Thursday, December 1, 2011

These two art projects should be in the Grove

A unique project called the "Palm Authority Project" is being sponsored by our friend and Grove neighbor Rafael Gutierrez of Projectors on the Go. This is five inflatable hands by New York based artist Esmeralda Kosmatopoulos. They are crystal fabric, 10 feet high.

Learn about how these gigantic hands through the voices of Children from Latin America and The Caribbean tells us about ourselves.

Esmeralda uses palm reading as a metaphor to represent the way society shapes the individual; the way the lines or creases of the hand supposedly foretell an individual's personality and future mirrors the way in which a society dictates the lifestyle or social nature of an individual

The installation at the corner of Biscayne Blvd. and NE 2 Street consists of inflated hands along with audio playing, from 10 am to 10 pm each day through December 4, 2011.

You can see how the hands were developed at Esmeralda's
Kick Starter page, where she raised money for the project.

Also, during Art Basel this weekend, Coconut Grove artist Aleloop will present her 10 Mini Cooper wrapped cars all around Wynwood in the form of flash mobs. The colorful cars will stop at various intersections and "flash." They may also interact with the Food Truck roundup on Saturday night in Wynwood.

Aleloop also is part of a live wall painting project in Wynwood. Both the car flash mob and the live wall painting (there is the wall at Mayfair that was used last year where artist Andrea Sampaolo painted on the walls), should have been here in Coconut Grove. I wonder if the Mini Cooper flash mob still can, after all, it's just cars driving through town and stopping to show off their wrapped selves.


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