The next month and beyond will be quite busy in the Grove, regarding art.
The First Saturday Gallery Walk is Saturday, November 6. As usual, all the galleries from the Mayfair Promenade down to Commodore Plaza and in between, will be full of art, music, food and drink. The weather is supposed to get chilly, so it should be a nice night for strolling around enjoying the scene.
On November 19-21, while we won't have the Mad Hatter to kick around, my friend Don Epstein is holding his Arts and Crafts Fair at the Mayfair Promenade, we'll get into more details on that next week.
Then back on Monday, November 29, the Grove will be where Art Basel starts with a night of art from one end to the other, a sort of Gallery Walk. New art will be displayed throughout the Grove that Monday night, there will be trolleys taking people from one gallery to the next and there's even an after party. It's the Grove's way of celebrating Art Basel.
Lots of large sculptures by artist John Angee will fill the Mayfair Atrium. There seems to be a lot of interest in this, because we hear that after we ran our story on John last week, he got a lot of response from folks looking him up. So this should be a great installation.
The next night, November 30, it's the Concierge Connection, where lots of local concierges from nearby hotels will be wined and dined all night. The galleries will be the main feature again, showing the visiting concierges what the Grove has to offer their hotel guests.
And then less than a week after that, it's December 4, and Gallery Walk night again, this time, many of the Mad Hatter artists will be invited back to partake of the night.
The beautiful part of all this is that all Grovites are invited to enjoy and it's right outside our doors. The art will change out for each event, so there will be plenty of new art to see.
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