Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Mutual admiration society at Great Grove Bed Race

We have all fallen in love with Vanilla Ice and want to adopt him for Coconut Grove. He was totally amazing at the Great Grove Bed Race. He fit right in with the event and the crowd and he made a lot of fans that day. But an interesting thing is that Vanilla Ice became a fan of some of our Grove people on Bed Race day.

Michelle Niemeyer, chair of the Village Council became quite chummy with Ice over her campaign song. Grovite Ryan Stone (shown below) wrote a song called "Go Higher," for Michelle's campaign, she is running for the District 2 Commission seat. Ryan told Michelle she can do what she wants with the song, use it anywhere and any place she pleased, so of course, she used it for her theme at the Bed Races. Each team is allowed to have anything played as their bed is presented and raced.

So as Michelle's bed came up to race, Ryan's "Go Higher" played and Vanilla Ice started dancing. He really got into it. He took his cell phone out and Shazamed it. Shazam is a program where you can discover what a song is by holding the phone up to the song that is playing, the Shazam program will then tell you the name of the song, the artist and where you can buy it.

So through the song, Ice noticed Michelle and her team. He followed them throughout the races all day and was quite impressed at the point when Michelle got out of the bed and actually pushed the bed with the crew for one of the races. He made a point of announcing this and joked about her being a politician who really knew how to run. I was standing in the center of the track at the time talking with photographer Javier Lopez-Resende when we heard this and looked up and saw Michelle getting ready to run, we got a kick out of it.

And that is when Vanilla Ice became a fan of Michelle's, along with being a fan of her campaign song. He loved her so much that he threw her one of his "Vanilla Ice Awards."

You can check out "Go Higher" here along with Ryan and the band's other songs. You'll love their sound. I always have and you'll see why Vanilla Ice is a fan of Ryan Stone's song and Michelle Niemeyer's campaign.

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