That's Grovite AnnaMaria Windisch-Hunt, far right, with some extras, on the set of the new movie "Rock of Ages," filming in South Florida these days. The film stars Alec Baldwin and Tom Cruise. It's a funny story how AnnaMaria ended up being an extra in the movie.
The producers were looking for specific cars from the 1980s, which is the period of the movie, and AnnaMaria thought her car would fit the bill, so she sent photos to the casting person as instructed. The car was accepted. It was perfect, and just funky enough for the movie and so was AnnaMaria!
They actually cast her as an extra without really seeing her. After the car was accepted, the casting director started asking about AnnaMaria, through email, he asked her to send a photo of herself, which she did, and she was cast on the spot!
AnnaMaria has a nice way of writing, I always told her I liked her writing style and I guess that's what attracted the casting director to her personality; and she got the extra position, even though she wasn't looking for it!
So yesterday, she spent the day in Hollywood (Florida, not California) on the set of "Rock of Ages," doing her extra work.
There was also a bit of excitement, too. As this photo below was being taken, a police chase and crash was taking place up the street, everyone thought it was part of the movie, especially when one of the movie barricades was crashed into, but it was the real thing -- Hollywood, FL police in pursuit of a criminal who ended up in the crash.
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