You may have seen the Peace Flags in the Wind exhibit at the Windisch-Hunt Gallery, they were installed in conjunction with the visit from Ngawang Sungrab Phagyab Rinpoche the Tibetan Buddhist last month. Now you can create flags for the Peace Flags in the Wind tour at a workshop on November 6.
The event is sponsored by Joseph Lawrence Vasile, Miami artist and educator along with What the Flower, Inc. Above, Juan Salamanca stands under many of the flags on display at the gallery. Juan was inspired to create 32 of them, while many students did up to 10. Juan is working on a t-shirt design to promote the flags in a Mandala design, called a Juandala, after himself.
Joseph's peace flags have traveled across the country starting in Miami at the ‘Jade Buddha for Universal Peace’ and making stops at the Jacqus Marqauis Museum of Tibetan Art, which is the oldest Tibetian Museum in the United States. The Flags journeyed to the Rosa Parks Museum during an exhibit where a workshop was held for the public in Montgomery, Alabama.
All flags created at the November 6 workshop will be unveiled during the Panama City workshop. A workshop will be held in Panama City, Florida on November 20 at “the Breakers” and those flags will be unveiled in Haiti in early 2011 with the Children of Haiti Enhancement Foundation.
Join in celebrating with the school that launched over 1500 peace flags at Ruben Dario Middle School in Miami, hosts to award winning art and music programs with 2012 Rookie Teacher of the Year Nominee, Aramais Gonzales and 2011 and 2012 Teacher of the Year Nominee Joseph Lawrence Vasile.
For more information, call at 772-480-3131.
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