At last week's Village Council meeting, Council Member, Kate Callahan brought up the subject of the Miami Parking Authority (MPA). She mentioned how many people approach her with disgust over the way the MPA runs the off street parking in the City.
People told her of broken meters, meters taking money and not giving parking time, rude MPA employees and more. Just this weekend we saw one meter reader hovering over a car, giving a couple of tourists a hard time, their meter was not even expired, but they saw her checking their car out, putting the license plate into her contraption and doing some sort of check. It caused them enough consternation to get in the car and leave the Grove -- early on a Saturday night -- two paying customers off to spend their money elsewhere.
The Village Council hopes to have an MPA official at a future Council meeting to explain the reason for their total incompetence. Email us your horror stories, we'll be sure to add them to Kate's laundry list.
Before he was elected, Mayor Tomas Regalado claimed he would reign in the MPA, so far nothing has been done except the proliferation of meters, tickets and rudeness at an alarming rate.
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