Shake-A-Leg Miami is the beneficiary this year because this past January Woody Beckham, the cousin of one of the organizers's of Hallowpalooza, Lucy Foerster, suffered a spinal cord injury that has left him paralyzed from the chest down. "Let me tell you that this injury hasn't stopped The Woodman from being the amazing young gentlemen that he is and who he aspires to be. He is spreading awareness every where he goes and wants to give back to his new community. So let's lend a hand by spreading the word and raise some serious money," says Lucy.
Shake-A-Leg Miami is the Coconut Grove organization that uses the marine environment to improve the health, education, independence and quality of life for all with an emphasis on individuals with physical, developmental and economic challenges.
Trivia night is at 7:30, cost is $10 per person.
Any questions or want to know more about Shake-A-Leg Miami email Lucy.Foerster@gmail.com. If you would like to make a donation and can't attend she'll give you more instructions to do so.
Don't forget to follow Hallopalooza on twitter at @HallowpaloozaFL
They also have a facebook event page check it out and RSVP here.
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