There is a settlement on the table regarding the City of Miami and Mr. Moe's. I had heard about it but until there was actual proof, I didn't want to publish anything, but here is the resolution authorizing the Director of Finance to pay Moheb, Inc, doing business as Mr. Moe's, the total sum of $10,000 in full and allowing Mr. Moe's to go back to it's 5 am bar closing time, which means last call is now back to 5 am at Mr. Moe's (3131 Commodore Plaza).
This special exception is granted to Mr. Moe's only and will not be transferable to any other business that takes over the location if Mr. Moe's was ever to leave. Moe's celebrated their 10th anniversary last month.
I am told that this will all be made legal at the next City Commission meeting, which is scheduled for Thursday. Finally, will this ugly part of Coconut Grove history be over? The battle divided Grovites for such a long time.
It seems like such a lot of strife for nothing now if this all is absolved on Thursday.
There are those who feel that John ElMasry is selling out by agreeing to settle, but I see it as winning. Why would he not finally put this all to bed and take his 5 am license back and also take the money? He has lost so much over the years and now maybe can start rebuilding his business. 5 am may not mean too much at this point, but the perception that "the Grove is back," may help, also Mr. Moe's lost after hours business, mostly by the service industry and that may come back, too.
Others feel that there should have been some notification to the public, since so many of the Grove neighbors were quite verbally in favor of the 3 am last call time, rather than 5 am.
I have always felt that Mr. Moe's should have been grandfathered in regarding the law, simply because it was the right thing do to, also it gives Coconut Grove an even playing field when it comes to last call times in the City of Miami, but with this one location only, and all the damage that has been done to the Grove already, does this really even matter anymore?
Time will tell.
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