The City is over $60 million in the hole and needs to cut back, I may have a solution. How about these guys? Get rid of them. Or at least tone them down a bit.
It doesn't look bad here, but every Friday, these trash pick up guys block traffic for sometimes blocks. No matter what street you turn down, there they are blocking traffic. Usually they block both lanes of traffic so cars are backed up in both directions.
It never fails that when you're in a rush, there they are like huge prehistoric monsters, blocking your path for long periods of time.
More than one person has approached me about this and said that a good way for the City to save money would be to stop the weekly pick-ups and go down to monthly. That may work. Instead of having these guys on every single street on Fridays, how about having certain zones for pick-ups so that they will not be everywhere at once.
The North Grove could be the first Friday of the month, the South Grove the second Friday and so on. It would save tax dollars and also save wear and tear on peoples' nerves when trying to navigate around these contraptions.
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