The masthead has gone a bit retro (by a couple of years) to celebrate the upcoming King Mango Strut's 30th Anniversary! On Saturday, December 31, the King Mango Strut will take to the streets of Coconut Grove at 2 pm.
This masthead is from the "Gripevine" group, who marched and parodied us in the 2009 parade, you can see the purple balloon Gripers here. It was such an honor, AnnaMaria Windisch-Hunt, from the Windisch-Hunt Gallery, came up with the concept, and so many friends joined in. It was the largest group that year and you really could not miss those big purple balloons coming down the street.
They parodied the Grapevine and the politics of the that year and the Anonymous commenters, which we had a lot of back then.
The Grapevine will soon be seven years old. It's been that long! Lucky seven. In honor of that, we have lowered our ad rates by a lot. Take a look at them here.
The Grapevine is read by all of you daily, isn't this where you want your ad to be seen? We actually publish stories and the news daily, we're fresh every day and we don't charge for inclusion in our Calendar of Events like other publications do, which makes us the only place to see what's really going on since we include every event in Coconut Grove, not just the ones who pay for the privilege.
The Grapevine is published as a community service, not as a money maker. And our stories are fresh, appearing when they actually happen. To keep it going, how about an ad or two? Support us, we support you. The Miami Herald and The Huffington Post both link to us, among so many others, people see your ads when they click over to us from those major publications and those links bring us lots of readers.
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