Thursday, May 26, 2011

Sailing Club's new lease is set to go before City

The Coconut Grove Village Council will prepare a resolution approving the City's new lease agreement with the Coconut Sailing Club, which will go before the City Commission on June 9.

At last week's Village Council meeting Allyn Pruett and other members of the board of the Sailing Club explained the new lease to the council board, which ironically meets at the Sailing Club each month.

The Sailing Club has not had a lease since 2000, they are there on a month-to-month basis. They have been there since 1946. Recently many changes have been imposed at the club by the city and state. The mooring fields in the bay out back are now open to anyone who wishes to rent them. The renters do not have to be members of the Sailing Club to make use of the mooring field rental opportunity.

The new Sailing Club lease will be for five years with two five year extension options. They are required to repair the existing docks on premises and they are responsible for updating the mooring fields to make them more environmentally friendly. Also, as part of their new deal, the club is offering $10,000 in scholarships each year to needy children for summer camps and sailing instructions.

When the City's new Waterfront Master Plan starts, which could be years away, the Sailing Club will move a bit north and the current location will be turned into an open green park.

The current lease for the club is $30,000 per year or 7.5% of their profits, whichever is higher, usually the 7.5% is higher. The new lease will cost the club from $220,000 to $230,000 a year if you include the new lease of $70,000 per year plus all incentives. The club pays for all maintenance, real estate taxes and insurance.

The cost is about $250 a year for members, there is no initiation fee at the moment. There are currently about 2000 members, which is about 780 families. Members are not all Grovites. To rent out in the mooring fields, the cost is $140 per month plus $9 per foot according to the size of the boat, the second year, the cost goes down to $60 per month plus the $9 per foot fee.

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