Almost 100 people showed up for Monday night's Eat, Think, and Be Merry! (ETBM) Science Café program. Above, panelists for "Plumes and Tar Balls and Uncertainty! Oh MY!" were Dr. Jim Fourqurean (FIU); John Dolson (DSP Geosciences and Associates) and Dr. Gary Thomas (RSMAS - U. of Miami).
Adrienne M.S. Correa, coordinator of the monthly lecture series introduced the speakers on the timely subject of oil spills and how to cope and prevent future spills.
The audience was enthralled with the talk. ETBM provides a casual environment in which people can learn about ongoing marine research and discuss ocean issues, particularly as they relate to Florida. To get updates on ETBM events, please join their facebook group or email
Photos by Thiago Simoes Correa
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