Silverado is offering 15% off all jewelery over $65 and also 20% off all siver or gold buckles including vintage concho belts for their Memorial Day Weekend special. This offer is good through June 1, 2011.
Silverado is located at 3092 Fuller Street, you may call them at 305-744-2447.
Kiki Hamann Canine Couture is now open on the 2nd level of CocoWalk. For one day only, Monday May 30, 2011, bring your pooch to Kiki Hamann Canine Couture for a free pampering session!
*Please tip for service on these free pampering sessions.
Monday, May 30, 2011, Military Personnel, Police Officers and Firefighters, celebrate at Central Beer Garden on the 4th level of CocoWalk with a free drink for your service! Also, enjoy $2 Bud Light, 2 for 1 drink specials and 20% off food with your military, police or fire ID.
Bice Bistro at CocoWalk offers a $4.25 breakfast on Saturday and Sunday from 10:30 am to 1:30 pm.