Glenn Terry and the Coconut Grove Players, Inc. had a board meeting last night, they are planning on going ahead with the King Mango Strut Parade the last Sunday of the year. A few weeks ago Coconut Grove Players, Inc. applied for a permit to put on the parade on December 26, 2010.

We are not privy to the meetings of the other King Mango Group, the King Mango Strut, Inc., that met on Monday night. Through the "grapevine," another one, not this one, we heard that the group was trying to remove Glenn from their current board. We're not sure how that went, but he seems happy with being on the board of his own group.
This all reminds us of the Coconut Grove Chamber, there are two factions there. It's amazing anything gets done, but one faction put on one hell of a networker at Mad Men Monday this week and they have some hell of a July 4th planned.
The other faction doesn't seem to want to help with July 4th, they have avoided networkers, July 4th planning meetings and won't even put out calls for volunteers as they do for their own Chamber events. We stayed away from the Installation Luncheon earlier this month as to avoid all the rancor between the two factions. At this point it seems the Chamber is all about events and nothing about commerce.
That being said, the Chamber is in need of volunteers to man beer booths and other things on July 4th in Peacock Park. The only shifts open at this late date are the later times like around fireworks time and a bit before. If you would like to volunteer, please contact David at
What's with the nasty cops, mostly on weekends, when our regular friendly neighborhood cops are not around? Just this weekend one nasty lady cop ticketed a guy because he pulled over to take a cell phone call. He was in a no parking zone, but he wasn't parked, he just pulled over to take a phone call. He sat in the car for a couple of minutes to talk with the car running. He never left the car and only was trying to be safe by not talking on the phone and driving.
Another nasty cop on a motorcycle will ticket anyone in site. He ticked one person on Commodore Plaza who was just waiting for a parking spot. He was cited for double parking, but he was just waiting for a car to leave a metered spot so he could take it.
Why is the CVS on Coral Way much cheaper on the same exact items than the CVS in the Grove? Same with Walgreens and especially with Starbucks, which charges premiums for the same exact coffee in the Grove than at other locations throughout the Miami area. Truth be told: McDonald's has the best coffee, we run into Grovites there all the time getting their fix.
Which society matron donated clothing to the This 'n That shop on Commodore Plaza, only to see a friend wearing some of her donated clothing a day later, purchased at the shop?
What local tree hugger was caught (and video taped) illegally cutting down trees early on a Friday morning and then stashing the cuttings into a waiting pick up truck, which took off like a bat out of hell before anyone could see? No, it's not Santa.
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