tweeter: "I melt every time I pass this store." And another: "Soles Inc. is calling my name."
Soles is a "sneaker boutique," with locations in South Beach and Sawrgrass Mills and the Boca Town Center. Coconut Grove and a location on Las Olas Blvd. in Ft. Lauderdale are the next two locations to open, so we're in good company.
Soles has a big fan base, called "Sneakerheads," who hopefully will visit the Grove often. The store is a place to get the most limited and exclusive items like Nikes, Jordans and other items like G-shock watches, tee shirts, hats and accessories from exclusive streetwear brands like Pink Dolphin, Billionaire Boys Club and others.
It's the place for Nike Air Max, Air Pippen, Good Wood Jewelry and Moon Life jewelry. So many famous athletes have an affinity for Soles, Inc. So many hang out at Greenstreets, they'll mostl likely stop by Soles to check out new merchandise. The South Beach location is always crawling with celebrites and rappers, so who knows who will pop up here. The UM students love Soles, so we'll probably be seeing a lot more of them in the Grove once Soles opens.
Quote from a Tweeter: "I melt every time I pass this store." And another: "Soles Inc. is calling my name."
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